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Fun with Stormtroopers


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With Cheats :


Use Setforceall 5 or whatever it is, and use mind tricks on a reborn/shadowtrooper and going ahead and wasting any stormtroopers further ahead. It's always so much fun as they walk by unsuspecting THEN BAM lightsaber to the kidneys. I wish Tavion were near some Stormtroopers :(


Also, use npc spawn desann and have at those bastards. Having unlimited force power has it's perks when you mind tricks him with the above setforceall :)


Without Cheats :


Use choke to pick one up and just repeatedly slap him into a wall like he was a ragdoll, yet with enough finesse that he lives. Everytime you can pull it off they almost ALWAYS throw their hands up (which is when you fire that EMP gun.) If you want them dead, I guess the obvious answer is force speed and a good force push. See how man you can make dead before they hit the ground.

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I'll never forget how hard I laughed to first time I realized that Stormtroopers couldn't fly.


It's really satisfying to grab one of those snotty Imperial Officers in a quick GRIP and then chuck him through those glass plates like a frisbee.


Force GRIP 3 lends itself to several abuses such as:

Bouncing a trooper off the floor and ceiling until he dies. (Swing your mouse violently back and forth to make a paste of whoever is unlucky enough to be caught in the vice.)

The very popular GRIP & PUSH assisted take-off which usually ends in a scream. (It even works well on those pesky Reborn and Shadowtroopers.)

Human shields. I get giddy watching some poor smuck absorb blaster fire from his buddies when you keep him hovering in front of you.


PUSH also works wonders when your facing those rocket troopers and ATST walkers. (You can even PUSH blaster beams and detonators back.)

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I've learned that even the Jedi, Stormtroopers, and Rebornbosses are vulnerable to this.


Use force jump 3, and at the highest part of the jump, force grip your target, look up, and then push, very quickly.


Killing shadowtroopers like this is very satisfying.

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My friend was playing on the doomgiver mission (I forget which level.. whichever one with those fun loading bays) and he was above those vents where you can hear STs talking, and he drops down, wastes all but one ST and an officer, and got the keen idea of holding them in a grip to lift them JUSt a bit, then force pushing them through those two layers of glass like a bullet. Was the most hilarious crap I've ever seen. (That last post someone mentioned it, just reminded me.)

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I like to pull their weapons, or just hold my saber in strong style and pull them into it.

Hav also noticed that a few types of ST picks up weapons that are lying around and use them against me. (mostly the boys with Flechette/Heavy Repeeter)


one time a Reborn was jumping around me all the time, I used push when he was on the top of his jump. He didnt jump anymore after that...

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This one is hard to do...


On the Doomgiver Shields level...



I got bored one night and decided to have some fun. Took me about 20 minutes to get it right, but I moved EVERY ST and officer on that level I could find (that I didn't wax by accident) onto the pipe you extend to the centre control room. I had about 12 or thirteen unarmed STs and a couple of officers running around. The chatter was amazing, they just would NOT shut up.


I saved at that point and then just tried different things.


1. Threw a Thermal Detonator into the middle of them, very pretty, they went flying in all directions. Looked like a flower.


2. One looooong saber throw down the tube. Killed 'em all in one go. Funny watching all of them slump over clutching various missing limbs and groaning.


3. Did you know you can disintergrate more than one target at a time with the Disruptor when you crank it up to full power?


4. Pulled one weapon (a Repeater) onto the tube and watched one of them pick it up. Befriended him, let him kill the rest, then pushed him off. (felt guilty about that one)


5. With Force Speed on I actually pulled a "Crocodile Dundee" move, walked over their heads from end to end of the tube...


6. Gripped one, used him to knock the rest off, then dropped him.


7. Pushed one off, then PULLED HIM BACK UP. He died on landing, but it helped me test my new Force key-bindings.



(in re-reading this post, I have determined that this is one sick-ass thread....EXCELLENT STUFF FORCEPOWEREDJR!)

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You people bring a tear to my eye , imagine how the movies would've gone if they where as 'creative' as us lot.


Imagine Luke grabbing a stormtrooper with grip and then just use it to bash up Vader


And who needs the Falcon if you could just launch em to the other planets with push ?

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Guest Shadowen

Let's see...aside from the ol' "grip and drop"...


I like standing there for half an hour, facing down a squad of troopers and a couple officers with my saber, yawning while deflecting shot after shot after shot. It's especially fun if I take down officers or stormtrooper commanders first--then they run like little pansies.

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I like to kill them.


That's pretty much it, really. They're my favourite gun-toting bad guys. I enjoy bouncing their blaster fire back into their faces. I enjoy dicing them. I enjoy using every kind of force power available on them. I enjoy using the surrounding environment in every way possible. And finally, I love listening to them when they die. They just sound so...stormtroopery!



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In the docking bay on the asteroid, after you open the sheild and they all fly out into space, go back into the big room (with the two guns and two elevators) there are still two stormy's at the top of the elevators. Get in position just below one of them and then take them out with the disrupter. When he dies he falls forward (screaming the whole way down) and sometimes lands right on top of you.

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Originally posted by wily888

The best way to kill stormtroopers is in the Doomgiver shield array level. At the very beginning, about 15-20 Stormtroopers came out onto the walkway by the big cylindrical core. I used my newly acquired force power to pick each one up and throw him down the shaft. If you want to do this without taking hits from the other troopers that have not yet faced your wrath, you can put on God mode.


The great thing about the advanced saber defense levels is that so long as you keep them in front of you you don't get hit.


On that level, go out the door and move to the right against the wall. No one can get behind you, and you can have fun pushing, pulling, gripping and zapping stormies to your hearts' content ...



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Also on the Doombringer ... I think the level before the shields ...


When you get to the big hanger rooms where you need to enable the platforms, it is fun to open the bay doors to watch the flying stormies, but you can also mind trick a couple of them - I tend to do one at either end - and watch them kill each other for a bit, then open the doors.

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I don't know how it happened, but on that level, where you can blow them out into space, I had opened the doors, they all went flying, then I closed the doors.


Just as the doors closed a TIE Pilot came zooming back INTO the hanger from outside. He died on hitting the floor, but I just stared in amazement for a second as I was thinking, "How the hell did he do that?"

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Originally posted by tempest8008

I don't know how it happened, but on that level, where you can blow them out into space, I had opened the doors, they all went flying, then I closed the doors.


Just as the doors closed a TIE Pilot came zooming back INTO the hanger from outside. He died on hitting the floor, but I just stared in amazement for a second as I was thinking, "How the hell did he do that?"


He was flying a transparent TIE Fighter, so you only saw the pilot.

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I like force gripping them, and throwing my lightsaber at their helpless body, usually ends up ripping them in half :D Also I like pulling them and when they are on the ground I throw my lightsaber at them while they are on the ground.

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I have to go with force jump then when you almost at the peak of the jump force pull them, they go flying toward you then up up and away over your head to land way behind you if they don't ricochet off they ceiling and walls on they way.

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1. Force grip, raise them up, then bring them down as fast as possible. Fun if you like keeping a kneecap collection.


2. Cheat with setforceall 5 and use mind trick. Find the nearest ledge. Swan-dive (preferably onto Kyle's head).


3. Crouch, and force pull troopers onto your saber -- kabobs abound!


4. Throw your saber, but hit "1" before it reaches the target, thereby turning it off and letting it drop on the ground. Initiate Force Speed, jump really high, and hit your primary attack button on the way up - your saber returns to you, and when you are descending, you can dice your target.


5. Push a trooper into wall until he dies!

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