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Mysteriesof the game . ( the gem )


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I ve finished the game and i have a few question ....:



- After killing the blackjedis ( the one in the black suits ) , they drop a green gem ..... what is it for????



-when fighting Desann they are 2 levers on the top floor . When it s activated there is a red beam in the center of the room. Does anybody know what it is for?



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- The force crystal takes gives you full force power when you pick it up. Storyline wise... well it resists your lightsabre


- I haven't tried it, but if you jump through the beam it boosts your force ability. I think you may need to pull some levers first to activate it though.

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hello all u rookies, wen i went into he beam i noticed it effected my force stuff how fun, and after i completed the game i went back to have fun with desann, with the cheats or as i say what ive earnd(from completin the game) ne way i went into the beam with god mode on and after the hypnotic yellow balls go away god mode gets turned off so i rekon that it jus makes u invinible 4 a bit. And another thing i killed desann in like 2 seconds want me 2 tell u how, OK. after about ten goes of usin force lightning and push on him and gettin killed i went thru the powers, then i used force speed and ren bhind him and slashed his back and he died before he could shout in pain. hope that helps u rookies if not try destroying the pillars in the room , jus remember to get desann near them b4 slashing the last bit or ull die not him :cool:

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God...what is up with people these days, just trying to read these posts makes my head hurt. How about all the nine-year olds just leave. Also, calling us "rookies" seems to infer that you must be better than the other people who posted here. Using such advanced tactics as "speed" and "running behind Desann" isn't exactly up there with 'l33t sk1lz'.

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I just found out about the red beam also, but I didn't need it. Actually, I was let down by the ending 'cause I beat Desaan in all of 30 seconds. I had to repaly the level a couple more times to get any satisfaction out of it.


First, Desaan and I are facing off. I turn on Force Speed and run towards him. I then Force Jump. I land behind him and swing my saber to the side...hit #1. Desaan turns around and jumps over me. While he's in the air I swing upwards...hit #2. Dessan lands behind me, I step to the side and make a wide sweeping swing...hit #3. Desaan swings at me I step back and to the left, then I move forward and swing to the right...hit #4. Desaan falls, and I'm thinking "Wow. That was easy. It can't be over." Desaan then starts to grip his saber, "I thought so." I think to myself. But I was let down...Game Over.



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I just fought him regularly until I saw an opening, at which point I force pushed him to the ground and hit him with a heavy slash. 2 of those plus a couple smaller hits inbetween and he died.


I just wish they hadn't given him such insane force powers; his Grip is virtually unbreakable...

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Desann dies in 3 clean Strong Style hits. Or, if you can hit him with the patented n00bmove, one hit. Honestly, Desann is like a lame online player: strong style, only used push, grip, and lightning, and is pretty easy to beat.

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I wouldn't mind him fighting me with sabre alone (with passive powers) and not the grip and other offensive powers. Then it would be a classic duel as most of the damage he does to me is when I am a bit away from him. I would love to fight him the long-and-awesome way but as long as he grips and pushes and pulls etc I don't get the luxury of that type of combat. So I need to use the beam. I do not do the behind the back thing. But I do use the beam - I had no idea what it did, but I thought it increased my sabres damage.


You learn something new every day!

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