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What will turn Anakin to the Dark Side?


What will turn Anakin to the Dark Side?  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. What will turn Anakin to the Dark Side?

    • Catches Amidala screwing around with Obiwan (maybe Luke should be a Kenobi??? :) )
    • Shmi gets killed, possibly by some accident of Obi-wan or another Jedi
    • Gets fed up with the rules and honor of being a light Jedi
    • Some sort of elaborate setup by Palpatine that tricks him into thinking 1) or 2) has happened.
    • Something else totally

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Probably the biggest point of the entire sect-rilogy (what else do u call a 6 movie set?), will be the big act of Anakin turning to the Dark Side, likely to happen in Episode III.


Which of these events do you think will be most likely to be the "big event" that throws Anakin fully to the dark side? If you vote for other, please respond with a post of what you think it will be.....

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ok i think i read this on theforce.net or somewhere. let's analyze anakin for a sec, shall we?


in a nutshell, ever since episode 1, anakin is stripped of all his father figures and all the people he looks up to. this is common in character devlopment in stories. First he has to leave his beloved mother. Then, when qui-gon is the only person who really believes in him and truly cares for him, he goes and gets killed by maul. Obi-wan takes on anakin only because it was the request of a dying master, a dying friend. He obviously falls in love with amadala in ep.2 and obi-wan is like a father to him. what will happen in ep. 2 is that these crutches will be taken off of anakin, as well. amidala will betray him or get killed in battle- this will really tick off anakin. to make things worse, he'll return to tatooine to find his mother dead. And since obi-wan's too busy breathing over his neck and scolding him, the emperor will be the only one showing "sympathy" to anakin. THIS will bring him 2 the dark side. So my answer is there is not only one thing in any of the episodes that causes anakin to fall, it's a collage of multiple tragedies that make it look like the dark sides the only road left for him to turn to. This will also make him feel betrayed by the light side and will always (well, almost always) hate it for the rest of his life. Truly a great plot on lucas' part.

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amidala will betray him or get killed in battle- this will really tick off anakin


She might tick him off, but she won't die until she has the kids, and since DV doesn't realize at first that he has kids, so he has to be in the dark side before she has them (else why bother hiding them)...unless they're just genetically manipulated clones!!!! *gasps* lol

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I think the Jedi Council forbidding him to fall in love will begin the process, but I think the kicker will be that at some point (Episode 3) something happens to make him need to return to free his mom & the slaves. For some reason (politics or Anikin's lack of training) the Jedi Council forbids him to go & refuses to offer any assistance. He ends up going by himself (with some prodding by the Emperor) & succeeds in rescuing the slaves & his mother, but not in time to prevent her from dying from injuries incurred in the battle.


He feels betrayed by the Jedi & blames his mother's death on their refusal to act or assist him. His anger & rage for the Jedi at this point will make it easy for the Emperor to turn him. This hatred for the Jedi will be why he agrees to the Emperors order to wipe them all out later on.


I don't think the Jedi Council will be the beacon of pure goodness in Episodes 2 & 3 as the light side of the force is in Episodes 4, 5, & 6. Yoda & Obi Wan admitted to making mistakes in 4, 5, &/or 6 & I think this is where we're going to see them.


That's my prediction anyway. I'd like to hear some others.

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I happen to have in my possession a copy of a rough-script of Episode3:Fall of the Republic......Adapted from Part1 "The Adventures of Obi-Wan Kenobi" -The Journal of the Whills By: George Lucas that he wrote back in September 6th, 1983.

-I can tell you how it transpires but then they would kill me;)

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All I know is that the series should get real dark, real fast. Anakin personally duels and kills most of the Jedi, who were his one-time friends and mentors. Hell, that should get rid of the kiddy influence felt in Ep. I and Ep. 2, right?



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