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Control the Mark1


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Does anybody know if there is a way to control the mark1, i think the easiest way would to trick out force mindtrick to trick not just huminoids but all npcs. Is that possible of am i dreaming. One more thing in the game there is the atst with the open hatch witch enables you to drive the atst isnt there a way to summon that perticular atst. There has to be its in the game and there has to be a spawn for it. Oh and i do know of the drive_atst its just id like to summon the atst with the open hatch.

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Well mind trick only works on humans. So if you are asking about that then no you can't do it. You cannot spawn turrets but you can spawn the mark 1 and you can spawn an atst. To spawn a mark1 it is "npc spawn mark1" to spawn an atst it is "fly atst" me thinks

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It's "drive_atst", and it's fun. It also gives you two new weapons: AT-ST Main Cannons (1 key) and AT-ST Side Cannons (2 key). Once you get out of the AT-ST, your weapons go back to normal.


I like to use the AT-ST on the open-air areas of Bespin Streets and stomp those thugs and Reborn to death.


"Stop, Jedi—AAAAH!" *crunch*


*clunk, clunk, clunk fades off into distance*



edit - digl - please use the spoiler tag

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