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Weapon problem when creating new NPCs


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I tried to make a Dark Jedi Jan NPC, for a little epic battle of good versus evil :cool:, but was unsuccessful. I did the entry perfectly in npcs.cfg, and created the model and all that, and WAS able to spawn the darkjan, but she did not have her saber. The hilt was floating somewhere around her midsection, and instead of using it she fired an imaginary strifle. In addition to this, the lightjan (which was just a renaming of the jedif NPC) was holding the hilt properly, but also fired an invisible strifle. Is there any known way to fix this?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry I can't help you man, I wish I could. I have a question for you though, when ever I right click for an entity I can get only: info_player_start, light source, NPC_Stormtrooper, and WorldSpawn, that's IT. Any advice?


Once again I'm very sorry I can't help.

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Same thing happened to my NPC today, Aglar, after playing around with it a bit.


I think there is a file somewhere in the assets0.pk3 that contains a list of every lightsaber using NPC in the game, if your character isn't on the list, then he doesn't use a lightsaber. Just speculation though...if you look through all of the assets0.pk3 file then I'm sure you will figure it out ;).

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This is more of a bump really because I'm having the same problem. However in my case the new Npcs I spawn holding the rifles between their legs, *for lack of a better description*. I tried packing in the pk3 the saber model2 files renamed to match the npc ,saber_dooku for exaple. They wont even use their force powers. Maybe in my case Im not setting up npcs.cfg correctly. Any Help on how to get them to use sabers would be a step in the right direction.... Anyone??

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That didn't seem to work for me...{starting a new game I mean} Anyway, does it matter that I'm trying to convert the downloaded MP skins into SP Npcs? I create a bot personality (.jkb) file for each, and put them in both bots.txt and npcs.cfg. Does the single player npcs reference the bot personalities or are they stored else where? I'm wondering how I define what weapons my NPc's are carrying, and if I even need to do that, or does the class setting do that? Even so It still doesn't explain the odd placement of the weapons they do spawn with. I feel I'm so close and I just can't seem figure the weapon part out...

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Ok I've still no luck in getting my newly made NPC's to use force powers or the sabers but I can now get them to spawn with their sabers... I just type "npc spawn dooku saber" the npc name is dooku and by adding saber at the end he has a saber{still floating in his waist} but he sill fires a strifle, as stated in the above post. Has anyone figured this out yet?? Any help would be great. W/O being able to search the forums It makes it hard to search for answers to specific questions.

It seems that this post has died so I'm wondering is this topic covered elsewhere? If so where.... People seem to be discussing the vader and fett models and avoiding the pleas for help... If we are missing something in the released faqs or the like, the least you could do is guide us to them. Am i wrong? :confused: Has anyone figured this out yet?? Any help would be great. W/O being to search the forums It makes it had to search for answers to specific questions.

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to make the new guy work just replace one of the already existing jedis model with his and then edit the npcs.cfg file to change saber color and sound settings


then npc spawn the original jedi guy


it means u cant use the original jedi guy though


and make sure the jedi guy u replace with yours has forcepowers similiar to whgat ur looking for as i cant see any way to alter these


incidently ive been trying to alter the playerteam and enemyteam values in the npcs.cfg and it does the same wierd thing with the npc holding a gun with their crotch.


look pretty.......wierd


i wonder if this is some sort of practical joke on ravens part?



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  • 1 month later...

Heh, I see this subject's been quiet for a while, but it's a subject I'd love to see answered. I don't want EVERY reborn to be Darth Maul, just the RebornBoss. Just can't figure out why he gets his saber in his crotch. Tries to use it, too! (That has GOTTA hurt!).


Any new info on this issue, or is it time to give up?

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