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Kyle getting too old for another adventure??


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hi, i just noticed, out of everyone in the game, kyle seems to be the only one showing age. luke still looks the same, jan looks young still, mon mothma looks the same, and even lando still looks like his normal age.


kyle katarn has been the only character who has shown signs of aging. look at him in dark forces, jedi knight, and jedi outcast. he is starting to grow grey hair, and his face looks more matured. (he actually kinda looks like anomen from baldurs gate 2 in the cinematics in jedi knight: dark forces 2)

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Kyle rulez - no matter what age. :)


Actually I love the greyish shades in his hair - makes him look so much more ... sophisticated? Or... honorable?

And I think he could teach all those average whippa-snappa game heroes a lesson or two.


Still I got the impression his hair was more grey back in JK than it is now in JO. A little coloring maybe? :D




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Actually Kyle didn't show any gray in JK, only in MotS and JK2.



He's definately not "too old" he's younger than Qui Gon and Obi-Wan in the classic trilogy. Don't forget Darth Vader...


Besides, I always figured that people strong in the force (at least the lightside) tend to live longer (assuming they don't get killed in battle of course). ; )

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Heck the reason that Darth Maul was kicking their asses so much was the fact that the dual light saber tactics that he had been taught were directed towards taking advantage of opponents using only single lightsabers. Essentially Obi Wan and Qui-gon had to improvise all new tactics in fighting Darth Maul, no easy task. If Obi Wan had to fight the dual light saber alone, he probably would have lost.

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I think Kyle has grey hair because of his brush with the Dark Side. I don't think it's age-related at all.


I mean, if you say he was around 22 at the start of DF (which begins just before ANH), he's 26 by the time we get to JK, which is set just after ROTJ (ANH + 4), and Jedi Outcast takes place 9 years after he saves the Valley. Even if the quest in JK took him a year, that still only makes him 36. How can he be too old? :eyeraise:


There's plenty of life left in the character, IMO.


What I would say is that the next trial in his life needs to be momentous. It would be sad to see them turn it into a series of 'The Further Adventures of Kyle & Jan', because then it becomes predictable and boring.


I like to think that Kyle is at the heart of momentous events...and they shouldn't happen too frequently in one person's experience. So maybe they do a sequel with Kyle...another number of years later...and show a transition to another character, and then give the guy a break.


I mean, this is one of the reasons why I stopped reading the EU, because it all became Luke, Leia and Han go off and save the galaxy every day...which is totally unrealistic. Aren't there any other people in the galaxy facing impossible odds? Where are their stories? :rolleyes: Popular characters are all well and good...but not when they're used in every galaxy-saving scenario...


So yes...let's have a game like MotS next time...where you switch between two main characters, one of whom happens to be Kyle. Only make sure it has a plot...

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1. Luke won't show signs of the slightest aging until he's like, 300 (ok a big exaggerated, but you get the point). He's so strong in the Force, he'll live a really long time. The light side preserves, the dark side destroys, which is why Palpy has to transfer his spirit to another body every once and a while because it decays faster and faster each time. Also why the Nightsisters are all gross and deformed with poping vains and that yuck muck.


2. Kyle's going to show signs of age, but not as much as normal people would.


3. As for Jan, Mon Mothma, Lando... Well, doh! I guess they forgot them. I guess you can pass off their not having gray hair with three words:


Just For Men (and Women)

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Yeah Kyle isn't too old to be saving the galaxy it's that the whole idea of Kyle saving the galaxy is old. We need a new character and it should be his padawan learner to make an easier transition from Kyle to a new character. I think it being like MOTS would be good.

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i cant remember where it was so this is annoying me but i read somewhere that someone was complaining Luke was getting to old to have adventures and the reply was that the average life span would be hundreds of years because of the advanced technology and so on....so the same applies to kyle


i think it was in the UK official Star Wars magazine

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