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Jedi Outcast insulted

Toa Tahu

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Everyone hates piracy.But here in Malaysia,who'd pay RM141(do your maths!1U.S.$=RM3.81) for something they could get for only about RM8?Even I like them,it's only that I can not get anymore games(I only have 2 full games,the rest are demos).But now,it's changed.I HATE them,but not for piracy.I HATE them because they insulted JK2.How,you'd say.I'll tell,don't worry,they insult the graphics of JK2.A friend of mine,whom I asked to play JK2,told me that JK2 sucks and all that because of the tainted graphics.Friends of mine playing JK2 pirated have been complaining.Thanks to those fools!Now JK2 won't be recieving the attention it deserves,here at the eastern side of the world.

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This is just my take on the matter so I can very well be wrong.


Because of Sept 11 some people would associate muslims with being fanatical terrorists and other bad stuff. This can be true as some close minded people believe this.


He/She could just be trying to make sure any close minded people who happen to read it don't get pissed off for no reason.

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Originally posted by obijonkenobi

This is just my take on the matter so I can very well be wrong.


Because of Sept 11 some people would associate muslims with being fanatical terrorists and other bad stuff. This can be true as some close minded people believe this.


He/She could just be trying to make sure any close minded people who happen to read it don't get pissed off for no reason.


You shouldn't have to explain for him

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Lets not start any type of flaming about 9/11 or muslims. Racism was brought up yesterday and we agreed that it was stupid and had no place on this forum. As for 9/11... don't believe what you hear. The truth about the 9/11 incident is very different to what the media tells you.

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Lay Low...till the whole thing's Blow!!!


The World Sucks.....we're only low-buget Actors on it, which cant change the things yet, or at the moment.


The little bunch of Muggers and Creepers, and Suckers out there , a really litlle bunch, cant cause such fear amongst all of us, to let us forget living!!!


We know what we know!


their stupidity, and stubborn minds, will fail them one day....but till the whole things gotta blow, we must take care of ´our friends--....l

...lets Play JKO and stay close as possible...lets stay friends!!!


See you on the Server...while cutting your hair with my Saber..LOL!!!!!



Peace...for all!!!




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Dang pirates...




First of all, it hurts the people who make the game. :(


Then, it hurts the gamer who buys it with the money he's earned. I payed roughly $100 Australian for my copy (I bought it when I smelled the exhaust fumes of the Jedi Outcast delivery truck) and it cheeses me off to know that there are people who've got it for either considerably less, or for nothing.


And then there are the pirates, who - because they potentially have an inferior product - criticise the game and the companies get more bad feedback, and are hesitant to make mods, expansions packs, etc... which comes back to bite everybody in the butt.




I will say this. I bought Jedi Outcast legit, and I think it ****ING ROCKS!




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yeah, another "issue" is when people have absolutely craptacular hardware they are trying to run it on, that is at, or below the required system specs,


I mean... well no crap it's gonna look bad if your running it at rock bottom settings!! it wasn't meant to be run like that! with good hardware to boost the settings with, it looks awsome.


<insert all appropriate game piracy hating here>

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Lets not start any type of flaming about 9/11 or muslims. Racism was brought up yesterday and we agreed that it was stupid and had no place on this forum. As for 9/11... don't believe what you hear. The truth about the 9/11 incident is very different to what the media tells you.


What, did you watch some T.V. Special and believe them instead?


Sigh. It's the 'was the moon video fake' all over again....:(

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This is just my take on the matter so I can very well be wrong.

Because of Sept 11 some people would associate muslims with being fanatical terrorists and

other bad stuff. This can be true as some close minded people believe this.

He/She could just be trying to make sure any close minded people who happen to read it

don't get pissed off for no reason.

Exactly.Thank you.



Realistically, I think he/she has already made himself sound closed minded just by making

that statement.

No offence,but what's close minded and why am I such?


Anyway,piracy has really spoilt the game here.

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Eternity, what I think was been insinuated here is that the issues raised by mainstream journalism are not necessarily those that are the root cause of Sept 11. There was no mention of believing the other side, don't go jumping to conclusions.....


There are many issues at play, and 75-80 % of them aren't even been presented by the media, they are chosing to show what they want to show, or probably in the US, what they are told to show.


Hate to tell you that the current trouble in Israel is due to the US continuing to bomb Afghanistan, but lets not get into the issues of Sept 11 and all that it has spawned.


For interests sake, I have a Tom Clancy book called Executive Orders that uses the idea of a plane into the US Capitol, until then it was only FICTION......

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I am no muslim, rest assured



I really found when you said offensive. I am not muslim, but I have some friends who are and one of them was standing next to my computer when we read that message. He found what you said offensive, it was rude, racist, and very inconsiderate. Did you even think that there might be muslims on this forum?... Please watch what you type next time

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Calling someone closed-minded neither helps your cause nor hurts theirs. Frankly, it's annoying. I don't care if you think I'm closed-minded. It's amazing though. If I believe certain things or lifestyles are wrong, I'm evil and closed minded! So you know what? Okay, I'm evil and closed-minded.


And another thing, why are you people scolding this guy after he already explained the "Muslim" thing? Honestly, ya'll need to step off your high horses.

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1 - Discussion about terrorist actions have no place on this forum.


2 - Discussion about piracy never leads to anything. You think that if you say "Pirates are wankers! Pirates are assholes! Pirates are *****es!", they will see it on the forums and think "Oh my god this guy just said I was an asshole! I'll go destroy all my burned CDs and become a legit-only player!" I vouch for pirates in this because you see none posting "LEgit gamers are assholes I got the game for free haha you suck *****!", but you see many flames the other way around by holier-than-thou anti-piracy fanatics.

Dear god.


Please, somebody close this thread.

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Hey dude.

September 11 was a result of the current escalading situation in Palestain. I’m not saying that what happened at this sept. 11 was not as big as they media incorporated it, since I lie in NYC myself and the months after the attack where just .:confused: Probably the worst thing about this day of darkness is that normal ppl died. ppl that u see everyday when u go to school or work. Bush bombing Afghanistan and declaring a war against terrorism was the cause of the current situation in Palestine. Not saying that bush’s decision was at that time wrong, I mean if we waited longer for a counter-attack we would have given the green light to other terrorist all around the world. But calling it a global war against terrorism is just what Israel was waiting for years. Israel’s politicians are really ****ing smart and realized that with the declaration that America made they could do almost everything. So after a while of small attacks at Palestinians and counter attacks the situation escaladed to what it is now.



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Whoa, BOY did this thread go a different path than the initiator probably expected (and all because of 5 words).


As for my saying that the statement made him sound closed minded, I stand by it, it did (at least to me). However, what I did NOT say was that he was any sort of racist or bigot. All I was saying is that the way the statement was phrased may have caused offence to people. Odds are that this wasn't intentional.


In any case, I agree that this thread should also either be closed or moved, as the topic has now gone on to politics, and everyone seems to be getting more agitated by the post.


And as for Toa Tahu's ORIGINALLY intended point (I think), yes piracy sucks

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First, I wouldn't admit to wanting to grip a hairy dude's ass on a public forum, that's just nasty.


Second, give the guy some slack, he clearly stated that he is malaysian and perhaps what he was implying did not come across well in english.


There was this poor guy over at Heretic II from Thailand I believe that used to get **** on constantly because what he meant and what he said often didn't match very well.

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Originally posted by rionikuanjiru

2 - Discussion about piracy never leads to anything. You think that if you say "Pirates are wankers! Pirates are assholes! Pirates are *****es!", they will see it on the forums and think "Oh my god this guy just said I was an asshole! I'll go destroy all my burned CDs and become a legit-only player!" I vouch for pirates in this because you see none posting "LEgit gamers are assholes I got the game for free haha you suck *****!", but you see many flames the other way around by holier-than-thou anti-piracy fanatics.

Dear god.


Please, somebody close this thread.


You are kidding right? Please say you are kidding. It's not about being holier-then-thou, it's about laws and ownership. If you support the pirates, you are supporting higher game prices for all. You actually want to pay more for games so other people can get them for free? Did you hit your head recently? The reason people flame them is because they cause us to endure higher prices (which I don't wanna pay), problematic protection schemes (damn, I gotta have the CD in to play this game?) and having to listen to stupid questions by people who have no manual asking stupid questions ('What is this saber stance stuff I keep hearing about?') If someone ripped off a liquor store, perhaps you think we should support them? 'Cuz those nasty police people are chasing them and trying to put them in jail. You don't see the them trying to put the police in jail..do you..hungh?' Sorry but...


"IQ check please...Doctor, we need an IQ check over here. I don't think this drone is meeting the minmum requirements."


- Vorax

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