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The infamous batsaber...


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Does anyone know if there is a way to turn on the batsaber? I know everyone used to be anti-batsaber and so it was removed, but I am one of the few that wants to bat stormtroopers around with my lightsaber. I was wondering if anyone knew how to turn it back on or if someone could find out. Thanks a lot.

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The batsaber was actually a pre-release JK II thing where the lightsaber knocked enemies about 30 feet through the air. I thought it was really cool but (thanks to a 456-3 vote on a poll on here) the batsaber was removed by Raven because that isnt how lightsabers "work." They are supposed to cut through people not send them flying. If you watch the first official trailer you will see the batsaber in action. :)

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I know what you mean...the strong stance sometimes knock them back a little. But you should see the old batsaber in action. In the pc gamer uk trailer, (don't know if anyone still has that one) you see a stormtrooper sent flying and I mean really flying. Like across the whole room. And it worked with any stance. I was just wondering if there were any ABSL members here anymore. (Thats the Anti Bat Saber League) :) They might know something.

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yea, the bat sabre still exists in heavy stance, today i was playing a bud of mine on the LAN here at school, and i SS 1 hitted him, he flew up to near the top of the map, than landed like, 4 feet behind me, i was puzzled as hell, how can a strike downward knock someone that far up?!?!

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