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Boba Fett Model


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Some ideas for a map to include in the pk3


1. I don't think Janga has Slave 1 I think his a slave 0 or something cause his ship is blue colored and Boba's Slave 1 is green and rust brown. But deffenatly use both ships in your level.


2. I'd make the level In a large Mandalorian armory ina cliff face. Don't know if they say when the Mandalorians were wiped out but they were used to hunt the Jedi so maybe Janga used the armory as a base. You could put in all the slave ships I think there were 6 or seven diffrent ones used by Boba in diffrent storys, Plus you could put in other Mandalorian style models like speeders walkers and whatnot.


3. the Base/armory should be like 6 or seven levels high and maybe be broken up into 3 seperate level like places are in sp mode.




wow looking at all that maybe you should find a good maper to make this as a seperate pk3 and release it spereatly.

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Originally posted by Royal

1. I don't think Janga has Slave 1 I think his a slave 0 or something cause his ship is blue colored and Boba's Slave 1 is green and rust brown. But deffenatly use both ships in your level.


Actually, it is Slave I.

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I haven't read all of the replies in this thread, so if this idea has been mentioned already I'm sorry.


If you're making these great looking modes for MP, that's fine.

But there is so much potential in this.

You (with you I mean anyone, not just Bloodriot) should make a mod where you can fight as Jango (or against).


The only thing you have to do is make a new model, with animations for his pistols. The game is based on the Q3 engine so there should be a way to make a player fly (there was a power-up in Q3 that let you do it).

That takes care of the jetpack.

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Based on the Q3 engine, yes. Exactly the Q3 engine? no. New animations require Softimage. While it is attainable to those who know where to look, I have it and must say it is a difficult program. Even with tutorials i hardly know where to begin. Its not something you can just sit down and be proficient at.


Whether we'll make an SP mod with Jango/Boba, or allow someone else to use the model to do so, is not something we've even discussed yet. Right now we're focusing soley on getting the model working properly in-game.


Bloodriot took last night off to do other things. He's been working on this anchoring issue for over a week straight and was deserving a break. I spent last night tweaking the Jango Fett skin to near perfection. I now have have Jango burned into my retinas and am already sick of him, and ep2 hasnt even come out yet.


We'll keep your posted. Once we start our internal beta, we'll post some in-game screenies.





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Considering the fact that Absath has Jango "burned" into his retinas, I doubt he needs any more reference. Didn't someone earlier mention something about incorporating the jetpack effect into the model and not using any new animations?

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Absath, I was wondereing how are you doing on the skin/map pack? When do you think you'll realese it, and where?And also maybe me and some other peaple might want to know what the map will look like? please show us a pic of it please!



Comment back to me at



bobafett6665@worldnet.att.net or just tell me here!




Oh, and all of you guys are great!

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Small question.



Do you two plan on making a mini cloak for BF? Or plain out skipping it just to be done.


I remember there was a Boba fett mod for JK or MOTS or maybe even quake.. i sure as hell cant remember. Anyone else remember?

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Well... good news everyone... Jango is practically finished. LOD's Still missing though. Them I'll move on to Boba.


Here's a screeny for your viewing pleasure. :)




Also note that this skin is not the final... Absath still has to send me the last updates.



Model tested in game.


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the model is fully functioning and in the game. Its on its way over to me, where i will perfect the skin, and try and incorporate a glossy shader onto the visor. That skin in the picture above is an old one, as i havent sent blood any of the updated versions in about a week or so.


Once the skin is completly done, i'll post some pics to tide you guys over while we work on Boba.






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