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map - tatooine - progress screen and request


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yeah, so it took place 12 years after rotj. this particular map doesn't.


i need some help. as you all know im new to the star wars digs. i know of 2 places on Tatooine: Mos Eisley and Mos Espa. I need a name for my map. Mos Tems maybe? That doesnt follow the phonology of the language. So, if theres some cool name of a place on Tatooine in the EU, lemme know.


ok, now for the progress. i'm not gonna post any more pictures after this. not for a while anyway. I just wanted to give y'all a clue on where this was going. Tomorrow's gonna be a big mapping day for me. Anyway, here's what ive been up to in the last hour.




Hope you like it. Expect some ship wreckage in later versions.



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out of curiosity, what does Mos mean? I figure if i can deduce the phonology well enough (which shouldnt be hard) I could just make up a name. Not that names are my biggest prolem at the minute.



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Originally posted by Tems

out of curiosity, what does Mos mean? I figure if i can deduce the phonology well enough (which shouldnt be hard) I could just make up a name. Not that names are my biggest prolem at the minute.




Mos could be something akin to "-ville" . . .


Just a guess.


Darth Linux

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it was done in radiant. i havent done any models for this map yet. im going to convert all of the water vapor thingies into models shortly before i release the map. that way i can get em looking quite like they do in reality. it possible ill still keep em in radiant as detail brushes tho. we'll see.


hey just found this on starwars.com. places on tatooine:

Mos Eisley, Mos Espa, Motesta, Wayfar, Anchorhead, Arnthout, Mos Taike and Mos Entha. Any information on these? im guessing anchorhead isnt the native name.



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That is excellent! I can't wait for your map to be released. Along with a few others, this map looks like it will be an extremely fun play in multiplayer. It looks superb, too. As best as it can be akin to the movie. Phew theres quite a few awesome things to come in the future, with the progress of maps and models being previewed here I'm sure jk2 will be more fun than ever in a short while.

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Just droppin my .02 credits...


Anchorhead is a native name. There lots of places on Tatooine that don't start with Mos. (Bestine, Toshe Station) If I had to guess (which I do since there's no "official" word anywhere) Mos was used by the early settlers and the other names came about later.

It's just that the only cities we've seen so far have been Mos and they look similar.

Name it whatever you want. It's not based on anything so it's your baby! Just not Toche Station because there are pictures of it out there



:band: -Dex1138

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whats sangwar station? i may just have it be part of mos espa, but i dont know yet.


Ill do wreckage shortly. i just finished modelling and skinning the forst vaporator. (is that what theyre called)


Yeah im using GTKRadiant.



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wow xcellent job so far!def. add ship wreckage...possibly an entrance to a Cantina and when you walk or run by it you can hear the music playin inside. :p Also, you should add some landspeeders in the streets, and maybe even a landed IMp. Shuttle in a docking bay! That would be cool. everything else is just gravy. Good luck.

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