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How a duel should be


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im pretty sure that in duel mode you can make it so only saber throw and force jump is allowed.


there is a command g_forcepowerdisable that allows you to

restrict the force powers.....by default it is set on 0 which means all force powers are enabled....when you select disable force powers when you create a server...it sets the command to 32767.


so im sure there is numbers in between which will only allow certain force powers to be used...


those of you who have used admin mod for cs and set up the command permissions might be familiar with this way.


this idea came to my head when i checked the g_weapondisable command and it was set to 65531 which is the same number for full access of admin mod permissions.


I hope i havn't confused you all...


all we need now is for somebody to find out these different numbers... :)

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Those numbers would reflect binary bit flags. So all you have to do is take the decimcal number and decode it into binary (the windows calculator does that in advanced mode).

You'll probably end up with a whole lot of "1"s. Just change one of them to "0", encode the binary number into decimal again and feed it to the JK2 console to test which weapon/force-flag it changed. :)

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Unfortunately, as discussed in the Dedicated Server board, this command does not work properly for disabling selected Force Powers. Yes, you can use it to select which Force powers are available in your map, turning individual powers on or off, but:


Using this command set to *anything* other than 0 automatically gets rid of jump and saber powers. Looks like a bug, hopefully to be fixed or modded soon.



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You could always use a kind of honour code with people you play with often. Agree on a certain amount of force skills and play like that. It is easy to see if someone goes against the agreement...


"How your force jump seems to be lifting me in the air and crushing my throat" is a dead give away.



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I know that this really should be implemented in a patch. My friends and I love to have duels, but it gets lame if someone pulls out some lightning and grip. We prefer saber throw, push, and pull. Nothing else is needed for a good duel.

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I played on a DUEL server last night for about 4 hours and the group of us just agreed not to use any powers other than jump. It worked out very well. We just told everyone coming in not to use force powers. Most people were cool about it. Some people were not, so we just kicked them.


It was definitely a nice change dueling with such honorable people.

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Guess i'm lucky, last night was my first time playing in MP game. Was a FFA duel server, and when you set a duel no powers were enabled, we still had throw and jump, but nothing else.


Felt really good playing a jedi game again, i played Jk1 online alot till the hacks started coming out. But last night i played for a good 11 hours or more, it was just so much fun the time flew. My only wish is that they can set more duels at one time. I see in the download section there's a mod that let's 4 duels at one time. Hope the servers near me get this.

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I have found that if you join a server on the zone (http://www.zone.com) instead of using the in-game matchmaking service, the people are a bit more polite and, usually, alot more honorable about any specal instructions there are.


I got into a server where we all just ended dueling each other one at a time.


was quite a blast.

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