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Vader... work in progress...


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Man this model is just so sweet. I can see how giving the cape a separate AI would work, although wouldn't that be pretty hard to make. i think the Q3 vader skin had a cape, although you'd have to double ckeck..


the quality of modelling so far has been pretty exceptional, so i think somebody should set about the relativley easy task of modelling the Clonetrooper..it's be sweet in MP to have one team as Clones and the other as say battledroids (as being modded in the AOTCTC) or against a team of stormtroopers...well somebody should do it, just sayin lol

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hey L2.0 the idea for the cape being setup to react to the model is a good idea unfortunately i am not a coder


and i don't know how it would work for the game, if it would be practical or otherwise. i think the best bet would be to see about having it act as an accessory or otherwise in that case, much like the light sabre, then perhaps have it setup to animate in certain situations, etc, however i have absolutely no clue where to start with that

and i have thus far amassed a list of "to-do's" for this model (in no order of importance), stop me if i miss anything

1)shorten legs

2)fix gloves texture, finish gloves tex

3)raise chestbox slightly

4)fix chest armor/textre (more pointed in middle, higher towards arms)

5)apply belt textures

6)fix shoulders, 'toy syndrome'

7)head - neck length

- nose/mouth angle

- grating of mouth/chin, angle chin

- texture shininess (nose, 'tusks')

- helmet - curve fo flange, dome slope

-sit entire head forward a bit to add arch of neck

thank you for the comments sith, i would much rather be able to get all this stuff right the first time but hey i don't do this professionally


will post some more stuff later once i have something to show

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I hate to say it but a stiff cloak is better than no cloak. If you are able to somehow animate the cloak it's going to have to be with some amazing trickery or by using the mucho expensive program that Raven uses to animate their models. Otherwise, there is no way to add additional animation to the existing set. =\


If you pull nail this model (which I believe you will) perhaps you may want to follow Livingdeadjedi and Absath and submit it to Raven, perhaps they will add animations for the cloak. Maybe not, I have no idea.

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Sithlord, you rule, dude. You've got that entire list of changes to be made which are going to make your already good model, GREAT! As far as the cloak goes, has anyone looked at the Vader model from the Gamecube Game Star Wars - Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader ? It is a kickass model, except for how the cloak is positioned on vader. It's more like a vest than a cape. ;) Anyway, the cloak is just of a bunch of really long polygons, and although the design of it is flawed, it animates really well. Again, I'm no game designer, so I don't know how that would/could work in JKII, but maybe someone could shine some light on that. Anyone? :)

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a few images

might have to cut and paste guys, sorry

note: those images still have the helmet being too wide at the top and the peak of the helm comes down too far - i've fixed both those issues already


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Dude.. the mask is excelent now :)

Awesome work.


There's something about the helmet which isnt right though... i still think you oughta increase the top dome size and make the sides a bit less steep.


Also watch how the sides curve... it's not a full descending curve.. it kinda curves all at the top of the side and then it goes all the way down in an almost straight line.


The side view looks very good.

one other thing thats a bit too cartoony: The Feet. (I hate doing the feet argh)


Anyway... Vader is getting much better. You are doing great. keep at it. :)

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heheheh yeah i think the feet really suck too


i'll end up redoing them before too long

i'll find something to work from, right now they look pretty bad

i'll take a look back at the helmet and a few other images to compare

but i'm happy with the mask, just need to fix a few stretched parts in the texture and it will be all good

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Just an interesting thought...I know I don't post much, but there's a first time for everything.


Given the remarkably overwhelming response elicited by this model and skin, won't we have FFA matches with 15 Vaders and an Ugnaught running around within a week of it's release? Not that people shouldn't use the skin...I know I will, probably excessively. I just think it will be funny to see two Dark Lords of the Sith arguing about which one truly knows the power of the Dark Side.

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Forgot to mention before....the model and skin both look great. I'm very impressed that you got the ribbed leather texture.


This is probably totally illegal, but I'll just toss it out there. Anyone who has Galactic Battlegrounds knows that Vader says all kinds of awesome taunts and lines during the game, including the famous in-movie lines. The files are set up in a remarkably easy to manipulate system once you install. In fact, I have a Darth Vader desktop theme right now, and I used all the sounds from the game to make it. It's not James Earl Jones, but the actor is close enough. Like I said, it's probably totally illegal, but if it isn't, it's a really easy way to get high-quality taunts for the model.

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That is much improved; its quite amazing. A few things I noticed about the helmet now thatit has been so vastly improved. The ridge above the helmet flair, above the eyes, needs to jut out a little more, if you refer back to the comparison picture on the previous page, you will see what I mean. One other thing, and thats all I can see at this time,is that the helmet flair does not go far enough foreward on his head. Keep up the amazing work.

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Sithlord, everything is coming along wonderfully. The improvements you've made in a little over a day's time are truly remarkable. Awesome work! :D

The only things that I can still see that need improvements are...

*The feet (obviously) ;)

*Add the textures for the "belt boxes"

*Like someone else said, make the chestbox more square rather than rectangular.

*Add glove textures

*Maybe go ahead and add the texture for the part of the cloak that extends down the sides of his torsoe. Look at the first comparison pic I posted for reference.


Hmm...that's about it. Great work, man. Once you finish this up (if Raven still hasn't released the SDK yet), I would seriously encourage you to send it to them to test with it. That would ROCK if they would!

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I've noticed a few problems with the proportioning of Vaders body. His legs are a little too long, and his torso is not quite wide enough or long enough. His helmet needs to be bigger in proportion to his body (about 6 heads tall). His arms and shoulders need to be bulkier, he was a large, powerful man.The_Empire_Strikes_Back&image=impoff_die.jpg&img=16&tt=


His codpiece also needs to be slightly larger (see picture). Well, thats all I can see. Sorry to be such a nit-picker.

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again, great posts there guys... this stuff will really help me

its all goin down on the list for what to do next


that one shot there will help for proportioning of the body since he is standing fully upright

the chestbox is a non-issue since i can really be changed in no time, it is really just a box itself so no worries

as for the helmet i did have the ridge jutting out a bit further but it looked somewhat odd... i'll move it back out again and post up some test renders

oh well off to work, i'll post some screens later tonite

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Good idea for the saber/breathing thing.


Also, work on the body mostly, then later, when the SDK is out you can work on the helmut.


Vader's helmut is THE hardest part to do.


I honestly REALLY wouldn't add the blue shading to his head if it's not on any other part of him. It looks like someone turned on a light in his face.



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