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Saber Ediquette (Saber Servers)

Jedi Kyran

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I just wanted to take a minute to post up my ideas on this topic.. First of all, I love lightsaber combat on the MP servers.. I play saber only as often as I can for that explicit reason.. I love saber duels, especially, since that eliminates force powers (except passive, jump and throw) and essentially levels the play field. I also love watching duels between other players.. See what their moves are, tactics, and most importantly, style.


Well Kyran, that's all well and good, but what's the point?


My point is this: It's a generally (at least, on the server I play on) accepted rule that, when on a saber only server, if you have your lightsaber deactivated, it's considered bad form to run up and whack/force the individual. And what's more annoying, it's usually from behind. Personally, I'm a duelist, so if I'm not actively engaged in a duel I'm probably watching someone else. That said, when Random_Padawan_04 runs up and takes a heavy swipe at me, effectively knocking down my shields/life down to nil or gone, when my saber is down and I'm attempting to watch a duel, I consider that to fall under the "jackass" catagory.


My friends of whom I regularly play with all agree that this is a social no no, and we usually retaliate with a good ole fashioned bunny hunt, which allows us a break from duels to thoroughly discourage such behavior.


Now then: Flame or whatever, but I'd like to hear opinions, rants, random wamprat BS, whatever you want, about this on the boards here. A lotta people seem to find saber ediquette to be a rather important aspect of a good server, and I thought I'd open up a discussion about it here on the boards.


Hope to hear from ya...


~Jedi Kyran

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you're going to get people who agree, and people who disagree with you on this.


Personally, I will follow that rule if it's in the server message, but otherwise. I generally will go for a person with a saber out, but I won't stop just because the person has their saber down. Why? Because I turn my saber off all the time so I can move around without drawing the attention that having a beacon of light and noise can cause.

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It really depends on the people playing. Some people treat it as a way to get as many kills as possible, and they'll see anyway to get a kill is fine by them. Some people walk around with their sabers unlit since they love to catch you by surprise and attack you when you least suspect it.

I think it takes some getting used to how the players on the server you are on play before you can call them "cheap" etc for the way they kill. Remember not everyone is interested in being a jedi, there are sith amongst us that will get a kill any way they can.

Although I'd prefer to call sith those that use dark side forces, and jedi those that use light. Anyone who agrees to follow some code of conduct really needs to find the right server to play on before trying to stick to it.

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And BCanr hits the jackpot!


It's simply amazing how by surprise you can catch someone by jumping towards them and doing the thrust just as you come in range. You can attack with saber sheathed, it comes out. and with the thrust, you can get the extending damage as well as the thrust damage at times.


Also, if you didn't know, turning the saber on against someone does decent damage :)

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Here are my thoughts...I used to show honor but the first time some fool drew his sabre and swung at me after i left him alone seeing his sabre was sheated was the last time. I believe anything goes..if your stupid enough to not get out of grip then you deserve to be dropped. Now when i see someone with there sabre turned off its just an easy kill. But yes i hate n00bs who run around swinging aimlessly and get a kill...other then that anything to get the job done is my philosophy.



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Originally posted by Monnnster

I like to go around with my lightsaber sheathed and flipkick people to death. It's more fun to kill someone when you're unarmed. People DO NOT sheath their sabers JUST because they want to duel. There are numerous reasons.


yeah.. some might be looking for a toilet :D :D :D j/k

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Ok, last night was my first night playing MP JK2. I understand the duel point. However, what if you are trying to surprise someone, and this someone happens to turn of their sabre looking. A) You can get the jump on him, giving you and advantage. B) You can jump out in front of him without attacking and initiate 'fair' combat. OR C) You can just pass them by.


I personally would choose A. Not because I'm a dick, not because I want an easy kill, and certainly not because I want a simple point. I would strike because that is what I was trying to do...surprise someone. On FFA servers.....without a server message about dueling.....you should not depend on your saber not being drawn to not be attacked. That is like playing 'Tag' when we were little. You run and chase someone that yells "TIME OUT!" right before you tag them.


This is just a personal opinion. I do respect other players, and am certainly not a greif player. However, do not expect everyone to think the way you do. With that out of the way, a few questions, if you please:


-How do I change my 'stance' to attack heavy, medium, or lightly.


-How do I turn off my sabre?

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Originally posted by Monnnster

I like to go around with my lightsaber sheathed and flipkick people to death. It's more fun to kill someone when you're unarmed. People DO NOT sheath their sabers JUST because they want to duel. There are numerous reasons.


see thats the problem,

one some maps i turn off my saber so I wont be a huge target, like ffa_yavin or NSstreets, I rarely duel but do respest the duelers.

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Originally posted by Chewi Nuts

-How do I change my 'stance' to attack heavy, medium, or lightly.


-How do I turn off my sabre?


By default, you can change the stance with the L key, it cycles though blue=light, yellow=med, red=heavy.


Again by default, yo turn off your saber by hitting the 1 key again. The "weapon select key" (default 1 key) turns it off and on again, it also turns on automaticly when you attack/throw your saber.

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Personally, what I hate is when you challenge someone to a duel, and they ignore your request and kill you before you can react.... especially when you could have killed them had you not taken the time to challenge them.


If someone challenges you to a duel, and you don't want to accept, the least you could do, regardless of whether you are playing for fun, or just for kills, is to wait a couple of seconds before attacking so that the challenging person knows you don't intend to accept.

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