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Tactics to defeat Admiral Galak


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Any good advice to defeat that man with his shielded power-armor?


I saw that throwing at him several rockets deactivate the shield but just for few seconds, in this time can I do cumulative damage?


I also suppose I have to destroy that little red thing above his head but there's very little time to do that.

Furthermore, lightsaber throw is effective against him?


Any hints appreciated,


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If you have the demp then use that cause it takes his shield down rather quick. So do explosives, I think.

After that, you indeed need to attack the red 'thingie' on his head to make sure his shield doesn't come back up. Run behind him and slash at it. After that, just kill the bastard.

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i beat him by standing sill with light stance, he only fires the primary repeater, and in bursts


burst swing burst swing burst swing etc


then when his shield goes out run around him with heavy stance, preferably using the left-right or right-left (strafe slashes) with the occasional diagonal slash if the oppurtunity presents


Bake at 350 for 30minutes, serves 12

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Originally posted by Jedi-Bert



i beat him by standing sill with light stance, he only fires the primary repeater, and in bursts


burst swing burst swing burst swing etc


then when his shield goes out run around him with heavy stance, preferably using the left-right or right-left (strafe slashes) with the occasional diagonal slash if the oppurtunity presents


Bake at 350 for 30minutes, serves 12


Stand your ground my ass. That's called suicide. I hid behind the round pillars like a little bitch, and used secondary repeater fire on him to remove his shields [rockets and secondary Golan Arms FC-1 also works on him as do thermal detonators but those two guns seem to work better in my experience].


Once his shield is down everything except primary repeater fire works so lay down the law on his ASAP because the shield will come back up [hint save secondard repeated and Golan fire for the shields]. I ended up killin ghim with a imperial blaster, I had run everything else out of ammo, but it did do the job, so....... That was on Jedi diff, I fear him on Jedi master.

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I beat him on my first try but it was one of the longest boss fights i've ever had in a game. (One important tip - if you don't circle strafe you will get hit.)


Honestly, guns just didn't help me that much when i was trying to beat him. But i was pretty low on ammo anyway at the beginning of the fight, so after i exhausted my rockets and repeater ammo, i knew i'd have to figure out a way to beat him with the saber.


Here is how you can beat him easy with the saber -


1- always have your saber out at all times. You will automatically reflect the repeater fire and you can dodge the repeater alt-fire easily by circle-strafing.


2- Use force speed, quickly run behind, and slash up his ass. This should take down his shields quickly. Now by this time your force speed might have worn out, so let it recharge for just a second, then use it again, get behind him and slash him with his shields down. You will be going too fast and he will be moving too slow for him to do anything.


3- repeat step 2 as many times as nessecary :) .



I only had to do step 2 about 3 times before he went down. Good luck :) .

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I beat him by circle strafing around the pillars in the room while pummeling his shields with the flechette secondary fire. Once they went down, I used force speed, and used the primary fire of the repeater to take down the antenna in the back of his suit. Very simple to do, even on the hardest difficulty.


And this is going to SP Strategy Center.

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That is pathetic. If you were a true jedi, then you could defeat him with saber only. I circled around the center thing where the shield generator was. I then would run up and attack with light stance. When his shield dropped, i would attack with either heavy or medium stance. Keep repeating this process. And by running aroun the circle thing, keeping it between him and you, he can't hit you and you can use force heal.

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Originally posted by Jedi-Bert

he dosent shoot anything but primary repeter if you let him approach you because the AI dosent like hurting itself


please tell me you're:

a) playing on padawan

b) talking about a different game


first, that would be the one and only ai smart enough not to shoot something that could come back at him.

second, the moment your in range he'll swing his arm and knock you across the room.

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Force speed is once again your best friend in this fight. Keep the central pillar between you and him and he will spend most of his time trying to get a clear shot at you. Use Force Speed to lob a few rockets at him until his shield malfunctions. Then, the unkindest cut of all - throw your saber through the box on his back. The saber will go through any part of him, so you can aim from the front to save time. Getting the aim right can be annoying since the saber doesn't go through the crosshair (slightly above), but even if you miss on the outstroke, you should be able to guide the return. Then, take cover for a moment. After he fires his gatling beam gun, use Speed to slash him about three times in the back with Strong style. Now that your speed is almost through, take cover again, and by the time he fires the beam gun again, you'll have regenerated your Force energy, so there's no timing problems. Keep repeating until he's dead.

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