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punks with sabers


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I'm sure this topic has been discussed already, but is anyone else here sick of these newbie punks with no respect for the protocols of battle.


I'm not one of those guys *****ing about being shot at in FFA while my saber is sheathed, that is to be expected. I'm talking about when I'm on a SABER ONLY server and get attacked by chumps when its clear I'm looking for a duel. Come on, fellas, there's plenty of dudes roaming around the map who just want to swing their sabers willy-nilly, that's cool, I do it too. But when my saber is off, leave me the hell alone unless you want me to come hunt you down like the piss-ant dog you probably are.


I'm ranting, but these guys are starting to ruin multiplayer for me. It seems like its getting harder and harder to find servers with serious cats who have respect and just want to find out who's the best duelist on the map.

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Come on man, just because your saber is turned off does not mean you are no longer a threat.

If you just want to duel go find a dueling server...


"It seems like its getting harder and harder to find servers with serious cats who have respect "


WTF its a god damned game, if you want that kind of an experience go join a fencing club.

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ok than what is the point of even having the duel option in FFA then?


It was put in there for guys like me who want to duel without sitting around, waiting for their turn to duel.


I know I'm not the only one who feels this way. I've been in games with other guys who get annoyed with with the "swingers"

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In my oppinion it would be nice if we could all agree on designated dueling areas on each map, like the round platform on the "Bespin Streets" map (I know it is where the rocket launcher is spawned in full weapons matches but since we are talking about saber only matches it shouldn't be a problem). That way the duelists could gather there and the swingers have the rest of the map to themselves.

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I think the real problem is that certain people just don't 'RTFM'!:)


I love to duel in FFA servers but these people seem to not know anything about duelling. They don't appear to have a clue that they can't actually harm two players that are glowing. Often I will approach one of them after a win and challenge them too - they usually immediately start to attack me without accepting the challenge...


Perhaps they don't realise that they would be immune to all other damage if they accepted my challenge? Perhaps they don't even realise that they can accept such a challenge?

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Sttaffy's right, I've seen that quite a lot.


Quite amusing that you join an FFA server to duel without having to wait, when you have to trudge around the entire server looking for someone to duel with in the first place O_o;


To be perfectly honest, it IS an FFA server, and therefore people will kill you - duelist or no duelist. It's not their fault you're too lazy to wait for (Or unskilled to stay in) a spot on a duel server.


As for the designated area - once that becomes well known, expect to be ambushed whilst waiting to duel many, MANY times. Rocket[edit]eers[/edit] just love stationary targets :D


[edit] Since when was whores censored? O_o

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*g* not much of a surprise if you see people asking how to accept a challenge and someone else tells him it would do so automatically and he doesnt have to do anything (well, maybe except killing the other player with a nice red swing while he's waiting for you to accept).

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Quit complaining and join a Duel server. There's no point to FFA if you're just going to challenge eachother the whole game and then complain when someone doesn't feel like dueling. Some people go to FFA servers in order to play an FFA game, not a Dueling game, and Duel servers are just as good for dueling anyway.

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Originally posted by Zek

Quit complaining and join a Duel server. There's no point to FFA if you're just going to challenge eachother the whole game and then complain when someone doesn't feel like dueling. Some people go to FFA servers in order to play an FFA game, not a Dueling game, and Duel servers are just as good for dueling anyway.

Except you only get to play one-game-in-ten (or however many players there are.):rolleyess


[Homer Simpson]


[/Homer Simpson]:D

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Yes I agree.


Whenever im in a saber-only, or even a normal FFA, and I see someone who is stationary with a sheathed saber, I challenge him/her immidetly(due to my love of dueling, and the love of seing "Tasam has defeated '_____'!". ;)


And I think that only n00bi35 are the 'swingers'. And the funny thing about swingers, is they really suck.


Many times have I been waiting for a challenge accept, and been attacked by a swinger, but what is so funny about it, is they are standing right next to me, swinging wildly, and missing! So I just draw my saber, strong swipe them into oblivion, or if its on a gripper map, ill just push em into the hole im most likely standing close too. :cool:


And about 'Join a duel server if you want to duel'....I find that duels in ffa and duels in a duel server are very different atmospheres. Duels on duel servers tend to be longer and more conservative fights, whereas ffa duels tend to be quick and fast paced. There have been many times where I have been challanged, and when the duel started, just took a swipe as I sidesteped around the charging/rolling/jumping/n00b attacking person, and cut straight through him, ending the duel quickly.


Its always cool to see::

"Tasam has become enganged in a duel with _____!"

2 seconds later...

"Tasm has defeated _____!!!"

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heh yes I guess it's just people roleplaying Vaders famous last words :D


But remember that many people on FFA servers get really excited when the spot an easy kill. The motto of these people are "The only thing sweeter than an easy kill is a cheap kill".


I don't care much. I just try to look out for myself on FFA servers. Once I hunted this single guy through 8 games... I used every chance I got to cut him down from behind, pull his weapons, grip him while he was fighting and let his opponents kill him, drain him... He pissed me off because he enjoyed finding people figthing and then firing a rocket at them. Whenever someone tried to engage him he would flee. He got really pissed with me as he saw I ignored other people and just attached him... he made me smile and feel warm and happy... until he left. People like him can be annoying, but they can also give you enjoyment and a warm feeling of justice :D There was nothing wrong with the way he played since it was FFA and I would never start calling him names... but still it felt good :D


Don't take FFA too seriously, If someone is pissing you off either ignore him or hunt him down... just don't let him spoil your fun.


I have tried a few duel servers and don't really like it. FFA mixed with a few 1on1 duels is the most fun IMO. I enjoy giving a group if spinning headless chickens a slow powerful horisontal slash. Some might find these kills cheap, but if the people weren't so dizzy from all the spinning they would be ready for me and dodge my saber.


The only thing that really annoys me is people who try to attack people duelling. Either they are morons who don't understand that thei can't hurt the two people OR they are hoping for a cheap kill when the duel is suddenly over. Either way... these people are true lamers and makes duelling a pain sometimes. Please get out of the way and let people duelling fight... move along and find someone to kill.

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We probably can't expect too much at this point. The game is just 2 weeks old! In a few months, the duelling feature will become well known and there will be less newbies who don't know how to duel or think that a challenge is enough to initiate one. Of course, there will still be those arseholes who decide to get a free hit in while your saber is down, but they can't be avoided in any game.


As for duel, it just isnt an option for some of us. There is only 1 aussie duel server, and there is never anyone on it because force is disabled. And besides, I like getting in large saber melees every once and a while. Constantly having an opponent whether you're duelling or not is so much more interesting than duel mode.

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All is fair in war, if you keep getting killed because you are looking for a duel, then learn from it and fight back, people are trying to score on a FFA and they will take garbage points too, don't believe me? Play on the Nar Shaada map and see if you get force pushed over the ledge. If you are looking to duel play a duel game or use the global chat to ask if anyone else wants to duel, then meet them at a certain location. (Private messaging in this game would be cool no?)

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Originally posted by Broode


As for duel, it just isnt an option for some of us. There is only 1 aussie duel server, and there is never anyone on it because force is disabled. And besides, I like getting in large saber melees every once and a while. Constantly having an opponent whether you're duelling or not is so much more interesting than duel mode.


there's like 4 aussie duel servers now, some with 16 player limit for some reason.


personally if you're in ffa and i see you with your saber sheathed, then I will do my best to kill you first. I know its slack, un-honourable but I get the most joy from killing newbies, afks, and sheathed mofos. Dont get me wrong, I can still come first or second killing normal people or combination of normals/the above, but easy prey just makes me happy. I think my Q2 mentality of come first with 30 frags in 2 mins on Frag Tunnel is still in play :D

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Once I hunted this single guy through 8 games... I used every chance I got to cut him down from behind, pull his weapons, grip him while he was fighting and let his opponents kill him, drain him... He pissed me off because he enjoyed finding people figthing and then firing a rocket at them. Whenever someone tried to engage him he would flee. He got really pissed with me as he saw I ignored other people and just attached him... he made me smile and feel warm and happy... until he left.


Just a quick question Canis, did he win any matches?

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You've answered your own question. If someone in-game pisses you off by using n00b tactics (you know what i'm talking about) then hunt them down like a dog! Even better, find some freinds in the server to join you in your noble quest! There's nothing better than making a cooperative kill on a lamer. I just wish there was a high-five taunt animation.

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Originally posted by FatboyTim

Except you only get to play one-game-in-ten (or however many players there are.):rolleyess


[Homer Simpson]


[/Homer Simpson]:D


I only join dueling servers with less than 6 maximum people; usually 4-5. It's not that bad, especially since I'm usually good enough to play for a number of rounds in a row.

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like others have said, join a dueling server.


its surprises me that anyone would say "it takes too long on a dueling server to fight"...in a FFA it only allows one duel to go on at a time (same as a duel server), so if 5-6 guys are standing around in FFA waiting for a duel, its the same time frame as a duel server. sure there are duel servers with a dozen guys playing, yes thats too long to wait and the server shouldn't have been set up like that to begin with....also a duel server with a time limit set is wrong also, since many times the time limit is set at 20 minutes for some reason!


another benefit of a duel server is that you can watch "through the players eyes" what they are doing and what their health is, how they do their moves, etc... it has really helped me alot seeing how people play from their perspective and then change to their opponets view and see what that looks like from there. if you like watching from 3rd person, well you get the best view in the house on a duel server while still waiting in line, by being a free roaming spectactor.


I think duel in FFA wasn't intended to become a constant feature. I think it was more something like "the two top players face each other across a room and know that they'll have to fight one another"...not "let me wait here doing nothing and quickly mash K to whoever is available, no matter what skill level they are".


a duel server is a lot better than what many of you seem to think....the only problem being that you'll find the top duelist playing there and it may be rough learning how to fight effectively with the saber.

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First, let me just say, I thought from the thread title this would be about a cool new mod about mohawked and safety pin pierced jedi dueling it out in the slums of Coruscant(sp?) while cool primitive tunes of teenage angst, such as 'Bespin Calling', 'God Save the Emperor', and 'Rock the Deathstar', played in background. :)


Secondly, folks set your duel servers to 5 minute duels with no force and 10 minutes with force, no more than 4 people. Keeps the juices flowing. 6 people is barely tolerable. 8 is too ****ing slow.


darth milo

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I LOVE when Im dueling someone on a server and someone else tries to hop in. Since I play with friends usually on the same server, we both sheath our blades and sit there laughing while newbie-san attempts to hack away at us, wondering why the heck nothing is happening. It really is funny, in my opinion.

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