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Petition: Remove Saber Throwing In FFA duels Next Patch


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Hi all....


Im not a JKII player but i do read a lot of threads here to get some insight. my comment has nothing to do with the conversation of the saber throwing.


I just wanted to say that Zufuss has to watch out what he is saying. you are lucky that this board is realy busy or you would have been banned by now. if this were Galactic Battlegrounds, you would be gone with your first post. in Rogue Squadron you may have lasted one thread..... but i think you better watch it or your out of here... for ever...


just a heads up.

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I didn't even bother to read all of this lame thread. I read what the first guy wrote and will just coment on that.


Light stance doesn't block saber throw??? You are sad indeed! Whenever someone uses saber throw against me I switch to light stance and deflect every saber they throw. I just make sure that my saber is where theirs hit. It's no problem at all... so stop making up all this nonsense just so you can whine about something YOU find lame because it kills you.


I am so damn tired of all you whining children here. The sadest part is that you don't even comprehend the insignificance of your oppinions. SO STFU K THANX!


Here is a list of things people finds lame.

1. Saber throwing

2. Weapons

3. Heavy stance

4. Light stance flailing

5. Grip

6. Pull/Push

7. Drain

8. Lightning

9. Heal

10. Kickflip

11. Not bowing

12. Duelling in FFA

13. Cheap kills

14. Killing people with light sabers off



ALL of the above have been mentioned here and people have been whining and crying about it. WTF do we have left then. Are we going to kill each other with bowing and 1337 sp34k untill our opponent dies from boredom??? SO STFU K THANX!


Some of the problems mentioned are indeed problems and I am sure they will be adressed in the patch... But NOT everything... OK? SO STFU K THANX!


It's really annoying comming here and seeing all these moronic threads where people whine and cry about things they have not even tried to actually THINK about. SO STFU K THANX!


If you get your ass kicked just try for a second to imagine how in the bloody hell EVERYONE should be able to be number 1??? There WILL be someone better than you! There will be someone who uses different tactics than you! And these tactics might just be better than yours! You can customize your way of playing JK2 and that is really great... But noooo some people will just come here crying and whining like bloddy children who had their last candybar stolen from them... SO STFU K THANX!




And just another thing




Oh and did you know that EVERYONE can have saber throw? Use points on if you like. If it isn't worth using points on from your point of view it seems really stupid to claim that it is imbalanced? Just plain stupid. If you use all your points on lightning and drain or whatever THAT is YOUR choice! SO STFU K THANX!


Saber throw is needed to combat the flailers and the heavy special. Removing it would cripple the gameplay... if you can't comprehend that JUST STFU K THANX!


"Waaahhhh I don't want to use points on saber throw because I want lvl3 lightning and drain.... waaahhhhh no one else should be able to use it.... waaahhhhhh ...." STFU K THANX!


But wasting words on a thread like this is truly a disrespect for the fact that humans can indeed communicate in a way much more complex than ... say monkeys. I am sorry about that one thing. Everyone would show great respect for the human language by replying to future threads like this with the simple words:



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i think we can sum everything up with one symbol:


:violin: boo hoo--get over it

and not just you Z--anyone who whines about aspects of the game that they themselves could choose to practice...cheating is ofcourse taboo--but anything else is fair game as far as i'm concerned...so let's uh, stop bouncing this thread--sorry i have to in order to say all this...:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by OOO

You DO realize that without his saber, a saberist is 100% vulnerable to any and all incoming fire from guns and other sabers.


You DO realize he's talking about ffa duels? dont know where you see guns and other sabers there.


btw. even worse than the whining is the whining about whining or the whining about whining about whining...

if you dont like the thread and consider it whining: DONT ANSWER. i thought everyboby who spent more than 10min on a forum realizes that this way they will just disappear within hours.


but the 'mature' reaction seems to be to insult and tell people to stop whining or stfu. discuss or discuss not, there is no.. hm.. whatever.

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I dont think this should be allowed. I usually dont use saber throw, because with force its useless, and on noforce you can't throw your saber (i should hope so right?).


Here ' s a tip for you ZUFUSS !!!!!!!! NEVER TRY TO CATCH SOMEONE' S LIGHTSABER . Do you understand???? That s not a toy!!!!!! It s VERY PAINFULL!!!!!!


Legend Of Khaydarin.

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oh jesus I can't believe some of you people and your ignorance.


First I'd like to get something out, saber throw is not the only counter ot the heavy special. I NEVER use saber throw, and whenever they use the heavy special I just time my swing when they land in MEDIUM stance, and land a hit. I have beaten a TON of heavy stances using only the medium stance. You need experience, you need to know your enemy. Since I used to use medium stance I know all its weaknesses.


Second of all, sure saber throw is easy to counter, but how are you going to dodge saber throw AND attack at the same time? That's right, you can't. Let me give you a little situation that happened to me yesterday:


Duel in FFA, a guys only attack against me was saber throw, he did nothing else. I was dodging left and right getting out of the way of the throws but I could never catch up to the saber thrower. This is once again in medium stance, I finally catch up to him and take a swing, the first swing hits the air so I combo into my second swing, as I"m doing that he saber throws. Since i'm so close he gets his sword back instantly, and then he rolls away. This is how he killed me, whenever I took a swing he would saber throw and roll away. It takes a small amount of timing but within an hour of practicing you can have that move perfected and its impossible for the other person to catch you. With no force speed, pull etc. to aid you. If someone can name me one way to counter somebody who can roll away and never let you catch them, explain it to me because I must be missing something.


Some of you are just blind fools that can't see how horribly balanced saber throw is without other force powers to aid you.

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If someone can name me one way to counter somebody who can roll away and never let you catch them, explain it to me because I must be missing something.


Some of you are just blind fools that can't see how horribly balanced saber throw is without other force powers to aid you.


ok I can name one way, and probably a few more after that.


but to meet your quota, try throwing your saber at them as they roll, it goes alot further and faster than any other attack and can easily catch someone whose rolling around.


also you can still force jump when in an FFA duel, so you can strafe force jump to where they are rolling to and hit them with an attack.


you can roll forward yourself and keep up with them at least, since the roll speed will be the same for everyone when no force is involved.


the purple one

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throwing saber at them as they roll.... no I don't want to do that because I don't want duels to turn into a saber throwing fest. Rolling to keep up with them doesn't work because there is a short delay after you roll that gives them time to strafe away.


Your only valid point is the force jumping, which is the only possible way I can beat them. It still fails sometimes though, because once again they can just roll away. Some of these duels have lasted 15 minutes for me, just dodging and trying to get that hit in. I feel really cheap using saber throw to kill them.

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well as mean as this may sound, you DO have the option to fight back with an effective tool, by choosing not to use saber throw, you are the one creating the imbalance. the options are there for you to use, if someone else is allocating their foce powers for saber throws, and you want to be able to effectively counter them, you need to do the same.


I suck at sabering, but it's still the only thing I do in JKII I don't use any other weapons, and I've managed to discourage many a saber thrower, by dodging their shot and nailing them with a throw of my own by getting in fairly close. they are completely exposed while their saber is spinning around trying to catch up with me, and since I'm close to them, I can hit them with my saber while they have no defense, and have mine back faster than them. if you do that once or twice, I find they really think twice about trying to use the throw near as much.


this is just in my experience, so you can take it or leave it, but the choice IS yours, you just choose to leave things harder on yourself by not using the throw.


the purple one

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^^wut the purple guy said.


Originally posted by RabidPlatypus

throwing saber at them as they roll.... no I don't want to do that because I don't want duels to turn into a saber throwing fest. Rolling to keep up with them doesn't work because there is a short delay after you roll that gives them time to strafe away.


lol u see this is ur problem. do it gainst them too... coz aparently u have this "honor" that really sucks pig wang.

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Originally posted by RabidPlatypus

throwing saber at them as they roll.... no I don't want to do that because I don't want duels to turn into a saber throwing fest. Rolling to keep up with them doesn't work because there is a short delay after you roll that gives them time to strafe away.


Your only valid point is the force jumping, which is the only possible way I can beat them. It still fails sometimes though, because once again they can just roll away. Some of these duels have lasted 15 minutes for me, just dodging and trying to get that hit in. I feel really cheap using saber throw to kill them.


if all you did was constantly try to attack them in the same way over and over, then you deserved to lose... you're just as repeditive as those you claim to dislike.


do you know what would happened if you threw your saber at him when he rolled? he would think "gee, when i roll i get hit. maybe i shouldnt do that!" and then he would *change his stragedy*. in this game of JK2, every single problem that people are complaining about is rooted in the fact that they want to play in only one certain way, and thus their own stragedy is horribly rigid... theres no room for growth. if you dont want to use saber throw, fine, dont use saber throw. but other people will, and by not using it yourself you are putting yourself at a disadvantage.


when i first started playing, i ran into that problem a lot... people throwing their sabers at me while i was swinging. but instead of whining and complaining, i adapted my own style to defend against it. and guess what, it worked. if this one guy keeps rolling away from you when you swing, then it sounds like you're not going fast enough... so try using light stance. light stance can be very deadly if you actually direct it instead of running around in circles.


you want everyone else to adapt to your playing style.. but thats not how it works. if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen...

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Keep the saber throws in FFA duels. The main problems with FFA duels right now are not the sabre throws, but the ability to use bacta canisters and stock up on shields before the fight.


Bacta canisters should NOT be allowed during dueling--thats total BS because both duelers should be on equal terms. Extra shields should NOT be allowed during duels either. You could be dueling someone with over 100 shield points while you have none. does that sound fair?


The main reason I use saber throwing is to beat the heavy stance unblockable. I've dueled against people who do NOTHING else but this move and its VERY hard to hit them afterwards because of this moves screwed up hit detection.


I know this discussion isnt about No Force duel servers, but I encourage you guys to try them somtime. Once you run into a heavy unblockable user there is little to nothing you can do to counter him after the unblockable.




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ummmmmm FFA isn't supposed to be fair, it's supposed to be survival of the fittest.


I don't think raven put in the saber challenge to let people have "fair" fights during FFA, it's just a way to still be able to saber against one other person, 1 on 1, without others interrupting, and may the best saberist win.


if you're on an FFA server, you must know that some people are going to have more health, different force powers, more shields, or maybe even a force powerup.


if you suspect someone of having a decisive advantage over you in a duel, don't accept the saber challenge. if you do accept it, then do your best to win, use every move available to you as it's needed, and may the best saberist win. Or, if that doesn't appeal to you, go and get extra health/sheilds/bacta cannisters yourself and level the playing field.


the only place I know of where fights are supposed to be fair, is on duel servers, that's why you start out with the same health, same shields etc... when you respawn, those fights are designed to have each opponent start off with the exact same health and sheilds and force powers, and no interruptions from other players.


FFA is just that, it's a free for all, anything goes (barring cheating of course) and may the most talented or most creative player win.


the purple one

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Nah...sorry,crap idea.


If your not skilled enough to dodge saber throws...then im afraid its your tough titty.


If you wonna play at star wars without the force,i suggest you leap around the back yard with a brightly painted bamboo cane.Instead of trying to impose your will unto others.

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Originally posted by Sartis

Dodging Saber throws is cheap. I would like Ravensoft to remove rolls/jumps and even movement when a Saber is thrown at you.



/sarcasm off.



I will sign that petition, it's definitely unfair you can move when a saber is thrown at you!








Oh wait, it was a joke. Hahahaha, yeah that's a good one dude!


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I also vote NO.


Fighting a thrower is not just about 'skillz', it's also about strategy. And that makes it a challenge.....


If everyone were to use the same stance, and fought in the same manner, this game would get boring real fast. I feel the fact that there are options such as throwing adds that extra bit to make the game much more enjoyable.


Yeah, you have people who abuse a certain 'move' (be it throwing or something else), but so what? If they're a one trick pony, you should be able to develop a strategy that will take them out. If not, you've got more work ahead of you.....;)


I think the original poster prefers FFA duels for the same reason that I do: the unpredictability. You never know what you're in for, until you're in it. Where we differ is in our feelings about throws. I just think it adds to the experience (and I've lost my fair share against this type of player - I've also won too).

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Hey while were at it lets remove the lightsaber because a lot of people in the JEDI KNIGHT game like to dominate with guns.


Next lets get rid of the rocket launcher because a lot of people use it. Come to think of it let's put the flechette launcher and repeater rifle in there too.


The Force powers have to go to because some people use them way to often.


Um, ok, let's get rid of the explosives because everyone who drops them and Force jumps is "cheap" or "gay" so they gotta go too.


We'll have lots of fun with the Bryar pistol and Stormtrooper rifle!

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