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Really disappointed by multiplayer


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I loved the single player and expected great things of multiplayer. Alas it is terrible.


I get the feeling there is a good multiplayer game here trying to get out but in my case it is being restrained by the following :-


1) Sabre combat is so random due to lag

2) I have no force powers except force seeing

3) Lack of any help given by those on servers (not Raven's fault)


It's just tedious and boring as sabre combat has no skill, just hold down the fire button :(


I guess I was expecting too much but from my experience I wish Raven hadn't bothered with multiplayer at all.

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I think you jumped into MP expecting it to be similar to SP. First of all saber battles can be more precise if you play in a DUEL game. And if you want different force powers it is very easy to do. Hit the escape button when you have joined a server and click "player", then click "Configure force powers". You can select your force powers in here and have a limited number of force points. I don't know why anyone didn't help you you were prolly on a noob or lamer server. Try different server and join the server with the best ping so saber fighting is more precise.l If you have any other questions feel free to ask!;)



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Sorry your first experience was so bad.


It isn't jsut a Diablo 2 fest however. There is a lot more depth to it than you might think.

Try hitting the Multiplayer section of the Forums for some advice and as User -x- said make sure you find a lower ping server. Also look for a server that is newbie friendly or is lised as a training server. Don't be afraid to ask questions, susre you'll ge a lot of jerks but there are some of us who'll be happy to answer your questions.


Give it some time and I think you'll come to enjoy it.

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My first impression of saber combat was quite much similar. It seemed to be click fest where winner was determined randomly. After a while, I picked it up again. I started observing my opposition (duels are good practise for this), thinking is there some way I can defeat them except random slashing. Poof, all sudden I start enjoying it, and yes, I started winning too. It takes some patience and time, but everyone can be little jedi now, thanks to Raven. :)



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Yeah, I kinda agree with you that MP is not what it could be.

It needs some tweaking in the weapon balance among other things. Not very much, but some. Also the maps (except for the CTF maps) are pretty lousy in my opinion.


As you said there is a good MP in there somewhere trying to get out, give this community some time and there will be some nice mods. Me myself is gonna start mapping as soon as the editor is out, and Im sure there are lots of coders eager to get started as well.


Meanwhile, try playing some CTF :-)



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i finally got my MP thing to work today and i was amazed!!!


it is a bit like a brawl but you have to develop fights with players...like know when they want to duel or just other fighting techniques


i love it when im in a server with just 1 other person....you can have a great match!!!


its obvious i havent played much but i havent come across any annoying characters! players just accept the fact im a new player and we get on with fighting! we were all complementing each other after good duels and stuff.....very good! :D

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