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saber locks

Baron Fitz

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I was playing on a duel server last night, and I noticed that when players would lock sabers, one could push the other's saber down and away, then slash him.


When I lock blades with a bot, it's usually just straight on, and there's no overpowering to the side, we just grunt and strain until someone falls back. How can you go about overpowering someone? (I know the manual says to mash on the primary attack button repeatedly, but that doesn't do the trick)




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im sure microsoft or logitech had something to do with that. sure fire way to need a new mouse in 3 months. ever wonder if they ask game developers to put stuff in games that requires you to mash stuff really fast. example of a game created by a keyboard developer : track and field : )

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Just make a script that calls the attack command as a toggle




Set attackstart "+attack;wait;wait;+attack;wait;wait;set vstr attackend"

Set attackend "-attack;wait;wait;-attack;set vstr attackstart"

Set locktoggle "vstr attackstart"



bind j "locktoggle"

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