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The Anti-Code Code


Do you agree to follow the Anti-Code Code?  

33 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you agree to follow the Anti-Code Code?

    • I do so swear!
    • No thanks.

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The simplest code yet; by agreeing to this code, you agree not to start threads about a new code, use a code tag in your name, or in any way simplify your beliefs to a code that others are to be expected to follow.

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Not to be an existential butthead.....aren't you by this very thread violating rules #1 and #3?

You started a new thread about a code, and I hate to get all philosophical on ya, but the intentional absence of a code (or to be anti another code) is a code in itself :)


So I hope that's not your yes vote up there Zek. :D


For the record I voted no thanks. I won't start threads about a code, but I'll wear whatever tag I feel like, and as to the last statement, I believe the verb you used of 'simplify" is totally off-base. IMO, holding yourself to any code is much less simplistic than blowing away EVERYTHING out there with ANY means at your disposal. How does gaming get any simpler than THAT?


BTW, as to the second part of the last statement, I wouldn't force my code on anybody, and so far as I've read in all these threads no one has said that at all. The worst I've seen is the threat that if you purposefully antagonize whoever sc or jdg or whatever, then you can probably expect the lot of them to gang up on you. Not too different than any clan you may happen to run into on a pub server. Antagonize clan [ABC] on a server, try to intentionally cause some mischief, state how you have no respect for them or their ways and you should expect some retribution headed your way.


Just my 2 cents....


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Zek needs to agree to the anti-anti-code....one that states he will agree to his own code only if he can prove that his code is worthy of being codeified by codeheads from the planet Kode. And if he cannot prove his own code worthy, then he is required to agree to the anti-code.


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I admit that I don't like these codes. The first code seemed to be about letting people walk around with their sabers off in a FFA and the second was just made to aggrivate people and ruin their game.


As for mods for these "codes," I think that there should be a Chewbacca Mod, where you spend the entire time blasting things with a bowcaster and the special move is tearing peoples arms out of their sockets while roaring randomly. LONG LIVE THE WOOKIE!



...wait... they killed him off in the New Jedi Order. HOW DARE THEY!?!?! HEADS WILL ROLL!




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That second post has to be from an American


haha, was it my sidebar location of Ft Worth, Texas that gave it away? :) I tried to defuse my post with some smilies. I was trying to be sarcastic, and I think Zek took it that way judging by his response.


You could certainly tell I wasn't french, or else my code would have been to throw down my saber and roll over at the first sign of conflict! J/K!!!



:D :D



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Originally posted by TheDarkSide

I was trying to be sarcastic, and I think Zek took it that way judging by his response.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that an alternate form of humour, rather than sarcasm?



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