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Boba Fett Model


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I can't remember the third guy's name, though...there were supposedly only three of them left, Boba, Fenn, and ..... ARGH, gonna have to hunt through my closets to find that old comic now!!! :)


That would be JODO KAST




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first of all, maybe you should research your tagets next time ten tigers... if you would actually read this thread thoroughly you would realize that not only did i contribute names to this thread, but i was the first to do so,and i also contributed more than most people in this thread..... not only that but how about this... all my names were original!!!!! now next time your gonna try and insult me do some research. i think you just showed everyone who is reading this thread that you are no more competant than jar jar binks... and in case you dont want to do research perhaps this is helpful to you... or you can look on page 14 of this thread.




Bantha Fodder


Registered: Apr 2002


Posts: 7


my ideas for names would be



-yarnok duvali

-kardo fett

-dulaias tonak




Bantha Fodder


Registered: Apr 2002


Posts: 7


first of all the link doesnt display the pic, but if you right click and save as then it will show when you open...



a few more names


durloth selmea

yubo fett

qidmor darjan


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good work on the model guys...


...but to you other people reading this, I'm sorry to take up useless space on this thread, but like most of you, i didn't come in here to see a couple people bitch at each other in a forum...if you really don't like each other, swap IM names and warn each other for all your worth, please don't do it here...

Once again, sorry for this non-related post, there are far too many...and just so anyone knows, if you post a reply attacking what I've already written, odds are I won't respond because I'm probably more mature than you and if you're attacking other people's replies without reason, you've already proved you need to grow up and you're not worth listening to.

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Originally posted by shadez3


That would be JODO KAST





No, I don't think he came along until Twin Engines of Destruction. Granted, the comic I'm thinking of originally came out between ESB & ROTJ, during a whole "search for Han Solo" story arc, and the third Mandalorian wound up sacrificing himself to destroy a slavers' headquarters. BUT I CAN"T REMEMBER HIS NAME!!!


It's been so long since I read that comic, who knows what box it's buried in...


But thanks for trying!


Great work on the model guys, brings back tons of memories!:fett:

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Eureka! HAHA! I got it working! The mandalorians now have working metallic shaders. I owe a big thank you to Dark Deciple, since it was his knowledge of shaders that set me on the right track. After following his example, Jango now looks like this:




you may have to cut and paste the link....



this is good and bad news. the good outweighs the bad. The good news is that jango and the other warriors now look ten times better. The bad news is that i now have to go back and rework all of them to use the new shaders. its no big deal really.


in the picture above, you see jango with his altered undervest. if you think its still off, let me know and ill keep tweaking it. personally i think it looks fine.


on a different note, Bloodriot has told me he would prefer a black armored/crimson jumpsuited mandalorian. So rather than scratch the crimson armored/black jumpsuited one, im just going to do both =P this project just keeps growing hehe.


hopefully tonite ill have some fresh pics for you all, of the warriors in their new shiny duds.



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i looooooooooove u

i cannot wait for this

but are u going to release the map?

u shud,

i wud love to go inside slave 1

i dont know if i posted this b4, but in one of the graphic novels u see the cargo hold of slave 1

it is converted to hold some cells for his prisoners/bounties

it has orange lights similar to the carbon chamber duel map


if u want i can scan the pics in and send em to ya?





aaaaaahhhhhh, i have to go to sleep now its midnight and im tired, but the good thing is i always wake up to a load of lovely updates :D

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Wow, those shaders really DO look amazing...I think this skin is literally perfect except for two things now...


1. I looked at this reference picture I have and I think the silver thing below his neck goes down a bit farther...It's closer to his armor pretty much...And I think its more of a rectangular shape and not a necklace style...minor things, could prob be fixed easily


2. After viewing the reference picture below, I do believe the center jumpsuit is a dark greey/blueish color...I think it also looks much better that way...And Yeah, check the two lines going across the helmet...


BTW, I mean no offense just trying to help :-) Good luck!

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*distracted by Jango's shiny armor*










Hey BloodBath and Absath, for that crimson guy. Don't give him TOO much red. Go ahead and make the uper body armor red and the jumpsuit black. However I think you should limit the red on the legs. Maybe give him the Boba wannabe look for the legs. Like red knee pads and that's it. no shin guard like Jango.


Also, Absath: you should include the jetpack for gold and crimson fetts. I was looking at a profile view of a fiew Fett pictures and models for JK1... no jet pack looks plain odd in my opinion.

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First all, it goes with out saying the skin and model are first class - nice work and thanks for the hours and hours of effort.


Comparing the most recent screenie of Jango (http://photos.netclubs.com/live/photos/photocenter/o/j/k/0/k0hd3qn56k74h2hnjv43jecb9g/Jango.jpg) with the shaders working with another shot I found here http://jfett.8m.com/mag10.jpg

it looks to me like the leather vest that the armor plates sit on isn't green at all, but more like a gun-metal grey leather. Something similar to automotive grey vinyl/leather that you see in cars all the time on the seats and stuff. The same color is on the gloves, maybe a shade darker though.


I can't imagine the costume designers choosing a green leather to mount armor on when every other color in the costume is some shade of blue - but a dark grey would be a reasonable choice to me . ..


Also the two black pinstripes on the helmet that sandwich the left and right facing arrows seem to be missing - cant' tell though because of the small resolution of the screenshot.


thanks for listening

Darth Linux

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Absath, that REALLY made a HUGE difference.


Take as much time as needed.

Don't listen to these nerds. They're just impatient. =)


Nice work again.




I should say that Jango's belt holsters are more brown than the greenish color you have.


Also, I wouldn't add to much "metallic shine" to Boba Fett. He's got pretty old, beat up armor. Jango's the only one with clean armor.

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Originally posted by camnron

first of all, maybe you should research your tagets next time ten tigers...


And that about sums you up in a nutshell Mr. Troll. I dont look for targets. You brought yourself to my attention.


Nice names, good day...

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heres a quick update for you. this includes the black armored mandalorian that i skinned for bloodriot, instead of boba. bloodriot's working hard on boba's accsessories, so ill have some more shots of that skin soon enough. enjoy.




BTW if i ask again, if anyone can point me to a good reliable free picture hosting service that allows linked pics, please lemme know. until then try cut and pasting, taking off the http:// and refreshing. i dunno. lycos just suddenly got screwy about linking to pics.





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What i do to see the pictures is take out the http // in the address bar, i think somebody said the same earlier in this thread




BTW, nice work on the shiny-ness Absath, i'd like to see a real high res pic, coz it seems that every new pic post becomes my background (WEE!!) and also, i was wondering, when you guys are finished, are you just going to make a skin template for people to make more skins, or are you going to release some 3DSMax files too, so we can fiddle with the model? that would be super-duper

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well, once the model is out and about, ill put together a quick color-coded wire-frame skin map so people can messa round with it if they want. but in all honesty, ive spun a nasty web of alpha channels, .tga files, .jpg files and shaders, to the point where i doubt most people will be able to have much luck. as in, for all but the experienced skinners, recolors wont be an option. *shrug*





EDIT: well.....Bloodriot and I have decided that the yellow mandalorian is a little cartoonish and ugly. so We're considering scrapping it. Unless theres a large outcry of people who really want that yellow warrior, its gonna get tossed in favor of a new scheme.

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