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Guest Kioet Csuhen

as long as they don't go over the edge and throw popup banners in our faces. I hate popup banners. whoever made them should have a burning hot metal stake stabbed through their legs repeatedly.

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Guest Aristotle

Let me see if I can help answer some of these questions.


1) First off, this week the LucasGames.Com Network joined the UGO.Com network... joining such sites as Bluesnews.com, VoodooExtreme and Shacknews, etc.


2) As a result, you will start to see some ads on the LucasGames.Com network of sites.. and NO, you will never see pop-ups on the forums of any of our sites.


3) Why ads? It's a simple answer. Our network of sites use a tremendous amount of bandwidth and resources to say the least.. and who do you think pays for that? ... naturally we have to..right out of our pockets, and we don't do this for a living... it's a hobby of ours we enjoy a great deal. These ads will at least help us pay for some of our growing costs.


4) The most important reason of all... better service for you. This week, we started moving the entire network onto one central server for the first time ever.. and it's a dandy of a server with the resources to give the LucasArts gaming community new features unlike its ever seen before. Sites will be about 3x faster, downloads faster and you will shortly see numerous additional goodies for all our visitors.


These days everyone should be used to ads... they are a common everyday thing on the net for purposes of being able to bring readers what we bring them.


Just hold tight and watch the network announcements over the next few weeks and you will understand. :)

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Originally posted by Wraith 5

I don't mind the ads, but i was just wondering if the ad on the top of the page can go below the gb banner???


It just seems out of place where it is now...


That's what I thought too, it's not that obtrusive at the moment but it would fit better beneath the logo.



edit - it can be done, I've just checked, but I'm not doing it because I don't think it's up to me to make these decisions on the forum.



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Well someone did do it, and i think it looks better there :):):)


The only other thing (and this is getting realy picky i know) would be if you could get the location bar " The Premier Galactic Battlegrounds Forums > Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds > Off-Topic Discussion > Adds?" under the add...


Sorry if i am being to picky, just trying to help in what little way i can...

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Originally posted by Aristotle

and who do you think pays for that? ... naturally we have to..right out of our pockets, and we don't do this for a living... it's a hobby of ours we enjoy a great deal. These ads will at least help us pay for some of our growing costs.


*hugs aristotle* *hugs Chris* Thanks, guys! :D

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Very clever stuff, I get UK related ads, thought it would be a bit odd if you guys were getting info about Leeds United v Chelsea being live on ITV Sport ;)



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