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Oh my god (stop whining!)

Mero Vilul

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Stop complaining about people using weapons against you.

Join a ONLY SABRE server for godssake and stop being a child!


I know you all want to be a powerful Jedi or Sith which noone can't defeat with ordinary blaster weapons (just like your heroes from the movies), but guess what? It's a game, and weapons would be unessecary in the game then, because everyone would play that overpowered Jedi!


And what do we have if that would be the case?

Yes, saber only fighting people!

So thats why SABER ONLY server exists for you who want to saber fight.

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We COULD brainwash a certain percentage of the community to play on normal servers with only blasters and Stormtrooper skins. And they can bind a key to say "Hey! You there!" at which point you'll be so enraged that you'll mercilessly hack them to pieces or grip them to plummet from a high death only for them to respawn and the fun to begin!

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...thinks the lightsabre is just one of many tools available at your disposal? I'm talking FFA here.


I use whatever fits the situation best. If people are spamming E-11 or primary repeater fire, I do pull out my sabre for defense. I will usually use the sabre over the E-11 if my target also has a sabre out. If I have the Merr-Sonn or thermals I'll use them.


Why is it so hard for people to comprehend that FFA means Free For All - not whine and ***** that people are "gun *****s" OR that "people who use sabres are lame". All weapons and force powers have their use. Including sabres.

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well if u let urself be killed by someone with a weapon than u obviously have no explored the game.


i can take on any weapon in the game with a lightsaber. for all non-explosive weapons, use saber to reflect all of them back. simple, yes. for projectile weapons, they usually cant carry alot, so just use force push on them and send them back.


simple? yes.

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am i the only one who finds it fun and entertaining to fight people who use guns by using a saber? i dont ***** or whine about it encourage it :D dont like getting shot? pull the guy and backstab his ass its simple and easy to do usually causing panick and making the guy use a saber


and its extremelly fun

and please dont say guns=no skill because trust me with the right combinations of moves it would take skill to take someone with a saber down with a gun

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Originally posted by tam

well if u let urself be killed by someone with a weapon than u obviously have no explored the game.


i can take on any weapon in the game with a lightsaber. for all non-explosive weapons, use saber to reflect all of them back. simple, yes. for projectile weapons, they usually cant carry alot, so just use force push on them and send them back.


simple? yes.


heh....i have a few problems with this strategy, the first being that it doesnt work....


do you know what force drain is?


heres how it would go


from a moderate distance, i would use force drain


i shoot you with a rocket launcher repeater or flak cannon


you die


simple, yes?


btw, with those force points i saved on the light saber, i have many many more options available =)


simple math and logic dictates that guns wins vs sabers


you have tons of points that you save from not having a saber...you have a ranged attack...you arent going to be painfully hurt from a loss of force due to drain....

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simple math is that i have more points to use on other force powers while you waste tons on the saber....i can use drain to kill your chances big time, because when you are going saber vs guns, the force is your ONLY hope...and with drain, im giong to have tons of health, eliminated basically all of your effective methods of repelling my attacks, and i can use my force powers at will


btw: push does not work well at all when someone doesnt aim at you .... ie shooting from the side at the ground in front of them...


and your mana runs out naturaly faster than my ammo does...


trust me...if you use guns you will have a much much much better chance at winning

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I _can_ take any weapon on with my lightsaber... but for that matter I _can_ take any weapon on barehanded, given decent force levels. Even so, I'd rather use a gun.


My 'solution' to gun users is to hope they aren't that good a shot (or that I'm good enough to avoid the fire for long enough) and to take their gun away - NOT try to push the projectiles back. The rate of fire (ROF) is too high on the more powerful guns for me to push back every shot. I _have_ pushed them back for the kill before, but I don't ever rely on it.


Guns are more powerful than sabers, but they have limits. They can be stolen, their projectiles can be pushed, they are dependant on AMMO, and every gun (EXCEPT the disruptor) has a lag time which gives you more reaction time to avoid the shot.


Adapt. Use the Force, your saber, your environment, your weapons... there is NO best way to do it. The entire game is one big "Rock-Paper-Scissors" :vadar:


- Gaeb

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Originally posted by LessThanJake

We COULD brainwash a certain percentage of the community to play on normal servers with only blasters and Stormtrooper skins. And they can bind a key to say "Hey! You there!" at which point you'll be so enraged that you'll mercilessly hack them to pieces or grip them to plummet from a high death only for them to respawn and the fun to begin!


Actually, that would be AWESOME.. getting 15 or so people all with a fairly low ping rate to play as stormtroopers, using only the blaster rifle, and then have two Jedi. (Both using Light side powers.. one acting out the role of Apprentice) playing on the Death Star or Star Destroyer maps.... oh what fun that would be.


Even more fun if at the end there was a Darth Vader and Darth Sidious skinned Sith Lord to face.

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heres the facts people the ceators of the game made the light sabers and the guns even there is no winning or losing betwine them.


heres the cons and procons for the guns:


procon:yes u can shoot at someone from far away.


con:guns take time to reload and ones that dont (i.e e-11 blaster rilfe) can be bounced back. and while ur realoading someone could come up with a lightsaber and kill u one hit.


procons and cons of lightsaber:


procon:can kill in one hit.


con:short distance have to get up close.


see what i mean its impossible to say that the guns can beat the lightsabers or vice versa. i prove my point :D

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Originally posted by thrEEpaGe

simple math is that i have more points to use on other force powers while you waste tons on the saber....i can use drain to kill your chances big time, because when you are going saber vs guns, the force is your ONLY hope...and with drain, im giong to have tons of health, eliminated basically all of your effective methods of repelling my attacks, and i can use my force powers at will


btw: push does not work well at all when someone doesnt aim at you .... ie shooting from the side at the ground in front of them...


and your mana runs out naturaly faster than my ammo does...


trust me...if you use guns you will have a much much much better chance at winning

*thrEEpaGe recieved a swift kick in the face by kold*

just an example of how usefull kick is just run up to the guy kick him while he is on the ground dice him its simple

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Lol, I would just force pull all of threepages guns and then the little gunspammer would have to run like a wuss. This is what I do to anyone who uses guns on me. It works a charm. Avoid the first few shots, get in to medium distance and pull him. His gun will be pulled away, you have it, and he is forced to switch weapons. This is soooooo easy and I never see anyone trying it. I've ran right through a hail of bullets, force pulled, kicked, then slashed. Dead repeater spammer.

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And ultimately, this is what folks are complaining about. The sabre IS useless in an FFA game except as a shield. Even then, you're better off assigning your force powers to things like drain, heal, and especially speed, in order to avoid coming into contact with a sabreist, or being able to deal with one if you do.


What a lot of the people who are "whining" about sabres want is for the game to be on an even playing field where the sabre really IS just another weapon, and not the useless POS it is right now.


thrEEpaGe is a perfect example of why this game needs to be modded or why the base game needs serious balance restored to it. Frankly, I don't blame him for playing the way he does. If you want to win, you WON'T use a sabre, and you WON'T assign force points to any of the sabre skills. I played as a gunner for a few games, and I hardly ever got hit by a sabre. I simply assigned my points to pull, push, jump, speed, drain, and grip. Maybe one or two on lightning, I can't remember. Then I'd go grab a repeater or a Merr-Sonn, and proceed to kick the crap out of anyone who approached me. Think they're gonna pull the weapon? Drain 'em. It works in about, oh, 1.5 seconds. Find that they're capable of pushing your secondary repeater fires back at you? Jump or use speed. If you approach at an angle, they won't be able to push the thing back effectively. Right now, on CTF or FFA servers, there's no reason to bother using a lightsabre, and there's no effective way to counter a gunner who's maxed out their other powers. This is one of the major problems in the game, and like I've said elsewhere, if it ain't fixed, this game WILL die.


People will get bored with the same old run-'n'-gun style of playing, and there will be nothing distinctive about this game, except maybe the force powers. Ultimately, it'll be a Q3A mod with professional graphics. I just think that, unless the sabre is made into a viable weapon, the novelty of this game will run its course and people will move on (as I've moved on) to games like Return to Castle Wolfenstein, or simply back to Q3A. Until they fix this stuff, I'm not gonna bother with MP, because it's frankly rather boring. Just your basic, dull deathmatch play, with a minor tweaks to established guns (IE: Merr-Sonn = Rocket Launcher, Repeater = Machine gun/grenade launcher, etc.).


Like I said, I don't blame people who play with guns. The game tacitcly encourages you to go guns/force and avoid the sabre, at least in T/FFA and CTF/Y games. If you want to win, that's how you'll play. If you just want to mess around with a sabre, you can do that, but you won't win much. This is my main reason for wanting Raven to at least LEVEL the playing field. I don't want a sabre to be the ultimate weapon and for guns to be useless, but at the moment, the balance is the total opposite: sabres are useless and guns are the ultimate weapons.

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Originally posted by thrEEpaGe

simple math is that i have more points to use on other force powers while you waste tons on the saber....i can use drain to kill your chances big time, because when you are going saber vs guns, the force is your ONLY hope...and with drain, im giong to have tons of health, eliminated basically all of your effective methods of repelling my attacks, and i can use my force powers at will


btw: push does not work well at all when someone doesnt aim at you .... ie shooting from the side at the ground in front of them...


and your mana runs out naturaly faster than my ammo does...


trust me...if you use guns you will have a much much much better chance at winning


Which only goes to support the argument that gun use is not balanced properly....IE they shouldn't have access to most of the force powers that they do have now....Which is exactly what Raven looks like they are going to do in a future patch...And when they do you will NOT be able to use this particular tactic because if you use guns you will not have access to force drain, etc. So enjoy your way of playing while you can :)

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