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Sideways Cartwheels??


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The eternal question. I've been fooling around trying to get it to work, but I'm pretty sure it's just an NPC only animation, though you never know. For all we know there could be a hidden control you can bind to do it. Anyways, I'm sure if it is just an NPC only animation, someone will make a mod for it sooner or later.

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im pretty sure its not just an npc animation because all characters use the same skeletal animations i think....kyle can punch like grans and reelo can do flips like kyle etc..... all part of the skeletin so theres someway to do it........

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It's possible, and it works exactly how TrUeFoRcE suggests. There's a glaring problem, however. The best situation for all of us would be Raven releasing a patch that allows you to do those moves. "So what's this problem, and why would Raven have to release a patch if you claim you can already do it?" you may be asking. The way I did it was to simply replace the rolling animation with the desired flip (such as the cartwheel).


The problem with that, however, is that there are a couple of flips that launch you extreeeeemly far, extreeeeemly fast. This can be abused to no end in multiplayer games, possibly ruining the experience for everyone. I'm a 56k'er so I don't go online; but I did wonder whether other players would see you doing those flips or simply rolling. I made some demos, removed whatever flip mod I had active at the time, re-launched the game and played each demo. It turns out that you still roll, BUT you're still launched extremely far, quickly.


You can choose to believe me or not, but the point of this post wasn't "Hey everyone, look at me! I did this," it was "Yes, it's possible. Here's why it shouldn't be." I don't even know if it's fixable in a patch, but I really hope Raven edits those flips so that we can use them safely. Perhaps they can make it like the saber style system, where you can switch between rolling/arials/butterflies/cartwheels. They just need to fix that distance thing.

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It is possible, at least in sp cause I have done it twice. I have no idea how i did it but i did. I was attempting the dive sideways manuver and bingo, I did the cartweel, then did it again. its hard to say how cause i did it with 3 reborns trying to lop my head off so I was a tad distracted. after that I could not duplicate the move again

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