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Con. Snake

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I'm not sure if these sabres are actually going to be that good for actual dueling...


The Echelon™ Saber, and or any other Saber is not intended for simulated sword play or fencing. Parks™ Sabers should never be thrown or swung around people, pets, or property. It should not be worn during any kind of physical activity including running, jumping, or walking down stairs. These statements are for the protection of the owner. Parks™ Sabers accepts no liability in the misuse of its products.
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Guys, if you're really looking for some real duelling fun, check out these badarse blades. They (most of them) cost less, and they really do the damage. I know they don't have anything to do with Star Wars, but I'd bet my balls they are much more fun than those little plastic sabers (no offense to the big saber-supporters here).

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WOOHOO, I got props twice in 1 thread! Tnx Con. Snake.


I'd like to try and build one of those sabres. The parts seem cheap, I'll probably get them and put it together over the course of a long time. If I ever finish I'll post a picture. Don't hold your breath.



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Originally posted by Coronog

Guys, if you're really looking for some real duelling fun, check out these badarse blades. They (most of them) cost less, and they really do the damage. I know they don't have anything to do with Star Wars, but I'd bet my balls they are much more fun than those little plastic sabers (no offense to the big saber-supporters here).





my god have u even been to the site!?!?

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I'm a little late to this thread...


But holy sh!t! These things are amazing! That Malestrom one with the blue accent sure does me justice!


Damn, these things have got to be amazing, Con. Snake, thanks for posting these...even if its just a dream to actually own one.


And...Coronog...we are not looking to be a KNIGHT here, we wanna feel like JEDI knights...what the hell are u doing posting medievil swards?


Yay...King Arthur!


:saberb: BlueJedi

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I do both staged, and non staged live steel fighting (fully sharp swords ETC) in real life with other skilled people (I teach a few sword styles). though I am alwyas looking for a newer better or more fun to use practice blade. (I don't use live steel with morons, but regardless trust me, I KNOw what I am doing here, been doing it for YEARS... the people I use live steel with rock, and know how to control the blades, and when not in staged events we slow down the swings to about 25-40%, and make it all blockable, ETC, nobody has been hurt yet!)


all that being said, I have enough REAL blades (not wall hangers at all), and Boken to last a life time (though the web site with real swords is definately a good spot, generation 2 is basically the "kind" of blades I own at a minimum, or better, all fully sharp, I own katana, and More european styles, and know how to use them all fencing is the only form I never studied...).


However with all this stuff something I have always wanted to show off and just plain have a ****load of fun with at Fairs and whatnot, is a light saber... one I could use for dueling with one of the guys I spar with.


Now everyone tell me honestly. If you went to a local Sci fi convention and spotted two guys in decent looking star wars getup, sparring with these bad ass mofo's and REALLY swinging like a pro would do,would you or would you NOT watch with awe and drool on your lips?


snake you are my hero! the next door neighbors kids will worship me like I am a god when I am practicing on my lawn with this bad boy. My money is in the mail as we speak...


I can;t thank you enough. And yes I saw HBK's sight a long time ago, thought about it, but wanted something with a blade, so never made one... the problem? making a glowing tube that is unbreakable, or at least hard enough to break to make it safe to use (very bad to break neon lights BTW glass everywhere and poisonous powder I think).


As for the power supply? look here: http://www.parksabers.com/2002models/BATTERY4.jpg it clearly shows a 9 volt, rechargeable (least it looks like it to me).


/endless Worship snake

/Think I am going to cry at how cool these are...


Dude I never spent money from my tax return check so fast... WOW!

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The gods mock me, yes they do.


Tonight I was "Laid Off"(This is the nice way of being told "You're fired because we made stupid businees decisions" Incase any of you don't know). So on my way home, I stopped at every place I could find(There isn't much within 20 miles of where I live - Nowhere, and I'm legally not allowed to drive.), and no one is hiring. Thus my last paycheck has to be used for bills until I am able to find another job. I'm probably going to have to sell my saber(no - I promised a friend long ago if I ever sold it, it would be to him). Couple that with zero building skills, and I am pretty much without one now...Was good while it lasted.



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Originally posted by Coronog

Guys, if you're really looking for some real duelling fun, check out these badarse blades. They (most of them) cost less, and they really do the damage. I know they don't have anything to do with Star Wars, but I'd bet my balls they are much more fun than those little plastic sabers (no offense to the big saber-supporters here).


Those things can kill people...


And to Con.Snake:

Dont worry, You will get a job soon, and if they dont agree...Just pull your saber out...And do stuff to 'em, BwHaHaHahahahaha! :evil2:

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I think thats one reason it's fun for those who do it, both from the "risk" envolved, and from the reaction of onlookers, by my understanding live steel goes extroardinarily slow, but, since swordplay as most people know it is pretty slow, unless you've done swordfighting at full speed with nonlethal blades(like SCA) then you wouldn't know the difference...

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I must admit they're pretty sweet, although I don't think my allowance or my summer job is going to run to one. :p Knowing the postal service around here, the postman would probably try to ram it through the letterbox anyway. It made my skin crawl when he did that with my brand new Dark Forces graphic novel. :eek:


Designed to impress, the Echelon™ belt will make the most out of any gedi garb / saber combination.

Gedi?? :D LOL!

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