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New Ffa Map !!!review!!!! Read


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hey all,

this is a short lil review i've writen up for all u jedi en sithys out there>>>>I'm happy to annouce that the WORLDS FIRST user made JK2 FFA map has been made...and released on http://WWW.JEDIKNIGHTii.COM!!!:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:and i'm even happier to say it is a MASTER PIECE, it is in fact the complete scene of the luke<->vader duel from "THe empire strikes back", from the carbon freezing room to the bridge where luke gets his hand...ReMoVeD;) !

Everything is done ever so shaperly and to SCALE, which is....well....exactly what you wana map thats made of a movie scene. As you browse through the map for the first time, you'll knotice the small details that give this map the extra "edge", in the carbon freezing room you see hoses hanging from the ceiling...on the floor you'll notice a big slab of carbon, with noless than han solo sticking out of it! As you run outside, you'll hear the eeryness of wind, blowing from under you...this area of the map is my favourite, it really DOES make you feel as if you were back in the movie!

For me the fun REALLY began when i decided to play director moohahahaha! Like me, soon afteryou download this map, you'll switch to your luke skin and throw in the most Darth Vaderish bot you can find to recreate one of the most memorable duel in history;)!!

Serious for a minute, there are very few faults in this map...but as always there are one or two. The first is that certain doorways to "exit" the area are just white planes, i can't really attack this too much, because this map is soon to be join with others the author is working on to make one big mudda f*cka of a map. My second query is unlike the movie scene and the original JK2 carbon chamber, this chamber doesn't have that red glowing hue in the air around you, this would have added much more atmosphere to the room. But all rooms are fantasticly done, giving you a real since of the dark moody feel of the scene, much like in the movie.....:duel:"Luke, i aM uR fAtHeR" :duel:

Thanx for your time everyone, plz feel free to decuss this awsome map made by ***LivingDeadJedi***, man your da bomb keep shoveling out those master pieces.

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Well...you mean conversion right. Guessing its an Elite Forces map converted with help from Raven.. I hardley consider that the first user made map and as a mapper consider it "just" a conversion and not that it is bad but call it what it is.

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Here are the faults.


The 2 doors at the top of the carbon chamber are not textured. One if white and the other bluish. This may be due to the map being part of a large Cloud City level at a later date.


Getting up to the window area is rather frustrating. The lift is very slow, meaning you really have to force jump up the shaft. (The lift in the Freezing Chamber is slow as well.) The stairs are too narrow and winding for my liking. There is not enough room to battle in there.


There are too many areas with only one entrance/exit. Eg. The room with the window. If you wander down the corridor past the window there is no exit. Same with the freezing chamber and the area outside that exists below catwalk. But this may be due to the fact that it is only part of a map.



Good Things


The freezing chamber looks good excluding the doors. Plenty of tubes hanging from the ceiling etc. Maybe it's not as atmospheric as the one that comes with the game but still good.


The texturing outside is brilliant. It captures the scene from the film beautifully.


The addition of a lower catwalk area is rather useful. It would be better if there were more ways to escape from it though.


The architecture is brilliant. Switch to no clip and take a look at the whole scene. Looks tremendous.

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Originally posted by AnTi-HeRo

dude, it is a JK2 map.......thought up with starwars in mind.......made with JK2 in mind.......and.......release FOR JK2

he USED radiant to make it, but it was made FOR JK2

thats all i gotta say


really? Well this is from the author.


Description: This is a map I made for EliteForce that I’ve converted to Jedi Knight 2. It has kindly been rendered for me by those chaps at Ravensoft =]] until JO radiant comes out. This map will be part of a MUCH bigger cloud city map later this year with a falcon you can walk inside (which I’ve seen by the way =]) which is being made by my friend [XG]Darth Vader.


There are going to be a ton of coversions from Elite Force to JKII... I think they belong in another catagory. This clearly took alot of work at one time but for a different game.

PS: Theres no way too make a map at this point without the help of raven cause they rewrote q3map. There is no way he could release that map this quick. Not that its a bad map I haven't even played it. Im just saying its a conversion.




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Okay now that ive played the map it isnt all that great and couldn't handle much multiplayer play.. lags like slow death. Overlapping textures... corners aren't mitred. I get 32 fps in a lot of places with a geforce 3 500ti with 64meg. The bots jump arround like thier on crack...and thats all they do. Plus they randomly make jumps off the edge for no reason. Texture allignment is way off in places and the area where you go up to the top on an enclosed ramp is just kind of annoying and if you get into a duel on the ramp there is no way to move. Just my opinion take it with a grain of salt...oh and r_sppeds were off the map. I mean its a map and thats about it. Raven should've speant more time working on getting us the tools then compiling this map.


No offence to the author: I just tell it like i see it.





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The level looks nice, plays badly, and in most places is too claustrophobic. We will be seeing plenty of levels that look much nicer than this once the tools are released, I could think of many ways in which the architecture could be improved, mainly through better use of curves.


Oh, and it was released on Massassi first, cause Massassi is leet :)

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we'l i helped in the creating of this map and i have to say that the wind is fine its just the game tha makes it muffeld couse we made this in efrad and in ef the wind is as clear as it can get

and it is not realy a conversion this map was only made in ef cause the gdk was not out yet but we never released this map into the efcomunity so its a jk2 map not and ef conversion

but i'll post some screens of the cloud city map as soon as it starts to look like a cloud city map


this map rocks

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Originally posted by {xg}darthVADER

we'l i helped in the creating of this map and i have to say that the wind is fine its just the game tha makes it muffeld couse we made this in efrad and in ef the wind is as clear as it can get

and it is not realy a conversion this map was only made in ef cause the gdk was not out yet but we never released this map into the efcomunity so its a jk2 map not and ef conversion

but i'll post some screens of the cloud city map as soon as it starts to look like a cloud city map


this map rocks


That made no sence. Well it was made with EFradiant but never released for EF so its a JKII map, by the way if your adding even more to this map good luck without fixing some of these core issues...there are no hint brushes, overlapping textures, corners aren't mitered, effeciant use of caulk non exsistent, r_speeds are off the map not to mention the tris and poly counts. Maybe I look at maps differently being a mapper. This map too me is unplayable.





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Why don't you give compliments and productive criticism instead of going for the I AM THE BIGGEST D1CK AWARD.


Guys the maps really appreciated. I can't wait till it gets tuned up a bit. We hosted it at our LANparty and the peeps loved it. Keep up the good work. And Jafo's comments aside thanks for the dedication.

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Originally posted by BlizzardX


Why don't you give compliments and productive criticism instead of going for the I AM THE BIGGEST D1CK AWARD.


Guys the maps really appreciated. I can't wait till it gets tuned up a bit. We hosted it at our LANparty and the peeps loved it. Keep up the good work. And Jafo's comments aside thanks for the dedication.


Wasn't aware I was being a D1CK. How was it I was being one and are you that sensitive? I didn't swear everything I said was constructive if you are a mapper. Did I hurt you or something:) I dont think any mapper could really compliment on this map other than nice try.

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I enjoyed seeing this map very much. A very nice job, although I would fix the white and blue untextured doors, even if it is "correct". It just appears to be a bug to everyone that sees it.

The carbon chamber also seems a bit bland, not very good lighting there. But overall I love it!

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we'l we have fixed those everlapping brushes and a few texture problems oh and the bots that aere just jumping around like crackheads believe me did not make them like this raven deleted the bots support for this map cause the guy who did this said the he cant do bot support cause he is not a mapper but a programmer. oh and we fixed th white doors so the new version should be flawless.........................:bdroid2:

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I like the design of the map, it was real good. But you must know that mapping isn't eyecandy alone. You must make sure that the r_speeds are good as well, and they are way too high in the carbon room. On a certain point they reached 18000!. While there was almost nothing drawn.


Another error I found was that you can actually jump on the structure that is in the carbon room. Just stand on the han solo thing and jump with full Force on jump. You can jump on it, and there is a lot of errors in that part. => brushes that overlap.


It is also pretty clear that this map was built for single player. You need to make adjustments to make it playable for multiplayer.


No comments on the "realness" of the map. That is excellent work.



Project Lead / Mapper 4 Wired Lamp Studios.

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Yeah - I agree. r_speeds were not good. Didn't check the tris.


I liked the design in most places and thought that, as a match up to the film, it did well.


I thought the wind sound was good, but I did think that it could have done with some other ambient sounds too to counterbalance this as well.


Some comments on the architecture though: there's a set of ramps that take you up to the control room (window room?) that could be either redesigned and simplified or replaced with a (fast) lift. I noticed that one or two of the bots actually managed to get stuck behind the gap between the wall and the ramps. Also, they weren't easy to get up but also didn't lend itself to good fighting area.


Agree with Unikorn that this needs to be quite modified for an MP map.


But overall, quite impressed. Looking forward to the next release.

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