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Vader... work in progress...


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what would be better when hte vader skin is done.. his own frekaing campaign.. using ideas from such great books as shadows of the empire splinter of a minds eye.. I can imagine it now .. could there be a way where we could even create his tie advanced for some small space combat levels?? or atleast do some ground strafing action : )

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Hey Sithlord... just thought I'd post and give you support... the Darth Vader model looks great so far... I really hope you're able to add a nice cape to it and get the body proportions correct. Just as a suggestion... I think when he dies in game, he should have the sound of when Luke removes his hand in their final battle. Thank you for starting on this model... I've been waiting for one forever... may the force be with you... always.

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i'll have some pics up tonite

the model is exporting well into md3 format at least, no messed up model parts etc, have to wait and see about the xsi format and such...

and i'm gonna fill in the gapped parts tonite, the hips, and ankles


i have to bulk out the shin guards because as it is they just kinda sit there, they don't have any depth on his legs...

otherwise i think the model is progressing nicely


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Now, I'm not sayin' I could do better (since I've never done ANY editing), but the pics on page 5 look terrible... There IS a resemblence (spelling?), but no, no, no... Now, take a goooooood look at a picture of Vader, keep it visible at ALL times when doing this, cause this ain't on the right track, I'm sorry to say. How 'bout getting the model done properly first before even thinking about skinning? Well, the community has to start somewhere...

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well, disregarding that last post, here are some new shots of vader for today

i joined the model almost completely together, redid alot of the helm (note the texture on the helm will be redone now..)

face redesigned a bit with placeholder tusks in there.

ankles were completed and groin was finished, texture for groin still being done

i put the cape in there to show the model as it will eventually look





and i did this one up last nite, around 600-650 polys, can't remember


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Apparently you havn't been reading over the posts. He said he is going to fix a lot of things with the model. It takes time to get a model right, he is just being kind enough to post his progess along the way and getting suggestions. That sounded more like an insult than a suggestion.

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Sithlord... I have but one thing to say.... Wow... it looks excellent... looking at it closely... you may want to make the bridge of the nose a TAD bit smaller... but that's it... other than that it's basically perfect... amazing job.

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Originally posted by T-Dogg

Now, I'm not sayin' I could do better (since I've never done ANY editing), but the pics on page 5 look terrible... There IS a resemblence (spelling?), but no, no, no... Now, take a goooooood look at a picture of Vader, keep it visible at ALL times when doing this, cause this ain't on the right track, I'm sorry to say. How 'bout getting the model done properly first before even thinking about skinning? Well, the community has to start somewhere...


Well then retard, I await to see your ultra uber Vader model. You have 2 days to release it.


Bah. Nobody feed the trolls....

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Sithlord, that latest image of the full body you posted looks fantastic. One question, are you planning on doing the "undercloak" or "skirt" as some have described it as well as the cape? I'm sure that will be significantly more difficult to do, but I was just wondering. Also, make sure to post pics once the textures for the belt boxes and hands are done. I'm eagerly anticipating more pictures.... :)

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