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MP cheat ?? THIS SUX


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hi guys,


I hosted my standard NTS Duel Server/NF/Sabres only on BGJ. After some rounds a guy joined (NO I won't give his name) who was partly invisible and I don't mean the 'ghost' skinn but really invisible. All u can see were the ingnited Lightsabre and his hands. You of course see it comming: he only ingnited the sabre seldom or when attacking.


If this was told be4 in a topic I appologize but I haven't found it. Can someone please fill me in? Is this a cheat or a skinn I encounterd?


I made a change to my server setup yesterday because I couldn't host the day before on the zone. I put the option 'Pure Server' off. I have been downloading skinns lately and I was wondering if it works this way. Another question might be: does 'Pure Server' effect the visibility of my skinns. Or in more understanding english: can some1 still see my skinn if I host a Pure Server AND put download to clients 'off'.


I hope some1 can fill me in.


btw: after I threarend to kick the player he changed to a normal player. (and lets say... he didn't stay long :))


Thanks for reading and hopefully reacting,




XIII aka




NTS website

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Leave the pure server on. That skin he is using is a skin that you can select in the console, so the people either have to warn him about kicking him or use force default models(kicking seems more appropriate since why force everyone to use defaults). You can still use all your custom skins on a pure server. Everything the server has is considered pure when you do this.

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You can find it if you dig through the Paks, though I won't give it out directly, but there is no way of keeping someone from using it since it is built into the game for some reason.


I wish Raven would have thought a little harder about this before they put it into the game.


Morgans Ghost Skin doesnt bother me though, since he's plain to see. And all the Reborn Skin Extras are very cool.

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Originally posted by TripLe

its a model, already in game.


you can use it, he can use it, anyone else can use it.


chill, its not a cheat.


Not calling it a cheat is just stupid. It makes 95% of your body invisible and throws off your opponents concentration and gives them a huge disadvantage.


How is that not a cheat? Because you can use it too? You're not suppose to use it in the first place or else they would've mentioned it in the manual or readme files. The only way the lame cheaters found it was by searching through the *.pak3 files which is something programmers do not expect the average player to do. If you were suppose to use it, it would be selectable from the Player Settings configurations screen.


Those arms are actually the skin you use/see when you play the single player game in 1st Person View (As opposed to 3rd Person View). Other then that, it's not meant to be used in multiplayer in the first place and is only put in the game to be used in single player.



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It's the model that is used for Kyle's hands when in first person mode when using the light saber in SP.


Personally I find it a cheat, just like strafe jumping/bunny hopping. Just because it is in the games files, or is a bad prt of the games physics doesn't mean you have to use it. I thought SW was more about chivalry and honour, obviously the Sith amongst you out there don't believe in that.

If you want to just kill, play Q3, if you want to at least try and play in the spirit of the game, then by all means play JO with the rest of us.

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For the last time, there is a reason the skin is in the game! The skin is used for the first-person view of the saber! This has been stated in many different threads, but everyone keeps ignoring it. The statement that "Raven guys said that it wasn't supposed to be in the game and shouldn't be accessible" is either a misquote or a flat-out lie, since as I said, the skin is supposed to be there, it just wasn't meant to be used in multiplayer.

The only reason this is a problem is that a bunch of lamers decided they should use the skin to their advantage. Since this has proved to be such a problem, I'm certain Raven will fix this in the first patch, most likely just making it an invalid skin in multiplayer.

Now that I think about it, this may be the reason that you can't use the lightsaber in first-person mode in MP, as I believe the first person LS command just changes your skin to that one in SP. There's no good way to tell, though, so I'm not sure.

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hmm. I don't think it would matter if the admins deleted this thread. :(


People want what they can't have, and want to do what they're told they CAN\T do,


...so if this thread is deleted,. .. SOMEbody is just gonna try to repost the information .. . and spread the word,. . . and repost. .etc. etc.


I can't stand cheating - even taking advantage of the shortcomings of a game. I can't stand that some people don't see how this CHEAT may ruin the game for others, but it's clear they've rationalized to themselves somehow.


If this thread is deleted, great, but I really don't think it'll have the opposite effect desired.

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lol Wake, I feel sorry for the poor newbie that types in THAT command.




Time for Mr. Desktop. The new improved version of alt-f4




EDIT- Reason why it doe scrash, was because the devs originally DID put a model (I believe it was a different version of those "crabs" in singleplayer) but later was removed. However, the model command was still in the files. Once you type it in, the game crashes due to a "model not found" error, or something along those lines. Just lazy developers, or forgot to remove it.

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thx for info guys,


I later realised it wasn't a cheat because the guy really fast changed in another skinn. However I still think it is lame.


No honor. No skill and No fun.


For the records,


the next person tries it on my server will be kicked as well without warning,


thx for reacting every1,


happy hunting and check six,







NTS Website

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similiar models and skins were made for H2 and used by lamers to gain the upperhand, you can either remove the model from the server side pk3 as mentioned above, or a better option I found is to replace it with a model that's nice and solid, and make a really bright skin for it so they stand out even more.


there's nothing more fun than watching someone who thinks they're invisible try and taunt you and snipe you, when you see everything they are doing, and can blast them anyways.


the purple one

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Originally posted by Crack 6K

What the hell are you talking about? Do you know what happened to D2: LOD? EVERYONE knew how to dupe, and the game DIED as a result. Do you want that to happen to JO??? SHUT UP!!!! Admins, delete this thread, please.


this isnt exactly duping.. its just a skin... and at least theres a fix... thank you MankaCat ... thats the EXACT reason i posted that here.



:bdroid1::band::c3po::confused: :

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thank-you wake for posting how to do it. I was mostly interested in the console command to change the skin....but I agree that everyone should know how to do it and not just a select few.


actually the last time I saw someone using that skin, I killed them repeatedly. its kinda like the one-hit-kill strong stance move, if people are aware about the move/skin, it loses the majority of its effectiveness.

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