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Head-kicks, and everything thereafter.

Random Numgen

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After getting headkicked and lying on the floor, trying vainly to get up (usually right before getting a strong stance slash to the forehead) how do you get up faster? What I mean is, most of the time you just lie there and get up slowly, but occasionally I see people kick themselves up and spin a bit, saving a lot of time and usually their lives.


How do you do that? It would win me more duels then I can count.



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There's a quasi-special move to get up faster with a slight offensive swing. I believe you hold crouch like you were doing a roll and maybe tap jump. Anyway, the effect is that you will flip upwards with the saber moving outward to block swings. It's good for getting up without getting speared, but it's not complete protection by any means.


- [PMV] Joker

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To do the spinning get-up, you just tap jump when you're already down. But, I've ONLY seen that work after a force push or pull that knocks you down. I've NEVER seen it work after a kick. You also MIGHT need Jump lvl 2 or 3 to do it....(not sure because I ALWAYS have jump 3.)

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I think you have to be very close to pull of kicks to the head and such, so it's risky. Might as well just duel normally with your saber and try and do the fancy stuff if you're in a good position.


Getting up quicker when you've been pushed over etc. is all in the manual. People really should check out the manuals to games, it helps dudes! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

yeah, kick move has to hit with a bit of force, so you need jump lvl 2 or 3, and the target should be stationary or moving towards you, otherwise it most likely wont work.


press forward+jump when close to someone to kick them. you can also use strafe+kick to do a sideways version, which is harder because of visibility.


i find that when im on the ground, i hit jump to spin up quickly, while hitting force push like mad, so that i push as soon as possible. if my attacker is even a tiny bit slow, then i'll catch him with his saber still descending, and he'll find himself on HIS back. that's when i DFA him!

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Kicking rocks!


The Mind trick + kick deal is pretty good..


but I prefer to kick people in Duels...

IMO, the classiest way to kill someone!


and you can show your superiority by kicking them all the way to death

(did that on a deul server tonight...killed him despite lots of heal on his part)


kicking rocks!



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