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saber throw useful or useless???


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alot of multiplayer games in JO are nf saber battles and this makes the saberthrow completely useless.....u much rather would have had a kick or a secondary fire to the saber style giving even more moves and combinations rather than having the throw, ide rahter have the throw as a seperate bindable key, i think it would make the combat alot better to have a second type of swing for each style or even a type of kick instead of a force power.....*hint to mod makers outthere* :)

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Saber throw is useful.


- Hitting those who just blindly attack without any chance of getting hurt yourself.

- Killing that guy at 30 or less health who is running away from you like the coward he is :D


BUT i like the idea about using the second mouse button for another set of moves for every stance. Would give us much better control. Perhaps one button could be horisontal attacks and the other vertical attacks. I wouldn't mind if saber throw was on a different key.

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Sabre throw is one of the most useful things ever! For people who swing around like ballerinas with strong stance on just get back and throwm and if youre clever you can make it so when the saber is on the return trip it hits them again (if you miss) and if youre quick you can get it to spin around you and thats really neat in those big groups of people who are running around swinging at each other.

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it is a useful attack, but its useless in nf saber battles...thats why i thought it would be a good idea for a secondary saber attack, im not saying its a bad attack im jsut saying its useless in nf games, and shopuld have been replaced with something else...

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Well, if you haven't noticed a saber throw attack requires force energy, which you can't use in no force games ;)


i agree by the way, i think that the saber throw should be a force ability like in Mysteries of the Sith rather than an alternate attack so that we could have more saber swing movements instead.

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Oh I use Saber Throw almost constantly. So many people just -don't- block it. And for those red stancers... They never hit me, and I just constantly hit them. Sure, it take a tiny bit of time, but I don't die and they do.


But yeah, in NF ones the secondary fire should be something else. But I don't like the idea of making it a separate force power. I have a hard enough time reaching F10 from my WASD format as it is.

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Originally posted by Scarlet Widow

Well, if you haven't noticed a saber throw attack requires force energy, which you can't use in no force games ;)


i agree by the way, i think that the saber throw should be a force ability like in Mysteries of the Sith rather than an alternate attack so that we could have more saber swing movements instead.


Uhh, you still have force jump :p


I find Saber throw useless, mainly because I dont need it. If I hit someone once with a heavy stance, I can easily finish you off if you throw your saber since it leaves you wide open.

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No question - saber throw is extremely useful..


And of course it's useless in NF games.. it's useless just like grip or push is useless in NF games.. I don't see your point.


And there is a kick.. if you are close enough to the person you are fighting, do a backflip (or just jump, I'm not sure) and you kick them on the ground.


But yes, a regular kick hotkey or something would have been nice. In Episode I, they're kicking each other all over the place. Maybe it'll be added with a mod or something.

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All you saber-throwing LAMERS that play in saber-only servers make me vomit.


The first week, I invited and accepted all duels. The fights were pure saber and out of 100 duels, I lost about 5.


This week, all the scrubs have figured out the CHEESE invite you and the nest thing you know, theyre pulling back, spamming saber throw. How cowardly. How corny. How lame. So many pussies online, its digusting.


Keep inviting me to your fake duels you useless tools, I kill you just when you thought I would accept. And you deserve it for being an ignorant waste of life. You have no honor, no self-respect and no appreciation for a duel, die like the pig that you are.

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theyre pulling back, spamming saber throw. How cowardly. How corny. How lame. So many pussies online, its digusting


Saberthrow spamming? Isnt that an oxymoron? It leaves you SO open to attacks.


I use throw quite a bit, whenever I want to tease some one (since I know they'll block), or when some one is using red stance (oh so useful for that), or when some one is running from you (run flag man run!).


However I have a 4 button mouse, so I have saer stance and roll on there as well.

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Hey Sithdrone I think you ve been slained by too many players hehehe.Look man saberthrow is using for cowards that run like hell when thier HP is too low, heavy stance jumper newbies and of course newbies like you.Hey man if you have a problem dont enter a FF server.And if you really wanna enter a FF server dont come and cry like a baby after they slain you in to pieces

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I always use saber throw in duels. Run up, take a few swings, then back off and take a throw. Most of the time they'll still be swinging, and you can hit them with ease. Then run back in and repeat.


And as for Sithdrone: grow up. If you keep getting owned with it, maybe you should try something other than running at thm trying to score a lucky hit in heavy. Throw is easily countered, and if you keep running at them swinging, you deserve to be killed by it.


And when people hadn't learned to use the throw effectively, you owned, but then when people adapted and grew, you stayed complacent in your fighting style.


I look forward to owning you too.

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cornballs, dont flatter yourselves, I'm always in first place, sometimes in second, at the end of a map. keep throwing your sabers because thats what you do best. You dont know what dueling is and you never will. You must be..15-16? typical newbie gamers, bleh.

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Saber throw - like every other Force power and weapon in the game - works best in suitable scenarios.


Saber throw is friend of the FFA saber-only gamer, as it allows them a ranged attack (that comes at the cost of being temporarily defenseless) best used against targets who don't notice you. Sabering people who are busy concentrating on others may be dishonourable, but if you're in it to rack up points it will help. Besides, it will make them learn to be aware of their surroundings (and the sneaky Jedi's waiting to saber their @$$).


Throwing is also (as said before) great for whittling away the health of those who're fleeing.


Also, has anyone noticed how distracting it is to see a saber fly past them? I keep thinking that they're trying to get it behind me. This could be exploited. To make an opponent expect an attack from one direction, and receive it from another...



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Uh, Sithdrone, you are just as bad as those people you hate.


If someone runs in just blasting away swinging at you, why should you wading in, with the bad hit detection, and possibly getting killed by a button masher? Why not take the assured hit and pitch the saber? And what makes you think its so powerful? When they throw, if you have recovered YOU can throw also and get the hit in. Its an extremely useful tool for distracting the opponent and getting the retaliatory hit in.


If the person repeatedly throws, then wait until they run out of force then do your idiotic rush in.


All this whining over saber throw makes me think of the stereotypical camper-strike player.

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