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CONTEST: Shirtless Darth Maul (From Comic Book)


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Oh don't worry about the hands...I hadn't gotten to that part yet. They will be all red and black, just like the comic version. Also I'll be doing some more shading on the muscles as well, but it still will look a little odd, cause their is no model with a bare chest.


Thanks for all the good feedback and I'll try and get an update here real soon.



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How's this looking?




I added some shading for his muscles and fixed his hands. I'm eventually going to change the model I'm using to someone with out a collar, who doesn't have a collar?


Is there any way to control or mess with the lighting while in MP, through the console or something like that...so I can make some more dynamic snaps :)


So, how many like the skirt/hanging shirt vs. how many think I should ditch it?


I think keeping it would be more true to the comic version, but what's the majority say?



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You should desaturate it a bit first... what I would do is paint some good muscles then darken them up and then on a layer on top paint the tats... it would look much better and you would get more control over higlights etc. I might do a shirtless maul... if i can be arsed... but this one is looking fine to me. Keep up the good work.

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It's looking interesting, but if you don't mind (a lot) of work, this is what I would suggest you did:


I'm assuming you use Adobe photoshop 5.0 or above. Paint Shop Pro could probably do this as well, but after splashing a few hundred $ on photoshop, my wallet told me that I didn't need to lean PSP.


First, create an ordinary nude male skin. You can do this the lazy way and find a muscular male photograph (perhaps on a body building site) to get anatomically correct muscles in a hurry. Ideally, you want a shot from the front, and one from the back.


It looks to me like you're using the chiss skin, so it should be relatively easy to apply the torso and arm sections of the photo(s) to the skin (seeing as chiss has a very good skin layout).


Once you have your nude torso painted or photomanipulated to fit, make a new layer above it. This will be your tattoo layer. I find that settign the layer blend mode to either burn with a low opacity, overlay with a high opacity, or a combination of the two and screen (just duplicate the finished tattoo layer and mess with blend modes and opacity) works best.


In this new layer, mark out all skin areas with red. Adjust the blend and opacity until you hit the correct red "tone" over his entire body.


Now, whip out your refernce photo of mauls tattoos. Place it next to your skin canvas for quick refernce, and begin tracing out the black areas with the pen tool. The pen tool is the best way to mark out single-color shapes, since it consists of bezier curves, and can easily be scaled and modified until you're satisfied.


What you want to do is use the pen to mark out all the "corners" in the dark areas. Anywhere where the outline changes direction without a curve. Once you have all the corners marked down, change to the convert point tool (same button in the toolbox as pen tool. Just hold down for a short while to get it).


Click and drag on each corner to get handles for bezier curves. Then click and adjust each of these handles until you get the shape of the black outlines. Once you're happy with how the curves look, make sure you have black selected as your color, right-click inside the outline and select fill.


Voila, a perfect, antialiased set of black lines. You may want to merge these with your red tattoo layer, or set them as a seperate layer. Be sure to blemd the black parts as well, as some muscle may still show through on some spots.


This technique works for all tattoos, in case anyone else feels like adding tattoos to their skins. Your current model is quite well done, but it still feels like it is lacking some muscle definition.


As for the collar, I beleive you can turn that off in the .skin file, just like the jedif skin is basically Jan Ors with the vest and goggles switched off.

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As soon as the SDK comes out, he'll get a longer skirt and more..:D


Yeah the tattoos are off, but I used the sketches from the official site rather than that one comic image. Today I just got some of the Maul comics and I'm scanning through them now. I'll be making some changes too.


Looks like there are 3 or 4 shirtless Mauls in progress now. Jeez :) Howabout someone do a nude Maul... :eek:


Also..I have another character skin I'll be showing a little later here, it's a female and you could say she's somewhat related to the Maul's.. ;)


Until then...



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Since there are truly several "shirtless" Maul´s in the making, I do not think I am asking too much when begging for at least one Maul without a skirt...without a robe...and without a beard (that is an insider joke...ignore it)...



At least one Maul without skirt, hood and shirt...Please.

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