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I just want to do a cartwheel!!!!


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alright, here's my problem. IN SP i see the computer jedi doing cartwheels and I want to do them too...


Now, when i say "cartwheel" I don't mean jumping off a wall and I don't mean rolling. I would assume the move could be done with a variation of crouching, jumping, and strafing but so far nothing's working. I was just wondering if somebody could shed some light on this mystery...

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You have to wait 2 weeks? You can't play the game without doing a cartwheel?

Nice story you got there mate.

But since I've bought my copy in Portugal, I'll give the benifit of a doubt to you, because my manual tells, shows and even has a picture of Kyle doing a cartwheel, but since It's in Portuguese, there's a chance your's don't hav'em.


Just side strafe against a wall and quickly press jump. Don't run forward or backwards, just strafe against it.

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It doesnt say how to do most of the moves in the manual so dont start accusing people......anyway....


Unfortunatly only Reborn Acrobatists can do them.....its kinda like their special move. However I would really love to do it and am sure there will be a mod to allow it at some time.

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alright, the best way I can describe THIS cartwheel is that there are no walls involved...the character is always standing with its limbs outstreched. They spin to one side, placing one hand on the ground and then continue to complete their rotation until theyr'e back on their feet...i've been trying to get a levelshot but they move to quickly and I can't seem to bind that cmd to a key

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The funny thing is everyone is condemming him for being a warez person and not reading the manual when the move isn't even in it.


He's talking about the move that has several posts about it, and they're usually started by people who tell others to "Read the Manual" so I assume they bought the game. I believe he's talking about the handless cartwheel Tavion and the Reborn do instead of a side-ways roll.


So far people have only seen the NPC characters do it. I don't know how to do it myself, and I've read the manual cover to cover several times. Don't believe I have it? Page 25 of the manual, under the heading "Shield Power Converter" first line, last word: directly


Anyhow, we don't know how to do the move yet, people are trying to figure it out though

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Originally posted by CaptainRAVE

Unfortunatly only Reborn Acrobatists can do them.....its kinda like their special move. However I would really love to do it and am sure there will be a mod to allow it at some time.


I have seen Skywalker do it... he does a 1 hand version of it..

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Oddly enough, the speed dash the NPC's do at times can be done by the player, but I've not the slightest idea HOW it is done. Twice now it's happened to me. It's like a second or two burst of force speed. I had it happen once in the level right after Yavin...it happened trying to dodge those evil snipers. And another time in Cloud City streets as I was rushing an enemy on a mountable turrent.


I should mentioned I was replaying the game with setforceall 5 active.

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Originally posted by dachish

it happened trying to dodge those evil snipers.



I have seen it also when I was almost sniped.. The book mentions something about being able to dodge sniper fire. I thought I used mind trick on the Enemy and as soon as he fired I dashed out of the way.. pretty cool.

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Originally posted by Wes Janson SMR

Warez talk asside, here's your answer:


YOU CANNOT EXECUTE A CARTWHEEL, period. It's an NPC-only move. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Until someone mods it in (or digs around the config files), you cannot pull off a cartwheel without the aid of a wall.




No offense, but this is the exact opposite of what's true.


In order to preform a cartwheel (the kick a$$ move the reborn love to do when the attack you from midair while they are upside down) all you have to do is run at your opponent and then press attack + jump simultaneously. I'm not sure if it requires a certain level of force jump but I know that it IS possible. No ifs, ands or buts about it :p. Just make sure that you are nice and close when you attempt it.

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