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what is the best defense for the gun that shoots the blue balls (repeater gun?)


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I have trouble countering this gun using my force push or pull powers as balls can be launched from far away and can shoot faster then i can force push them. I am interested to know what other people do against this gun and how they conteract its punishment upon the.

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I think you're talking about the DEMP2. You can push these shots but due to the high rate of fire you will miss most of them. In situations like this don't be affraid to run away. But run backwards so you can push or block shots at your back. Don't worry about your honor (what good does it do you if you're dead, eh?:p ):rodian:

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If you've got a saber defense of 3 and can keep a safe distance you can reflect most if not all of the primary fire back. If you're talking about the DEMP, it doesn't really hit all that hard, so you don't need to get out of the way immediately, but it fires fast enough that you can be in big trouble if you dawdle too long. :)

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playing saber only is sad. I use saber only myself but jedis sith whatever fight off peopel with guns , if you cant fight off gun peopel then your sad. yeah they getyou sometimes but saber only is like trammel in Ultima online ... you wanan be weak and play it safe with no guns. Ina real fight though people are going to pull guns and you gotta be cunning enough to take em out and watch your back at the same time. it amazesme how weak lot of players are. like they never played a TRUE fps other then camers strike which was a mod to begin with turned into a game.

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Originally posted by Jedi Reeves

playing saber only is sad. I use saber only myself but jedis sith whatever fight off peopel with guns , if you cant fight off gun peopel then your sad. yeah they getyou sometimes but saber only is like trammel in Ultima online ... you wanan be weak and play it safe with no guns. Ina real fight though people are going to pull guns and you gotta be cunning enough to take em out and watch your back at the same time. it amazesme how weak lot of players are. like they never played a TRUE fps other then camers strike which was a mod to begin with turned into a game.


After deciphering it, this post has brought a sad (sic!) smile on my face. Not only because of bad spelling and grammar but because of "133t" attitute of the writer.


It's nothing personal and I don't mean to hurt anybody's feelings. This is just a general observation. It's seems that communicating with others is not as easy task as we all think.


In my opinion such post as this one, show total lack of respect for other participants of this forum. If we are not willing to put at least a minimum efford into creating a coherent statement, then we had better be silent.

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Jedi Reeves, to a lot of players JO is a lot more then an FPS, it's starwars. Some people, me included are bigtime starwars fan, and the fact that they can play their starwars hero's is what they draw their fun for in this game.


If you really thing that saber only is sad then you obviously have no idea what kind of skill it takes to be good at it. Myself I'm fairly okay with a saber, and already it takes trememdous efford to stay concentrated during a duel, because one error can kill you.


I have played other FPS games, and usually in an FFA it doesn't matter how much you get killed, but how much ppl you put down, turning most players into kamikazi fighters with big spashdamage like guys to kill as many people before getting killed. Because they are going to die, they know that.


In this game, a lot of the players want to play with honor, fairness, and not dieing has become part of the objective. JO is not like any other FPS out there, thus you can't judge the players by the same standard.


To the rest: I tried it a few times, and it's hard to pull off, but if you can get it right the effect ownz, and the opponent will thing again before going after you with a splashgun weapon.


What I tried was the following. I noticed someone coming after me with a heavy repeater, and alt fire. Usually these players aren't keeping to much eye on a melee assault, so what I do is, I hit force speed, run directly to them, and jump them over (stand against someone push forward, and jump knocks them over), once hes down I switch my saber to yellow mode and mow em down. It takes some practice, and probably shields, but the effect is worth it.


good luck

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Originally posted by Sir Losealot



After deciphering it, this post has brought a sad (sic!) smile on my face. Not only because of bad speeling and grammar but because of "133t" attitute of the writer......

Sorry, but I couldn't resist - I presume you wanted to spell, spelling? :D

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thanks everyone. I pretty much got the idea to run away as the best course of reaction. I know some people think they are the best and can face this gun with saber and powers and win, but I have to agree with the rest of you that running is the best course of action and maybe if the shooter follows i can force push them off an edge or something. the gun in my opinion is off balance. it would be okay if that had to switch guns or the rate of fire on the blue balls were slower, but as it is now there really isnt a counter that is very effective. I believe they made it too easy to switch between the ammo for that gun. light bullets and the heavy bullets. you can block the light ones fairly good but when you can launch the heavy ones so fast and easy it makes it impossible to counter.

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They're actually not hard to dodge, just move when you see one coming, then pull the gun and kill them. I hve no problem with it, if I don't feel like getting killed by a kid with no skill and a lucky shot, ill play duel. Guns are as much a part of star wars as sabers. Don't forget about Dark Forces, the game that started satr wars FPS's. It had no saber.

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Originally posted by Personator

They're actually not hard to dodge, just move when you see one coming, then pull the gun and kill them. I hve no problem with it, if I don't feel like getting killed by a kid with no skill and a lucky shot, ill play duel. Guns are as much a part of star wars as sabers. Don't forget about Dark Forces, the game that started satr wars FPS's. It had no saber.



i know:eek: i got dark forces 1 and 2 with my jedi outcast (and that keychain thing) and i was trying dark forces........i was like "WHAT THE HELL, NO LIGHTSABER!?!" and then i was like "CRAPPY GRAPHICS!!!!" and then i realized how old it was:P

Minimum requirements: 486 or higher:eek:

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Don't let people convince you you're only option is to run. The repeater can be countered using a variety of means, just use your imagination. :D


1. You're low on health/shield but have a mine, backpeddle and alt-fire a mine in your path. There's a good chance you'll kill the guy if he follows you.


2. Use speed and rush the other guy then use pull to pull his gun out of his hands. Then use his own gun on him.


3. Use push to force push his alt-fire shots back into him, good stuff.


4. Use push to knock him down which gives you time to rush him to get close enough to pull the gun out of his hands and/or saber him.


5. Use push/pull combo to bounce the guy around like a ping pong ball which makes him so dizzy he run's home crying to momma and tells her what a big bad force using meany you are.


In all seriousness, I haven't found something yet that doesn't have a counter. Obviously if there are a bunch of folks coming at you with repeaters it gets pretty tough but for the most part, people don't think enough while they play which gives those of us who DO think quite an advantage.

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Originally posted by TBivo

Don't let people convince you you're only option is to run. The repeater can be countered using a variety of means, just use your imagination. :D


1. You're low on health/shield but have a mine, backpeddle and alt-fire a mine in your path. There's a good chance you'll kill the guy if he follows you.


2. Use speed and rush the other guy then use pull to pull his gun out of his hands. Then use his own gun on him.


3. Use push to force push his alt-fire shots back into him, good stuff.


4. Use push to knock him down which gives you time to rush him to get close enough to pull the gun out of his hands and/or saber him.


5. Use push/pull combo to bounce the guy around like a ping pong ball which makes him so dizzy he run's home crying to momma and tells her what a big bad force using meany you are.


In all seriousness, I haven't found something yet that doesn't have a counter. Obviously if there are a bunch of folks coming at you with repeaters it gets pretty tough but for the most part, people don't think enough while they play which gives those of us who DO think quite an advantage.


you can push his shot back?


*runs off to try it*

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Run isn t a counter

It just shows that u don t know a way to


Pull steal guns but unlike JK 1 it doesn t from miles away, u need to be close


So the options to close in without dying often are those :


- Dark Side : RAGE

It basically combines Speed + absorb so that u can pretty much run in a deluge of Explosives shots to close in without suffering very much



Well another area where i think dark side is stronger cause Protect is really a pain in the A..

it drain too much force and u might find yourself short of juice to use pull once u re close

So my combo for light would be speed + heal coz u re fast enough to dodge shots and close in ( outdoor ) and to rush without takin more than 2 shots (indoor )....use heal when u soak damage


So next time u see a gunner shootin u just turn to face him and rush his face .....he ll be surprised that u survive his spam and kill him ( a lot more fun if u kill him with his gun )

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I would hate to tell you guys but obviously you havent stolen this gun too many times. You do know you can only steal a gun while they are fireing it. It would be pretty much suicide to try to steal something that will kill you in 2 shots. stealing the gun would be 1 automatic hit and if your still alive, he could spit on ya and you would die.


That just wont work. some of the other ideas might be good though.




Reply to below: If you have stolen guns hundreds of times when someone was not firing them, you must be playing a different game. I am talking about JK II: JEDI OUTCAST in that game you cant force pull the guns unless someone is shooting them.


And your lucky I couldnt find you in a server search or i would have owned you.

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I have nothing to prove

This works and get me on top of FFA servers when i use only saber ....And i play a lot ( doesn t seem your case )


If u don t succeed at it doesn t mean it don t work but that u re incompetent ( guns are pulled even when not fired ......i ve done it hundred of times )


Sorry for being harsh but i m fed up of noobs complaining that guns can t be countered

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