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Going Bouncy bounce on Luke's head


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Spawn Luke. Bounce on his head as many times as you can. Quite simple, really.


I have some pointers for wannabe Luke Bouncers.


Use the level where you just

glided in with the mine crawler, after you beat Tavion, and on that narrow ledge right above the elevator.


(Not major spoiler, just didn't want some mod to spaz.) Spawn as many Luke's as you can on that mofo. Of course, some of them will probably fall off and plummet a couple hundred feet due to overcrowding (some will get it in their heads to just force jump off as high as they can as well, weird buggers) but there will be enough so you will never fall and Luke can't jostle out of the way so you can't stomp on his upturned face.


Alert: Important little tip that has to do with Luke!


He can force jump really high. I pushed some off this ledge in a fit of rage and they actually force jumped back up again. It was mad sweet. Plus, if you jump in the air above them and throw detonators down or other bombs, they will force push you WAY up on the air if you keep on doing it.


Cool important little thing alert ends. Back on subject.


When you get really HARDCORE, only use one Luke. Warning, he will try to get out of the way! Do not let him. He will try many devious and cunning plots to stop you from jumping on his face, SO STAY ONE STEP AHEAD. He will even utter pathetic little mewling sounds of distress. DO NOT LET THEM GET TO YOU. Remember, you are here to bounce on Luke's face, not to join the Cruelty to Polygons Committee.


My best is 15 bounces on one Luke.

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