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Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater


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If this isn't a cheat, then you are saying it is legal and not cheating. It's either cheating or it isn't, and this is definetly cheating to me. Now what happens if they figure out how to replace the saber skin with the stun baton?

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Originally posted by [sico]

you cant replace skins. andy eah that isnt a cheat its an ingame model. hopefully will be removed with the upcoming patch


You know what I meant. Just like the entity of the body can be changed, who knows if anything else can.

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no it cant. if you change anything in the pak you cannot join pure servers. plus if you make your own pak which changes a model it wont be able to be used unless the server has it which would be pretty ****en dumb. that arms model is somthing raven accidently left in. alot of ppl know how to access the model but arent dumb enough to post it on a jkii forum (Even tho a few ppl already have).

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to get the model u have to acces the console


then type:


model justgivemetheguywiththefreakingarms/default




nah, i dont think posting the console command is a good idea..

allthough i dont consider this a cheat, it gives the person a huge advantage coz you only can see aprx. 10% of him.. (even though the hole body is still a target)

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How to do this was posted back when we were finding the original cheats when the game came out. Its not a cheat as to say since you dont have to have cheats enabled on the server. That is the model that you would see in first person, just wrist and hands. I believe Raven just didnt know that you could just type model soandso and it would show up. If someone uses this just vote to kick/tell them to change/ or use the option in the setup to force default models, and everyone will be using the same model as you are, on your screen. Everyone else will still see what ever they want to see.

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It's cheap to use, if your going to go around deathmatching with it, BUT, if your doing something like dueling, or meeting with someone to duel, then I think it's quite fair to use it to get past all the ganks.


I know I used it when I would go around with sabre sheathed, looking for other potential duelers.

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At least when playing against bots. I did not try it when playing in multiplayer because I believe that is cheating. Because I would have an advantage that the other cannot have.

It is not a console command but an assets0.pk3 tweak

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