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Hacked model... or what?


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A friend of mine just reported playing in a game where one player appeared as nothing more than a disembodied pair of arms. The other players on the server confirmed seeing the same thing. Eventually the server showed up prompting the player to change models and shortly afterward took the server down completely.


So, if this some sort of exploit, bug or what? Anyone else have this experience?



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It's really easy to do.. I'll admit to trying it once, but it was kinda stupid....

So know i play as the kyle who would never get ahead in life... to try it type this in the console

/model kyle/fpls

But you'll never be the head of a clan using this skin...

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Oh rip put a lid on it! Its better to post the exploit openly than to have millions of -and I quote the common phrase- "n00bs" flooding the boards with various requests for the secret first person model command. It's like drugs, make it legal and the abuse level will drop significantly.



I really do not like the term n00b because it is derogatory and insulting. Just because someone isn't quite as good as you or doesnt play the same way you do OR is better than you but beat you in a manner which you find unfair, does not mean that you must insult them and treat them like garbage. Drain, heal and lightning are part of the game, DEAL WITH IT. Everything given to you to use in the game (with exception of cheats and exploits) was meant to be used. If you dont like "drain *****s" or "lightning *****es" play on a NO FORCE server. If you want to use light force but dont want anyone to use dark side powers, ....Well, for now thats just too bad. The game is balanced just fine for the most part, its just a matter of considering that EVERYTHING has a counter of some sort. EVEN the tenloss disruptor can be avoided. You can usualy hear the sniper mode charging up. use speed+strafe to dodge it! Now as for n00bs, the correct term NEWBIE means someone who is new to the game and has not fully learned how to use the games various features. AND THAT IS SOMTHING WE ALL ARE! I got the game on March 27. Does that make me so high and mighty that I can pretty much crap all over someone who bought the game yesterday and was brave enough to attempt Multiplayer so early? HELL NO! In fact I have nothing but respect for that newbie. I played this game for three hours before attempting to go head to head with a BOT! It was a full 24 hours before I joined a duel server and remained at 1/1 for the entire time. And we have all had less than a month to get familiar with this game. That is not even sufficient time for anyone to claim having mastered it. So unless you have been playing this game since at least early february, YOU ARE A NEWBIE.

OK I am now done ranting.



Phew! Woah, Force_longPost, I guess theres a first time for everything!

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actuly what he posted is the headless kyle model... thats just funny to see...... the arms one is the same but with a 2 on the end.


digitalvapor: glad to see you blow your stack, its the first step to recoverry(sp?).


I gotfed up 2 days ago and went nuts, and i've never felt better:D :D :D ;)


also i agree with that if we all know then its no longer a issue. i beleave that the ones whineing(U LeT iT OUT U n00B!!!1111:rolleyes: ) are the ones who use it.(if i am wrong and you whine but dont use this goof, then i am sorry;) )

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