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Boba Fett Model


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that would require mass programming, which they already stated they cant do.

their modelers and skinners, there only 1 thing they can do (and do well, I might add) and thats model, and skin, everyone keeps asking stupid questions.

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i found a sound file, if you decide not to make one, its :fett: in the christmas specail saying "i take it you have no love of the empire", its not the best :fett: saying, but there isnt much that he says... so if you whanna use that you can heres the link




and by the way, so far nice loking model :D , but some of the scratches look kinda shiney

as for the :jango: its looking nice


keep up the good work :dsaber:

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=) What can I say? You guys are doing a fantastic job. It's exceptional what happens when a few talented people work together and you guys are proof. I look forward to the release.


Not really a request but more of a comment question that you may have thought of or may not have.....will you be able to complile this out as one model? How would I put this to you....ok example...Jan. You "can" get her to render in-game without her vest. Do you think it'll be possible to do the same sort of thing with the differences between Jango and Boba or will you just release them as seperate models? Not that I care, either way is great, just curious and maybe it'll help? (yeah cuz we all know you need the added task of getting that to work right?)

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Originally posted by Ten Tigers

This just proves that it doesnt matter which side of his head the "dent" is on. In Empire Stikes Back, it was on the left side. View my other posts to verify. But in Return of the Jedi it is on the right side of his helmet.


Use your creative judgement to decide which is best.



actually, the dent is correct in ESB. In some shots in ROtJ, the film was flipped (left/right) in order to change the composition of hte shots, or something like that.

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Originally posted by Pedantic

There was a saying by Jango that I found on http://www.theforce.net. I think it was from some Australian TV thing, where he says, "Always a pleasure to meet a Jedi." Just in case you may want that for a taunt.


And this would be the exact location of the footage... http://cgi.theforce.net/theforce/tfn.cgi?storyID=15713...


i agree. the line that jango says at the end of the obi-wan commercial would make a good taunt i think.

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wow, that Boba Texture looks fantastic, i didn't realise that the pic was the model, thought it was some render or something like that!

as a taunt for Boba: how about him saying "i need him alive" or "dead he's nothing worth" (sorry, i only know the german version of the film), when Han Solo gets frozen in carbonite at bespin. that would be cool!

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Ok you monkeys, time for your daily update ;) I must say that I am continually impressed by, and honored to be working with, Sithlord and Bloodriot, as they were both up all night last night working through problems with the models. Between the two of them, I dont feel that there is any problem that can't be overcome.


The current status, as far as I can gather from their 3dsMax gibberish ;), is that for the most part they have succesfully attached the models to the skeleton. The problem now lies in certain areas that deform when converting the model, and those areas for both of them seem to be the hands, arms and mid-leg areas. They're working on a trial by error process, by reassigning each vertex bit by bit and viewing how it solves the problem. We now have little doubt that the models will be finished. All of the major hurdles have been overcome, and its now just a matter of working out the small problems.


Don't hold me to this, but i feel confident that they'll be functioning by sometime this week. Now keep in mind that we will not rush these, as we have stated time and again. Once Jango Fett's model is officially in-game and tweaked, it will be sent to me. I'll then spend a day perfecting the skin, getting the colors exactly right, adding the taunt, bot-support, CTF colors etc. After that, we will most likely spend a day or two beta-testing the model within our little group, to make sure that the model doesnt do wierd things, like cut itself apart with its own lightsaber etc. Once we're perfectly happy with the model, then we will release it. I can't speak directly for Sith, but I assume he will follow a similar process. We strive for quality, not quantity.


On a different note, me and Blood have started to discuss how I should skin the Jango CTF colors. Most likely, the jumpsuit underneat the armor will be the colored area, but we'll discuss it more in-depth once the conversion issues are behind us. If you guys would like to comment on which you'd prefer...colored armor plating or colored jumpsuit, we'll certainly take it into consideration. just keep in mind that Jango has blue trim around his face that might blend awkwardly with a blue helmet...


I know alot of you are anxiously awaiting Boba Fett. As I have stated before, but for the benefit of those who do not want to wade through the last 7 pages, we will be doing Boba Fett as a separate model, not just a skin for Jango. Me and Blood have discussed what will be modeled and what will be skinned for Boba and have decided on the following: Boba's shoulder cape, wookie scalps and the cargo pockets on his pants will be modeled. The rest of the details will be skinned. Once we finish Jango, im sure Blood will want to take a break for a day or two, and I dont blame him. But i doubt you'll have to wait too long for Boba...Ive already started skinning the parts that wont change polygon-wise, and the polygonal differences arent going to be too difficult at all for Blood to model.


Im checking into the taunt situation, and dont worry guys....we'll make one ourselves before we use "They'll do their job well". It just doesnt fit =P heh.


As far as the multiple requests for custom weapons, new animations, and different vision modes, i will reiterate what Blood already clarified: we just can't. we dont know how, and while i'm no stranger to programming, and i doubt Blood would have much trouble learning, the point is we just dont know how. The model would be delayed extensively if we were to wait for a programmer/animator to offer to work with us, or learn to do it ourselves.


Any questions can be posted here and either Blood or myself will try and answer them for you.






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that was exactly what we meant. i dont know what the **** gonk is talkin about but at the end of the obi wan commercial, jango says "always a pleasure to meet a jedi," and that is what everyone thinks would be a good taunt. it fits prfect with him and the game.

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first i want to say, brilliant work!!! I found this thread a few days ago and read my way through the entire thing! You guys are doing amazing work!


I have two favours though. Firstly can you put a link to Sithlords thread about the vadar skin, and secondly, do you have any ETA of the boba model?


Anyway, keep it up, and well done so far. :fett:

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It switched over to Jango cuz I got too carried away and modeled the Leg armor :p


Only to find out later through reference pictures that Boba has no Leg armor beside the kneepads.


Me and Absath are gonna release them both at thesame time on a single .pk3 file meaning that you'll get both of then in one.


As for an estimation... well... can't be too certain... The Jango model is done. The Boba model will only have a few alterations to it. I shall have to insert the other LOD's which should not take too long. And after I have completelly inserted them in the game and beta test'em with my crew, me and Absath will tweak it for improvements on skinning and whatever might be needed.


My guess is it wont take less than a week.

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