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Rebels vs Naboo


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Having played both a few times now, I have found that the Rebels almost make the Naboo a redundant civ. I'm sure a lot of you will disagree, but both have superior air, and jedi, but I think the Rebel UU is superb. The snowspeeder is great for quick mech search and destroy missions, whilst the naboo UU for me is merely a good unit.


Also Rebels have better troopers by far, they are the better civ. The trade and nova bonuses that the naboo get dont make too much difference for me.


Let the flaming commence!

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this is true, but my point is this....


naboo and rebels are clearly the two leading air civs, this is obvious to all, and along with empire they are the best jedi civs. Naboo dosnt seem to have many other advantages, where the rebels do, e.g troops.


My point on snowspeeders is that they take out mechs in next to no time, and there speed and sheilding give good defence to AA. After Droid destroyers I think they are the best UU.


Hehe i knew you would be the first to 'burst some bubbles' as you put it.


:cool: :cool: :cool:

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The naboo have a terrible t4. They got a nice t2 and t3, but in t4, they suck. The rebels are great in all 4 levels and are far more versatile. The crusader is not what many expected it to be. The naboo's only ground strength is in bounties, and jedi. Other than that, they got air. Most experts agree that the naboo are not that impressive, but they are a viable civ in good hands.

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Guest Wanderer_Man

Actually the Naboo are better at Jedi overall because thier Jedi are 10 percent cheaper than Rebels (Taxation), additonally they can convert enemy Jedi which the Rebels can't, their air is superior was well (again 10 percent cheaper than the Rebels) Plus thier air has the +10 percent speed which makes it very nice.

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Originally posted by Com Raven

Naboo are a sea force to be reckoned with ...

They are surely No 2 civ after Gubngans on sea maps ...

Plus, Taxation makes building more units cheaper which slightly compensates that their Tech4 quality isn't the best one ...


You may well be right Com Raven but the big problem

with that is that not many people will plat water maps

and on land map's the Naboo are not two good,

in long games there best unit's all cost two much,

I play Gungans most of the time and people just don't

want to play on water map's I think that in Tech 4

the Naboo are well outcllased just my own opinion of course ;)

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