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Acrobatic Move: Butterfly???


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Originally posted by Lost Welshman

has ne1 tried to oh say EMAIL RAVEN TO ASKm i rekon you can do the cartwhell and butterfly because otherwise you would be able 2 do the two other force jumps, u kno the 1s where you shoot 30ft forward and the other 1 where you can jump alot higher, i have only seen AI characters doin this


Give me an e-mail address and I'll send it. I really don't know who to send to.

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Originally posted by Aiee

Look, people, Lord Nodata went through the trouble of making animated gifs, showing the exact animations that this thread is about. Go and compare them with your ingame animations. Go look before posting a reply saying you've found it:


...Then just post them in this thread! Like this:




Folks, that is the Butterfly Flip. If you see anything else, then it's not called "Butterfly".


And Darth Maul was the only Jedi in Star Wars to execute this move thus far. So, it's Darth Maul-pattented. Not the official term, but that's how I consider it. Say it in that respect, and more people tend to know what we're referring to.


And for the love of god, people, stop pointing your sticks back to the Medium Stance Special!!! That's an overhead flip with a downward slash or stab!!! THAT'S NOT THE FREAKIN' BUTTERFLY!!!


Jeeze.... I feel so irritable today..

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Originally posted by MankaCat

And sorry for over-reacting. I am a wushu student and see butterfly kicks all the time. I irrationally assumed everyone should know what I know. And we all know that won't likely happen any time soon ;)

I'm with you on this. I am in martial arts as well and am iritated about that comment. I'll have to see if I can find someone at the dojo who can do this on video. Maybe you might be able to get someone to digitally record you doing it instead MankaCat?

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Spent about half an hour trying different things with another player in the game...but could not seem to figure out how the butterfly works.


Tries with sabre, without, light/medium/heavy stances.




perhaps it was a "forgotten" move they never fully implemented...but it was still in the files.

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They weren't in Star Wars.


We all saw Darth Maul do it. Putting the move in his name helps other people to realize what it is. Saying it's a monk's from 500 years ago won't help someone figure out what we're talking about. But when we say, "When Darth Maul does this...", then it hits them.


Monks can flip until they're blue in the face. As far as I'm concearned, this is Darth Maul's move for the Star Wars Universe, not in real life respect.

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You can roleplay and say its "The Darth Maul" move. But what you don't understand is that people that hold martial arts in high regard find it offensive to connect a technique to a Star Wars character. It's a matter of respect.


Take another example: The tea ceremony in the Karate Kid (off the top of my head.) That ceremony is very sacred and has a great deal of history behind its development. To talk about it as "the Miyagi tea drink combo" would be a little indignant as well.


But I do understand your point that its easier to explain what a Butterfly kick is to people by referencing Darth Maul. I think those animations people posted of it are sweet.:jawa

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Originally posted by ZeroXcape

I received an e-mail earlier today from someone who said he was messing around with the code and found a way to bind certain animations to certain keys. Aside from the butterfly, he said he could also feign death (like in TFC) and do cart wheels at will.


When we get the info (assuming Raven doesn't plan on patching this issue) - we'll release it on the site.


We're still waiting, Zero... How much longer are you guys gonna take?

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Originally posted by Darth Abbadon

I'm with you on this. I am in martial arts as well and am iritated about that comment. I'll have to see if I can find someone at the dojo who can do this on video. Maybe you might be able to get someone to digitally record you doing it instead MankaCat?


try http://www.furiousg.com


also...........it's interesting to note that the second animated gif up there is not a butterfly kick, but a butterfly twist

I played around in pit long enough to see tavion pull this off and she seems to be able to do separate slashes at the same time.... unlike the aerial and butterfly kick where she seems to just evade.....

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Originally posted by Darth Abbadon

I'm with you on this. I am in martial arts as well and am iritated about that comment. I'll have to see if I can find someone at the dojo who can do this on video. Maybe you might be able to get someone to digitally record you doing it instead MankaCat?


could you also post a .mpg of someone stepping into it and slamming the flashy "fool" right on his head?


i love those kinds of moves, so pretty, so energy intense and so easy to counter as to be almost completely ineffective.


any kendo or iaidoki really wish that the MP sabre duels were closer to the single? and that we had more precise control all around?

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Originally posted by Darth Abbadon

I'm with you on this. I am in martial arts as well and am iritated about that comment. I'll have to see if I can find someone at the dojo who can do this on video. Maybe you might be able to get someone to digitally record you doing it instead MankaCat?


Why should you be irritated?


Anyway, I've seen this move demonstrated by an entire class of students of Shaolin Kung Fu. It's nothing new to the world of Martial Arts (I'm studying, myself), but it is to Star Wars. And guess who was the first dude to do it in a Star Wars movie?

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I'm 100% sure nobody meant any disrespect to anybody, when they label it "Darth Mauls pattented butterfly spinny thingie of doom" :)


Its just that the vast majority of people on these boards know that Darth Maul performed that move, and when someone says "Darth Mauls butterfly kick" the vast majority will know what that person is talkin about. :)


[Wes, check yer PM ;P]

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Sent an e-mail to Raven a bit ago, so hopefully they will respond and end this discussion for us.


It is my suspicion that the move was not meant to be in multiplayer and if it did appear, it was some kind of bug brought out by button mashing. But, we shall see.

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You should be able to do the butterfly and cartwheel in both SP and MP. They don't give you much of advantage, they are really just another manuever, but it looks damn cool. As far as effectiveness goes, it's probably not even as effective as the roll.


The main reason I could see keeping this out is because you'd have to bind two extra keys, one for a cartwheel, one for the butterfly. Since they wouldn't be too effective, and are just for show, having two more keys doesn't seem a big deal to me.

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Wes- Darth Maul is played by the first actor in the Star Wars series to actually be a martial artist. He's the same guy that plays the toad in X-men, he's badass. For Shaolin (and Wushu) devotees the butterfly kick is a walk in the park, its too bad we can't do it in game though :(


It would be really cool if the devs would let us know adding new moves is not only possible but planned for multiplayer.

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