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This new spoiler tag was announced some time ago, but there is a lot of new people coming that doesn't know about it.


If you are going to post anything that can be considered a spoiler for people who has not played or finished the game, please use the spoiler tag.


This goes double for Episode 2 Attack of the Clones movie/book spoilers!


You must type:

<spoiler>spoiler goes here</spoiler>, but using [ and ], not < and >


It'll look like this

spoiler goes here



Thanks for your cooperation :)


edit- tech problems with my post, I'll try to fix it :(

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Many people have been putting !!!SPOILER!!! in the title which is great in letting you know there are spoilers in the post.


But they've also been putting the spoiler in the subject like



Kyle Katarn kills lots of stormtroopers! !!!SPOILER!!!



I mean really! What's the point of giving away the spoiler in the subject and then announcing that the post contains a spoiler.


[Edited to change the fact that I'd put a real spoiler in and ruined it for at least one or two people! Sorry guys - wasn't intentional!]

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When it all comes down to it, he is the reason we are all playing this game. I hate when Star Wars "fans" (the only people who talk about Lucas at length) rag on him for things he's done. If it weren't for him we would not be here right now, so I think you should all just give him a break. Besides, it IS his idea, his movie, his story, he can do whatever he wants with it. And no one can can say otherwise or do anything about it.

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I agree... besides, I don't have a problem with him being insane, or whatever it is you people think he is. I mean, look at what he came up with: Star Wars! But whatever inspired Lucas didn't last long, because Episode 1 wasn't nearly as good as the first three (or technically, the last three). From my point of view, The Phantom Menace was the first sign of Lucas starting to lose his sanity. When Attack of the Clones comes out, I expect it to be of even less quality... the picture or sound or SFX may be better, but the over all storyline is senseless. Episode One seemed more futuristic and advanced than Episode IV, and the only things that made it possible to be in the past were the existences of three people: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan, and Yoda. It would have made more sense to make Episode 1 Episode VII, or to have put all the original episodes to 1, 2 and 3 instead of 4, 5 and 6.

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Okay, I KNOW that all of you anti Jar Jar people will hate this one, but he is a representative of Senator Padmé in the senate, and he helps DIRECTLY in helping create the Empire, so blame it all on him.




the irony of the spoiler post in a spoiler tag thread is funny =)


by the way, for those of you who read my spoilers without tags, i am truly sorry. i did not want to cause any harms



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  • 2 weeks later...

It's always great to learn about such things. Especially when I have already learned some pretty crucial things about EP2. Such things are...






















Obi-Wan has a lightsaber!!! OMG!!!



:D, just havin some fun :).

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Originally posted by Thrown Saber

I agree... besides, I don't have a problem with him being insane, or whatever it is you people think he is. I mean, look at what he came up with: Star Wars! But whatever inspired Lucas didn't last long, because Episode 1 wasn't nearly as good as the first three (or technically, the last three). From my point of view, The Phantom Menace was the first sign of Lucas starting to lose his sanity. When Attack of the Clones comes out, I expect it to be of even less quality... the picture or sound or SFX may be better, but the over all storyline is senseless. Episode One seemed more futuristic and advanced than Episode IV, and the only things that made it possible to be in the past were the existences of three people: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan, and Yoda. It would have made more sense to make Episode 1 Episode VII, or to have put all the original episodes to 1, 2 and 3 instead of 4, 5 and 6.


Erm the books of starwars were out before the movie all 6 of em, the reason they made #4 first was because it was a more dramatic and exiteing story, and at the time nothing like it had ever been done before and movie companys are carefull about the films they release, they wanted to make sure it was a success which it was. The first few books are setting alot of story line out, and since you all became avid Star Wars fans it gave Lucas a chance to make the first 3 like he always planned to.

The story lines for these films were set long before even the first film was made. Now all of a sudden you want him to totally ignore the story line and jumble it up so that in the first episode we meet Darth V then in the 4th and subsiquent episodes we meet him a boy and see him grow up to become Darth V????

The story was a good classic set of 6 science fiction novels, probebly the most famous science fiction books ever and you say the story is boring?????

Lucas then went on to make 3 films, the most sucessful science fiction movies of all time.

In the process creating Industrial Sound and Magic, the leader in special effects

Spawning probebly the biggest merchandising line ever creating more revenue than all 4 films put together 10 fold.

Then realising he is running out of time dedicates the rest of his life (as good as) to finishing the saga by making the first 3 movies.

Well if that classes as insane then my god i wish i was insane!!!

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Originally posted by Divine Spirit

is it possible to add the spoiler command into the "vB Code" section just above where you type each message? so u can just press "SPOILER", type in what you want and then away you go?



Divine Spirit

It's probably possible, but pretty hard to do I think. I'll ask about it.
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