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mods are bad

Guest Syclonix

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Guest Syclonix

Okay let's not go down this path again like in JK1. If you haven't learned by now, mods are bad. Making little weapon modifications is silly, as soon as you allow this there will be hundreds of similar little things cluttering up the space for the quality work. It's even worse in MP. Now that JKO is on a Q3 engine servers are finally showing up = good thing, but multiplayer mods = bad thing. Chances are that server doesn't have the mod and chances are they're running a pure server. Skins, weapon models and such are fine--just make sure to keep them catagorized like that. But what really makes games shine are those giant project based multiplayer mods that will become popular enough for servers to actually host the mod (one example would be Counter-Strike for Half-Life) so all of you who know a little C++ or whatever, keep that weapon mod on your own computer and let the big boys do their thing.

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Man, I'm all for freedom of speech but that takes some kahonas to come on a game forum and proclaim something like "mods are bad".


Let the big fish do their thing, eh? How do you think the big fish got to where their at? It wasn't by leaving the stuff to the other "big fish".



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No weapon mods huh?


At it's core, all Counter-Strike is is a weapons mod with an inventory system.


All they did was take weapons from the game, re-skin them, and up the damage so it was more realistic.


They then re-skinned the players


and added their inventory system.


It just got hugely popular is all.



Saying that people shouldn't try doing small things is, in my opinon, stupid. Every big thing is broken down into little things. A little thing can make or break a big game. Also, experience is needed. While I have all the respect in the world for someone who goes from no-modding experience to making a Total Conversion, the person who started by doing a couple weapons mods (y'know, make the flak gun be a rapid-fire flak gun. Or make it a dodge-ball game by having only the flak and repeaters alt fire work, and if you get hit by one you have to sit out the rest of the round).


Experience to do the big things comes from the little things. Little fish need to be little fish before they can become big fish.

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I am planning to make a mod for JK2 once Raven releases the dev tools. I want to make a Jedi Acadamy mod. I mean you attend the acadamy, choose your own lightsaber color, and go on missions that require Jedi.


By the way, I know some C++. I am hopinh I can get a team together to help me with some coding and leveling.

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Mods aren't bad... *duh*


People may want to create the "big things," but they need to learn how to do it. How do they do that? They create smaller mods, get feedback, and continue from there. No one is forcing you to download mods... just ignore them. If something big and amazing comes along, you'll hear about it and be able to download it.


I fail to see your argument here.

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What's wrong with the sort of mods that are out now? They're just silly little addons that you can't use on most servers anyway. They're not hurting anyone, so why are you condemning their release? When the big mods come out we'll all be happy I'm sure, but until then I don't see a problem with the smaller things that people do in their spare time.

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this game and others (especially based on the quake3 engine) do remarkably well when it comes to being modded.

This is something to be encouraged, it keeps the JO comminity alive and fresh. I am not saying all mods are good, I am not a fan of mods which simply increase the rate of fire on guns etc but some people are..and I respect that.

Without mods some games wouldnt even exist, cos there are plenty of games out there which have used or been based on existing mods.



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Guest Krayt Tion

Mods are only bad when a developer expects you to do most of the work to round out a quality multiplayer experience through them.



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Well hello??!!!


Some time Mods do improve onthe game it self and the Devs are usualy questioning everything that they did and woundered why they couldnt do it them slefs, look at 16-Bit Textures in JK, no one knew they could be done but once they could be done it made the mods 5x better.


So shall I not bother with AOTCTC then?? :p


I think not :)

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What a collosally stupid thing to say: Don't mod unless you're an experienced modder?! So, in your obviously considered opinion, the only coding worth doing is on a MASSIVE project, and by people who already are pros? Where do you think massive mods and experienced codders come from? Where do you think most ideas, tricks and discoveries come from in a game-editing community? If it wasn't for people screwing around with little mods, half the cool SP or MP COG stuff that exists has would never have been developed. Most of the great editors who are in the JK community today never would have started developing their skills.

If you don't like it, you do't have to play it; no one is forcing you to download and install any mods, no one is forcing you to play on anything other than pure servers if that's what you want. Just don't presume to dictate to the rest of the community how they have to play, or what and when they can experiment with the game.

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Originally posted by enDless_Deliriu

No weapon mods huh?


At it's core, all Counter-Strike is is a weapons mod with an inventory system.


All they did was take weapons from the game, re-skin them, and up the damage so it was more realistic.


They then re-skinned the players


and added their inventory system.


It just got hugely popular is all.




not really, they didn't reskin them, they made new weapons, and made models and skined them, and put in somewhat realistic accuracy and recoil parameters and damage models ... they didn't reskin the players, they put in new models and skined them, re worked the environments effects on players. ... the only thing at it's core that it shares with HL is the engine ....

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"MMkay, drugs are bad. Don't do drugs, 'cause drugs are bad. MMMkay?"


The reason for the longevity of games like Unreal and it's descendants and Quake and it's descendants IS mods.

Without them the games would be dull and boring after a period of time. People would stop playing, the game would die.

Do you know how may people are STILL playing Quake 2? A heckuva lot. (I won't even mention CS.)


I can't wait to see what the mod community comes up with when the SDK is released. Modders do things to engines at times that even developers did not know could be done or should be done. (example: Abuse, a mod that became a full game. A side-scrolling game based on the Quake engine. Who in their right minds would have thought of using a 3d game engine for a 2d game? Modders!)


You may not like mods. Don't play them then!


/me stops feeding the possible troll.

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Originally posted by Syclonix

Okay let's not go down this path again like in JK1. If you haven't learned by now, mods are bad. Making little weapon modifications is silly, as soon as you allow this there will be hundreds of similar little things cluttering up the space for the quality work. It's even worse in MP. Now that JKO is on a Q3 engine servers are finally showing up = good thing, but multiplayer mods = bad thing. Chances are that server doesn't have the mod and chances are they're running a pure server. Skins, weapon models and such are fine--just make sure to keep them catagorized like that. But what really makes games shine are those giant project based multiplayer mods that will become popular enough for servers to actually host the mod (one example would be Counter-Strike for Half-Life) so all of you who know a little C++ or whatever, keep that weapon mod on your own computer and let the big boys do their thing.


I suppose you woke up one day, and knew how to mod? Man, this is the lamest attitude I have ever seen in a mod forum. Who do you think makes these giant projects? Those who started with little projects in the engines before that. Do you think everyone wakes up one day and knows how to do a great project. Most peole in those giant projects learned a lot from their mistakes in the small projects.


If you only want to download the giant things, do so. But keep your lame attitude out of here.



Project Lead/ Mapper for Wired Lamp Studios



Co-Op Mod,

CTF/FFA/Duel Mappack,

GAIA Project, Total Conversion,


One of the BIG BOYS.

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Guest Syclonix

Ok I know it's a contraversial stand point to say such a thing. And from the replies I get it that no body shares this view but you guys really didn't need to post the same thing 19 times. Thanks for your input, just wondering what people thought about this that's all. Others of you need to calm down--sheez its like PMS or sumthing on this forum

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Technically, that's not all CS did. The main revolutionary thing about CS was the fact that they took out mid-game spawning. Suddenly everything changes. 1 primary weapon at a time was pretty nifty too.


Upping the lethality encouranged camping, and thus, to counter this, they implemented unique objectives.



Really, at its core, CS is a moderately minor mod to HL, but it changed some core aspects of gameplay, and became unique.


In a way, I would agree with the original poster. There will always be 10 crap mods to 1 decent one in ANY game, and they are irritating, but they are inevitable. This does not mean mods of substance will not come out. I would personally in the future like to see some mods of substance, rather than just cosmetic skins & weapon effects.



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Originally posted by Swamp


not really, they didn't reskin them, they made new weapons, and made models and skined them, and put in somewhat realistic accuracy and recoil parameters and damage models ... they didn't reskin the players, they put in new models and skined them, re worked the environments effects on players. ... the only thing at it's core that it shares with HL is the engine ....


Fine, take my over simplification and tear it to shreds ;)


I was aware that they made new models and everything, I was just stating it in over simplified terms, as you COULD make CS by following the steps I did. A lot of people say they care about game play and not graphics so it doesn't have to be pretty ;)

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