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Vader... work in progress...


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I must say so far its looking EXCELLENT. I just can't wait until we can get some more models in game, I don't really like any of them now besides the Swamptrooper and Shadowtrooper. The only problem I see is that servers wont have them. Right now maybe 1 out of 10 are hosting the new *good* skins. I know because I download most, if not all... and none have them. =/


Still looking forward to the fett and vader models!

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ok here is a quick shot i made up, comparison image





the leg textures are almost complete, but unfortunately the UV mapping i was in the progress of was lost since 3dS crashed on me, before i had a chance to save, oh well, won't take long to fix


will have some new shots tomorrow as the torso texture is underway

and magician, right now the file is over 1mb, and since i use hotmail as well for email, it goes over the account limit

sorry - its because i have the mesh all torn apart with multiple copies everywhere


when i get it together,and have the mesh completed, i'll let you know - i'm still waiting on the tools to finish a few parts, such as several jointed areas

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hey guys

its now 3 am here, i've had to redo several parts on vader tonite... UV mapping, etc... nearing wits end, gonna quit for tonite, will have some more stuff done in a day or so

until then here are a few new shots, i redid the helmet and facemask textures tonite... the texture on the chest piece is essentially done, the torso is just a placeholder texture


this image is a bit big, don't want to run my limit out yet so here is a body shot of vader:



and this is the facemask texture if anyone wants to see it or play around... i found a few errors with my model for accuracy so i'm gonna be modifying this as well...


edit note; i still have to add the grill under the chin and between the mouth-piece bars... it will be a 10 minute thing

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The helmet looks very classy...looking forward to seeing the finished product.


MessiahErebus - I agree with you..the body does look out of proportion in that shot. However, I believe that once there's a proper texture, and it's not half hidden in the black background ;) that it'll look great.



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Hello, first of all great work on the model man, it looks really good. My question is obvious but I don't think anyone has asked you about the Vader models sound, taunts and stuff like that. Will you be adding sound to the model and if so were are going to get the sound? Would be cool if you could somehow take some taunts directly from the movie or something like that.

Hope you do inklude sound and I wish you good luck.

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his face has blue highlights in it...sort of undertones, i am gonna tone them down so that it doesn't come thru quite so strongly, but if you look at the mask in certain light you can see the metallic sheen has a bit of a blue/black tone to it. The head does need to be made bigger but all that stuff can be modified quite easily, as well as the legs, which i haven't scaled to proper body size yet. I figure i'll make him about the same size as desann or perhaps a bit smaller once i can actually import the model, that way i could perhaps use his skeleton if it is in fact different from the other characters...


and i am planning on adding in some sound effects, taunt sounds, etc, right now i have just 5 sampled fx out of the show set aside, that i downloaded from that vadermaker australia site -they are really clear and resampled sounds such as him breathing, saying 'impressive', 'if you only knew the power of teh dark side' , 'give yourself to the darkside', and one other but i can't remember


that other side you posted there was great though brigand, i checked them out - there were a few really clean ones there that i downloaded, if there is any fx anyone would like to have put in there let me know

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I'm assuming it's just reflected from whatever lightsource that is being used, looks pretty good, in game it will look amazing, provided they get the body correct, remember man, Vader does not have skinny legs, unless you are looking at the old action figure! ;)

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heheheh yeah i know, the legs are still a bit skinny

the arms are still a bit gangly too, too long - need to shorten them up a bit, and i think the helmet should be made a bit bigger

i still have that old figure too, man was that thing ugly


for the time i guess it wasn't bad but it sure was skinny

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The only thing I can really notice wrong with the model now is that the helmet needs to be a bit bigger and/or the hands need to be smaller. Judging by the current proportions of those two areas, Vader either has about a 10 inch head, which is definitely not right...the dome itself is twelve inches or his hands are 18 inches long...obviously not right. Once those areas are tweaked a time or two more I think the proportions should be about perfect. GREAT WORK!! :D


EDIT: I'd say it's most likely that the hands need shrunk a bit. :)

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Sithlord the link doesen't work plz fix it cause i wanna se your sweet model. And I forgott Vaders breathing, you should defineatelly add his breathing!!!!!!! And for taunts i love "impressive", if he gets hit and "join me or die" is also good.

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i'm curious about adding the breathing as a constant sound... i'm gonna read up on how to make it an ambient noise constantly given off by vader except for when he dies, which will of course only be heard if you are within a certain range of him

edit: good points sabo, and you're right the hands do look too big, i think i might redo them completely as i haven't really been too happy with them - i'll check over the helmet, right now most of my proportions are all just done by eye so they'll prolly be a bit screwy till i correct them

vader gets to lose his hand all over again


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