H.B.M.C. Posted April 7, 2002 Share Posted April 7, 2002 I think it's time we had a current SW game. I was slightly annoyed when I found out that JKII was only 8 years since The Battle of Endor (we're nearly at 20/past 20 years now). I wanna see what Kyle's been up to during the NJO. BYE Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evan Nash Posted April 7, 2002 Share Posted April 7, 2002 I think it's a BIT too early to be talking about JK3. But, if they do make the game, I'd like a new main character to play. Nothing against Kyle, he just really isn't that much of a cool character in my opinion. I'd rather be playing Luke or something. Maybe an expansion or something where you play the BAD GUYS for once... You'd end up "losing" in the end of course, but it would be a welcome change. But, with Star Wars Galaxies coming out this year (knock on wood), no game will matter then. =) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chewie Bakker Posted April 7, 2002 Share Posted April 7, 2002 In my opinion, there should be a full Jedi/Sith game, where there's no blasters and stuff, and maybe the choice of your own saber components (could be a sub-game in the game, putting the crystals together). Make the lightsaber more resourceful (Blade extenders, double-bladed option, etc...), and let only the npcs and bots have blasters and other such weapons. There could be a special addition to "Force pull," where instead of saber throwing for alternative fire you could have 5 shots of the weapon you pulled. Debating wether there should be lots of bombs and stuff, since the Dark Side like their bombs, and demolition could become part of solving certain maps. I agree with Creston on the expansion of the lightsaber techniques. Maybe you could be able to choose 3 or 4 out of a dozen or so stances, each with their certain strengths (defensive, strength, speed, etc...) or maybe have their lightsaber abilities wax and wane with their Force mastery (e.g. Obi-Wan and Darth Maul at prime agility yet had a lot to learn about the Force, while Yoda and the Emperor were at peak Force mastery but had lost a lot of their physical prowess). It would be challenging to be at Padawan-almost-Knight level taking on a Sith Master who could block blaster bolts with their hands (never saw the Emperor with a lightsaber), and could fry you to a crisp with lightning. Anyway, they're just a few of my ideas. I think it would be really cool to have a pure Jedi/Sith game, where only npcs and bots carry the shooters. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eddie4000 Posted April 7, 2002 Share Posted April 7, 2002 4 options for JK3 1) Play as Tavion 2) Mara Jade 3) My Favourite idea is to have say 20 huge expansive levels in which you only have to visit certain parts as certain characters, and being able to choose from about 20 characters new and old, giving you a chance to do some things as a young padawan and then visit the same area as Boba Fett 4) Something like Unreal Tournament where its classic locations and just fights against various ohers giving you a lot of choice in character customization Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mafia_Jabba Posted April 7, 2002 Share Posted April 7, 2002 about th gray hair dude....ANYONE can have gray hair..it can be e xtremely premature Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pvt_Dancer Posted April 7, 2002 Share Posted April 7, 2002 You guys think Kyle is too old? Obi Wan was much older when he went galavanting around. And Yoda was 400 years old by the time he died or something. I thought Jedi could extend their lives? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Irimi-Ai Posted April 7, 2002 Share Posted April 7, 2002 I really like Chewie Bakker's idea. That would be cool to have it all sabers and to be able to construct your lightsaber and to select its features by buying them with points. Now THAT would be a game! Irimi-Ai Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mithiril Posted April 7, 2002 Share Posted April 7, 2002 The Dark Forces series wouldn't be Dark Forces with out Kyle Katarn. If there is another installment in the series, it needs to bring someone that I find was oddly missing from the three other games.. Han Solo, theres not been one FPS with Han Solo in it! Whats with that?! No, I don't mean play as Han Solo, I mean have Han Solo appear as a cameo like Lando or Luke did.. And if the developers can get Harrison Ford to do the voice (which is not going to happen) then the developers know how to get a deal made. A prequel wouldn't be bad.. Takes place between JK and MotS, Kyle is still a Jedi, and etc.. Kyle wouldn't have grey hair and would look good in a leather jacket. As for having this new game coming at all and staring Kyle Katarn, I'm all for that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HolySmiter Posted April 7, 2002 Share Posted April 7, 2002 I hope they use the upcoming Doom 3 engine. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chewie Bakker Posted April 7, 2002 Share Posted April 7, 2002 Yoda says: Quote When 900 years old you age, look as good you will not. Pvt_Dancer: I think what everyone's trying to say is that this is Kyle's 4th game (that I'm aware of), and people are getting sick of playing as him. No offense, Mr Katarn, but variety is the spice of life. I don't hate Kyle, in fact, I believe the reason he's had so many sequels is that his character is one that is enjoyable, and Kyle's constant struggle between the light and dark side, and his attitude... Quote The Dark Side? I've been there. Do your worst. I think maybe it's time Kyle stood out of the limelight, and maybe took a support role. One possible sequel (and after the success of this one, I'm predicting there WILL be sequel) is that Kyle becomes a fully-fledged Jedi and Luke finds a student who wavers between the light and dark as Kyle did. Kyle ends up becoming Master to this troubled student, and you get to play as his apprentice. Maybe the first level could be you and Kyle going on a mission... Jedi Outcast rocks! I'd hate to see this be the last of an excellent series. LONG LIVE JEDI KNIGHT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
csnowden Posted April 8, 2002 Share Posted April 8, 2002 Someone above mentioned that they wanted another space sim such as X-wing or Tie fighter. Personally, I want a combination of the space sim type of gameplay with the FPS style of JO. Ever since the days of the orignal Dark Forces and X-wing I have dreamed of being able to pilot ships and blast stormtroopers in the same game. I still can't believe no one has done this yet. I think that would sell a gazillion copies. The AT-ST in JO was cool but, I want more. Have any of you guys ever played Operation Flashpoint? Something like that set in the star wars universe would be cool. Anyway, enough of my rambling. I knew there was areason I don't post much. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SaberPro Posted April 8, 2002 Share Posted April 8, 2002 I have no objections in making Jedi Knight III or Jedi Outcast 2, but this time remember to put the CD Key on Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darth Sane Posted April 8, 2002 Share Posted April 8, 2002 Kyle is getting pretty old in these.. I mean if your gonna grow a beard and use a saber, atleast get a cloak to ballance yourself out. Darkforces IV: Jedi Knight III: Jedi Outcast II: Jedi Master. *whew* When 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not, Hm? ~Kyle Katarn in Jedi Knight III Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coop Posted April 8, 2002 Share Posted April 8, 2002 The Operation Flashpoint idea... Yea, that would be cool. Being a rebel trooper in a trench in the battle of hoth sounds really cool. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Caster Posted April 8, 2002 Share Posted April 8, 2002 Okay, here's an idea that just popped into my head. Tavion comes back but she's unsure about sticking the dark side so she goes back to Kyle, who is pretty much the only jedi she ever met (and lost to). So, she goes to Kyle asking/wanting advice/training whatever, and over time, she starts taking a love interest in Kyle, thus a: Kyle - Jan - Tavion love triangle. Oh wait... We're not talking about soap operas... -Caster Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bartolo_JCS Posted April 8, 2002 Share Posted April 8, 2002 LOL @ topic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cj7816 Posted April 8, 2002 Share Posted April 8, 2002 Here's what I'd really like to see in the next installment (JKII expandsion, JKIII, a really good mod ... whatever): I'd like to fight on the bad guy's side like Opposing Force for HalfLife. I definitely want to see Han Solo (he's definitely my favorite SW character - so cinical... I love it). I love to fight as a Jedi in the Old Republic or in the Clone War era. I like Kyle Katarn but I'd like to experience a SW FPS from a different point of view. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
weegie246 Posted April 8, 2002 Share Posted April 8, 2002 I'm assuming that the pic on the cover of the instruction manual and the pic on page 2 are both of Kyle. If not, it'd still be cool to be a jedi who looks like this character. I like Kyle and all but it'd be cool to be a muscular character who looks more intimidating. Perhaps in the next game we could have a few characters to choose from. The game itself would be the same but these characters would have moves that were different enough to make the gameplay change. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
worm777 Posted April 8, 2002 Share Posted April 8, 2002 I think the next game they make should follow a Sith character at home with wife and kids. He can use the force to take the garbage out so his wife stops *****ing at him and force wack the kid across the head when he misbehaves. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
enDless_Deliriu Posted April 8, 2002 Share Posted April 8, 2002 If there was a new one, I agree with giving Katarn a rest as the main protagonist. Hell, EVEN Luke, Han, and Leia are starting to give it a rest with being in the lime-light and letting their children take over. If there was another Jedi Knight game, I'd say maybe set it in the Young Jedi Knight series time frame - New Jedi Order time frame. That way there is more chance for a force user and such. However, the title would be lengthy Hmm, maybe a game set during the galactic civil war period where you play as Mara Jade. She had some force training and the likes, but also did the whole blaster thing. Or if you set it later, do a female, I've also yet to see a Star Wars game star a female character. There are female jedi too, lets see some in places other than books! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShadowCell Posted April 9, 2002 Share Posted April 9, 2002 I suppose I could post this one more time: Dark Forces isn't Dark Forces without Kyle. He's the trademark of the Dark Forces games. But, I have an idea... You love the lightsaber battles? Let's send Kyle through time: perhaps he could go to some world that's the Dark Side equivalent of the Valley of the Jedi and Kyle gets sent through time. He can meet up with such foes as Exar Kun, the Emperor Palpatine, Darth Maul (Jedi Outcast saber battles were MADE for Darth Maul), and finally, a showdown with Darth Vader himself! Or we could make a game revolve mostly around Kyle and Tavion: as in, Kyle is now a fully-trained Jedi, and Tavion shows up on his doorstep one day demanding training. But why would a trained Force-user want training? The game progresses for a few missions, Kyle cuts off many enemy body parts, and we get to delve into Tavion's past. After several missions, Kyle begins to get the feeling that Tavion is tricking him: the missions are getting increasingly suicidal. Neutralizing the forces of an Imperial Star Destroyer? Obliterating a Remnant detention center? Infiltrating the Remnant HQ? Perhaps Tavion is tricking him... That's just my idea though. I bet Raven would laugh... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chewie Bakker Posted April 14, 2002 Share Posted April 14, 2002 Quote Dark Forces isn't Dark Forces without Kyle. He's the trademark of the Dark Forces games. True, but he could hand the torch to someone. Maybe take on an apprentice (male or female). Maybe even make it co-operative SP (Well, 2P), so that someone controls the Padawan and someone/computer controls the apprentice... That makes it about 4 cents on this subject now... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
farmerBob Posted April 14, 2002 Share Posted April 14, 2002 I had an idea that I posted in another thread, but I'll post it here too. I expanded on it a little bit in this thread. Two Different main character ideas: 1. You're one of the jedi trainees (the pony-tailed one... "Let the Force flow THROUGH YOU!"), standing guard over some captive shadow troopers and witness the end scene of JK2... (thus you are a newb force-user) 2. You're one of the monkey-lizard aliens from Desann's home planet.... the second one ever to be gifted with Force abilities and train at Luke's Jedi Academy. For an added story twist, perhaps you are even distantly related to Desann! This character would have to complete a basic training mission and construct his/her saber. Imagine getting to CHOOSE the color of crystal for your lightsaber!! WHOO! Gist of the story: Desann's spirit lingers on Yavin 4, and discovers a Massassi carbonite chamber containing several of the psychotic warriors deep in the bowels of an old Massassi temple. He releases one of the ancient warriors from its frozen sleep, and takes control of it. He then wakes up more of the Massassi warriors to continue his plan to destroy the Jedi Academy (*poof* instant Sith mini-army for you to fight). Luke sends you and several of your fellow trainees on a forraging/training mission in the Yavin 4 jungles. Your friends get captured by the Massassi when you stumble upon them doing something and you end up in a desperate race to save them. (thus, no help from Kyle or Luke) Along the way you could run into Desann's old Reborn, Storm, Swamp, and Shadow Troopers that evaded capture, scattered into the wilds, and regrouped for survival. There could be evil savage ewok cousins. For weapons you could possibly acquire some primitive tools like a poison blow-gun, a flaming arrow long bow, molotov cocktails in the form of explosive coconuts (no thermal det's). And of COURSE standard fare on any jungle planet... Speeder Bikes! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarthBanana Posted April 14, 2002 Share Posted April 14, 2002 I say we have a Corran Horn game. It would be a flight sim (flying X-wings) and first person. Actually the best game in the world would be to remake the book of I, Jedi into a game. This is just my opinion though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RabidPlatypus Posted April 14, 2002 Share Posted April 14, 2002 how bout a prequel where you play as that guy at the opening movie JK who cuts off Maw's legs. You would learn more about the story I guess Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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