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Fun with Stormtroopers


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Or rather '101 ways to kill a stormie'


tell me your favorite ways of kicking their plastic rears


mine is force jumping over them and then force pulling them whilst in mid air above them, completly launching them into the air , they even do the AAAAHHHHH if you pull em high enough ^^


so what's yours ?

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That's a good one, I'll have to try it out.


I love to Force Grip them and while they are midair, throw them up against a wall.


And one cannot argue against just Force Pushing them off a cliff or walkway. And I love it when you Force Pull their gun away, so they either try to run away from you or just stand there with their arms in the air.

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i pull their guns away from them and then through them up into the air and play catch...or i just push them around...

that's what i did with the barkeeper from nar shadda--i pulled his azz outside onto the streets, and launched him over the side....please jedis...not in the faces!!

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I like force pulling their weapon from their hands, then pushing it down a bottomless pit, or picking it up... so that they surrender.


Then, while they are standing with their hands in the air, I like choking them... until just before they die, then throwing them into the wall...


Its just a pity you can't see the changes in their faces when you activate your light saber and they know that they are going to die....


And YES, I've given in to my anger... the Dark side is just so much fun.

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I prefer to go for the Han Solo approach...


I power up the blaster with the secondary attack and then go for a long(ish) distance attack on an unsuspecting white-plastic-muppet and watch as it does that cute spinning-in-the-air dance that Michael Jackson would be so proud of.


I must admit that the whole force grab 'n' drop approach is kinda fun though. :D

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And I thought that I was the only sadistic one LOL...


I have to go with the force pull slash style, and get you a big pile of them at your feet.


Or just strip a bunch of them of their weapons, and sit there and laugh while they dance with each other holding their hands up in the air.

I was doing that last night aboard the Doomgiver, I called my wife in to see it, all she did was shake her head and walked out of the room :p


Any way, this was a good idea for a post ForcePowerJR...



Nomad's Place II

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The best way to kill stormtroopers is in the Doomgiver shield array level. At the very beginning, about 15-20 Stormtroopers came out onto the walkway by the big cylindrical core. I used my newly acquired force power to pick each one up and throw him down the shaft. If you want to do this without taking hits from the other troopers that have not yet faced your wrath, you can put on God mode.

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The best one is in the level where you have to sneak around. As you approach an area, a squad of troopers come up a lift and then fan out. The alarm is being worked on by a droid... hehe


They're the guys that say something like "Have you ever seen an --- sickle?" "No, what's that" "It's a double bladed sith weapon, sorta like an axe"...


Anyhow if you force speed over to the lift as they're coming up, and look down... the second they're all in sight, force pull. You'll pull the whole bunch up the shaft and they'll continue to soar about 50 feet over your head before falling in a heap next to the wall!

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Honestly, I prefer using high explosives because the poor dead schmucks actually fly away from the explosions, limbs flailing, already dead, etc... if only JKII had the corpse physics of Hitman I could die happy. Of course, that would involve the corpses staying on the ground for more than 5 seconds, but I think that would also be a welcome improvement.

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I enjoy setting g_saberrealisticcombat to '1' and hacking various limbs off! The best is if you have slow motion on excessive and you chop their heads off and then their torso's on a second turn...Mmmmmmm


But in a non-cheating world I like to force grip 'em, force jump wayyyyyy up, then letting them go and watching them fall on their heads. It's asimple pleasure but it consistently makes me smile and laugh.

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I like on the doom giver level when you start off with the ship and some troopers come in on the walkway above, i force jump then while im in mid air force pull them and throw my saber at the same time and they get cut in half and go splat on the ground.

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I find one of the easiest ways to kill a room full of stormies is to just stand in the doorway and block all their shots soon their commander will go down and they will panic and start running around yelling "Retreat!" and "Run away!" Ni! Ni! Then you can pick off the straglers.:D

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My favorite moment in killing stormtroopers would have to be on the DoomGiver ship when all those Stormtroopers are in the hanger area, and you open the airlock and watch them all go flying out into space screaming all the way. :) I also prefer the old fashion methos of just force Lighting. I love watching the lighting play off there dead bodies and watch 'em twich :):lightning

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You guys are SICK!!!!


Which means you're my kind of people!


Hmmm....fave way to kill stormtroopers....I'm not into fancy moves (mainly because I can't do them!) so I just prefer the good ol' Force Grip and/or the Force Push, mainly off ledges...

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