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JK2 Dreams


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Recently i've been having dreams of playing JK2! Its pretty cool cause it is just like the game too. The only difference is that I always win but that doesn't really matter. Also the other night I dreamed that I was Boba Fett in the game! He looked awesome some one should make him for the game :)!:0!:D!:p:(:):mad: :mad: :eek::cool:



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yeah, i have had a few of these dreams, i had a few JO ones this past week, but i had a really wierd starwars one the other night, there was this massive glass building ona platform in space, and a victory class star destroyer come towards it, rolls to it's side, and smashes straight through it blowing the building up... this happened a few times in the dream, but every time it happened, a different thing happened after it, can't remember what it was each time, but it was really wierd!!! lol


We all need to see a shrink!! Calling frasier crane to the bench!! lol




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i have had just one; it was about a week before release, and it was about the MP part. however it looked like a rock concert with me in the crowd for some unknown reason......:D it had no jkii elements of any kind, but i was posative that it was jkii:jo.


any shrinks out there?:D


also i knew that even though my dream was not of the game i knew i needed it asap. it felt that real.

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I wait tables and for somereason I cant seem to dream about anything other than waiting on tables...It kinda sucks because I am always in the weeds in my dreams(weeds is the restaurant term for being swamped and a little behind where you should be). I always wake up in a cold sweat after spilling beer on some hot chick....

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