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New flip move!!!!!!


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Okay i was playing that ladder sp map with the jedi Trainer(cause I made a new pk3 file). I run up to one of the reborn and I jump right in front of him, suddenly my guy does this twisting summersault thing in the air. It seems to work good at cuttin of their heads. I have some screenshots but I dont know how to post them. If anyone want I could send it to them via e-mail and they could post them.




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Originally posted by thrEEpaGe

yeah no kidding....even though the only lightsaber weight is that of the handle...


It could be that he's building up a large amount of momentum... but if that was the case "Light" stance would be the most deadly.



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WHAT momentum? The lightsaber blade has no weight. No weight = no momentum.


Bottom line. There is NO reason to swing your saber slowly at someone's head, when you could swing it QUICKLY at someone's head. Raven screwed up.

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Actually a good example of why the strong stance is a slower swing is an analogy to baseball. A typical power hitter has a longer, slower swing that if contact is made, the ball goes further because more strength is put into the swing. A typical singles and doubles hitter has a short, compact, fast swing which doesn't hit the ball as far but makes contact more often. The more strength and effort you put into a swing, the slower the swing. That's why you often see a hitter miss a pitch straight down the middle, because they tried to hit it too hard and couldn't catch up with it.

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WHAT momentum? The lightsaber blade has no weight. No weight = no momentum.


thats not true, there's still your momentum (or kyles momentum). you can still have more power even if the blade ways niltch. i don't think that strong stance should do much much more damage then medium, but instead it would break past the defenses of say light stance (like it does already)

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Originally posted by Foxbatkllr

Actually a good example of why the strong stance is a slower swing is an analogy to baseball. A typical power hitter has a longer, slower swing that if contact is made, the ball goes further because more strength is put into the swing. A typical singles and doubles hitter has a short, compact, fast swing which doesn't hit the ball as far but makes contact more often. The more strength and effort you put into a swing, the slower the swing. That's why you often see a hitter miss a pitch straight down the middle, because they tried to hit it too hard and couldn't catch up with it.


Well said.

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Originally posted by kold

you should be shot for not reading the manual


Strangely enough, that's pretty funny. '-)


But as for the weight aspect, I remember in one of the EU books, (possibly I, Jedi or Shadows of the Empire) that lightsabers produced a gyroscopic feel to them when they're activated - which forces the wielder to put some strength behind swings.


Not too sure how accurate that is, but it's an interesting concept.

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I use all 3 styles, I always start with heavy and when I get a hit and it doesn't kill I go right to medium and run them down. when I vs more then 3 people and one or more and using a gun i go to Light

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Originally posted by Foxbatkllr

Actually a good example of why the strong stance is a slower swing is an analogy to baseball. A typical power hitter has a longer, slower swing that if contact is made, the ball goes further because more strength is put into the swing. A typical singles and doubles hitter has a short, compact, fast swing which doesn't hit the ball as far but makes contact more often. The more strength and effort you put into a swing, the slower the swing. That's why you often see a hitter miss a pitch straight down the middle, because they tried to hit it too hard and couldn't catch up with it.


uh no.


power hitters have very high bat speed (griffey and mcquire) its the combination of high batspeed and a 90 mph fast ball and accuracy that gives them the distance. strength adds to the distance it does not create it on its own.

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light & medium are fast blows, strong is slow, meaning the saber is cutting through your body a longer time, therefore making more damage. Although from a realistic angle, one hit from any would kill instantly (if hitting in the chest or head that is), but this is a game.

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Yeah I have to correct the notion that slower swings generate more power. That is, on its face, a silly concept. If there was more weight in the item that was swinging, then it is possible that there would be more energy imparted to the object being struck, but since there isn't (lightsabers weigh the same and baseball bats all fall within a range) it's all speed. Faster = stronger = more power. Same with golf. Increased clubhead speed = increased distance.


Now as far as why the strong stance is most powerful, I figure it has something to do with the force required to swing it in combat (and i mean "jedi" type force, not physical force). In reality if I remember correctly, in the movies it didn't seem like you had to swing hard to cut through an arm, making the different stances in the game kinda separate from the actual star wars canon. Anyway, just my opinion

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