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Best Players Post


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Thought it would be nice to see which of the players in JO are considered best by the community so maybe post here the names of the players who impressed you most in a fight (duel, ffa... anything) and why they impressed you?




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Well I was playing Jedi Master mode(get the lightsaber and go) and this guy named Shaolin-Style kept throwing myself and 10 other people off ledges constantly and no matter how many detonators/heavy repeater balls/golem balls he wouldn't die. Everyone including myself called him harsh names and he made us a deal that if he died just once he'd leave.


He fell off and left :D

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Actually, noone really impressed me in skills yet... I haven't been on a duel server (force, no force don't matter) where I haven't won... been somewhat close sometimes, but not more... thats why I wonder where all good europe players are?

I've tried american servers, but can't get a ping better than 225-250 so far... Not fair playing against 50 pingers in a duel then...

But please tell a good stable and dedicated american server and I'll try...


but this one guy I was dueling, only me and him on a duel server, I beat sensless maybe 20-25 times in a row, and I started wondering if he ain't quitting the server soon (They always do)...

but this guy just said:

"I gonna beat you, I really gonna, I ain't leaving until I beat you!

I may die 50 more times, but it will only make me better!

And damn you if you let me win easily!"


I admire him... I taught him a lot, and finally he beat me...

Think the score were 65 - 1 or something like that at that time...

I hope I'll meet him again!

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Cortana stands out in my mind... I know I'm _good_, but not great, and she (?) (Jan Ors model) kept routinely owning me! Of course, I only play team servers, which means I don't meet a lot of players.


- Gaeb

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This is going to turn into a clan boasting thread.. just wait. ; p


Look, the way I see it, with literally THOUSANDS (and soon tens of thousands) of players, it is literally IMPOSSIBLE to play everyone and know who is the "best."


We have all met our share of "good" players who beat us or gave us a run for our money, and we've all met people we've eaten for breakfast (assuming we've been playing for awhile).


The game has been out for 18 days (21 days for you Aussies; and not including the warez kiddies), that's hardly time to have mastered everything is it? I mean that's up for debate, but when people are claiming it takes years to master Counter Strike, etc etc.


Anyhow, I just think it's premature and kind of impossible to point out the best players merely by experience. Our community can't possibly cover the entire base of players (many of whom may never post on these forums).


About the only practical way to find the really good players is to have contests and offer prizes, etc. Then you can find the "thresh" type people and your CPL types. But then again, not everyone has the time or the desire to compete like those folks do.


When it comes to clans, it seems that people are always claiming their clan is the "best" out there, or they'll talk about the "best clans" and half the time you've never even heard of the groups they talk about as being "the best" or "the greatest."


I'm not against success, by no means, I just think a lot of this is just hot air and bragging (forgetting the scope of the community at large) ; )


Just a few thoughts...

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I never in any instance assumed I would get objective and scientifically proven replies. This is just for fun not out of any desire to really find the 'best ever fighter of JO' or something. Take it easy and even if it becomes a clan boasting thread, wouldn't thta be really funny too? Oh and so far the replies were rather friendly, nice and informative.



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Given that top players on FFA servers are "gun wh0rz" in the eyes of everyone NOT at the top, I doubt you'll see ANY accurate posts about "best players" here.


When I'm getting 20 point margins on fraglimits on FFA servers with a fraglimit of 30, I am not viewed by anyone on that server as the best one there... but rather someone who has no talent and can only rely on "cheap a$$ gun use" to get kills.




p.s. Yes, I may actually be able to turn every thread into "guns are better than sabers, and I like it like that" threads.

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I have a mate I play over LAN on a Duel server , He was the one that introduced the game to me. My friend is the best person I have seen on the game to this date but he " is not a Jedi yet" his name is NighTmarE if you ever stumble across him on the servers

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Actually I am the best player in the world.


Darth Maniac is the One Man Clan Baby Whooooooooh!!!!!!!!! Use the Force or Darth Maniac will lay the SMACKDOWN on your Candy A#@*es!!!!!!! The Force is strong with me!!!!! Whooooooh!!!! WHAT???? Whoooooh!!!!!!!!!!


You don't know the POWER of Darth Maniac!!!!!!!

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Yeah, there are quite a few good players out there.. there's some good with guns, some with sabres, some with force powers, and some well rounded with all of these.. I'd like to see some contests so individuals can rack up points in sabre duels, maybe targets and force use..

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The last week I have practiced like mad and it has payed off. I've been top of the list loads of times in the last three days. And I play A LOT. Have an extended holiday so I don't have anything else to do :D .

Anyhow, I only met one person who impressed me so far. He rarely needed to attack more than twice to kill someone. He also taught me a valuable lesson: force pull gun users.


I think I saw Darth Maniac play once, he did OK. I think I beat him though...

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I wonder how many people here are voting for themselves.


It's easy ...



I fought this guy last night and he was totally amazing! He totally owned the game. I think his name was <<<INSERT YOUR GAME NAME HERE>>>.


... So I supposed to take this thread seriously right??? :p

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scince the first day i had the game.. i won every server i joined...

im not trying to toot my own horn but.. toot toot. ive only lost a game ONCE and that was by 1 point i have screenshots to back this up as well. its not like this game was HARD to get good at... it took like 15 mins... sure i do some cheap stuff but that doesnt make me a bad saberist. and quite frankly im sick of whiners with keys binded to "F0rc3 puss" and "Gr!p H0re" stfu its part of the game.. use it/counter it/ or leave... its up to you


boo hoo let the complaints begin


ps i can use both dark and light force... i suggest you do the same that way you cant complain.... that or just stop Whining.. either way ill be a happy camper.

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I've come up against spider once, and he was pretty good, but not amasing. And as for padawan, I seem to run into him every day, and i think there must be more then one of him, because some days he's damn good, and others, well, he's not so damn good. But either way, i have yet to meet anybody who "owns" everybody every time. For the most part, there are new people on the top everytime. I have to say that this is a kind of stupid thread, because everybody has a different view on "the best", so there will be no clear cut winner. But if you want a good game, you can come challenge "the best.... loser" anytime you want, just search 4 me on servers.

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omg yesterday I played this guy, Plan9 or something. OMG OMG he was l33333t. He was like "You guys are teh suck, I r best jedi. I r teh pwnage". And after he said that, everyone just like kneeled down and turned off their sabers for a moment of silence then he just pwned them all while they were kneeling. Then he called them all n00bs. He is the best, really, for serious, he is. Truly uber.

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