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Mara Jade skin i'm working on


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hi, i just started a Mara Jade skin today, and i'd like some suggestions on what details to include, the version i've started needs tsome tweaking (hair is too red, has tavions feathers, boots and neckband)


here's a couple of pics..they're hosted on geocities so right-click/properties, copy shortcut, then paste into new browser window to see them..(i think)






the legs are lacking in details..any suggestions are welcome, and also anything i should include on the torso...i know i gotta get rid of those tattoos..i'll work on them later



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i aslo made a mara jade skin, but mine was based on the jan model, the skin is too purple and doesnt look much like her, but its good to have another female character in multiplayer. as of the tattoos ive recently uploaded a Sariss skin to http://www.jediknightii.net and it should be up 2morrow and i got rid of all the tattoos on that so feel free to use it as long as i get some credit

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Originally posted by Lost Welshman

my mara jae skin just wears the vest from the jan model. by the way is there neway to get rid of the extras that come with some models eg. Kyles armpads and Jans Vest.


not in MP :(


the Tavion model is quite basic..i wanted her to have a proper belt


and mara wears this costume in most of the pics i have, but i think it's spuuosed to look more like pvc than mine does


i might add her jacket for the ctf skins

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Originally posted by Lost Welshman

my mara jae skin just wears the vest from the jan model. by the way is there neway to get rid of the extras that come with some models eg. Kyles armpads and Jans Vest.




Can't that be added to a FAQ somewhere?

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