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Boba Fett Model


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Ok here is your update pic. In-game screens of Jango and his two counterparts. Unfortunatly, between life issues, Six Feet Under, and my shader research, i didnt even get to touch Slave I or boba tonite. i have the next two days off tho, so ill be attempting to get alot of work done, mostly with shaders hopefully.


so heres the pic:




now before you start flooding with posts...we are aware of the small distortion problems with the models. we had an issue with the lower legs skinmap, and it has been fixed, just not in these shots. so the final model will be wearing black shoes. bloodriot is also tweaking the legs and arms. Jango's skin is practically done, aside from some nitpicking. the other two warriors still require alot of attention, which im hoping to give tommorow at some point.


ill post some more pics when we have progress beyond this point.




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thank you evan. im working with shaders (which i swear are the antichrist :p ) and will be tweaking the skins right up until we release them. and no, jango is not the blue version. they are all going to be separate selectable characters, each with blue and red versions.





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Ack. That red boba fett is too girlish. But I know you'll reskin that...right? RIGHT? :p


no great job. I'm extremly impressed. I will probebly be using the red fett the most however so I hope it gets an improvement.


this red boba fett for JK1 was my favorite. Just to give you an idea. ;)





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well i think ive finally figured out shaders, and now have jango's armor reflecting light. so now he looks all shiny. once we get some deformities corrected ill update with some pics.





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Looking good Absath.


Couple Jango Suggestions:


Go a bit Greyer on the armor, and you may want to do one of two things to make it look more like metal.


1. Create a new layer and make a 50% grey around the armor areas, then add noise. Probably 100% and not monochromatic. Then add Motion Blur int the proper direction of each piece. Use overlay of blending oprion and adjust the opacity accordingly.




2. Get a good brushed metal texture to overlay teh armored areas.


Once you put that shiny shader over this you'll be damn happy I think.

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