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Easter eggs?


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I tried using the search option but the administrator as disabled it. So I am now needing to ask the question again so please dont say to search the forums as I am unable to.


Now my question is: Is there any easter eggs that people know of. If so then what are they and how do you get to them?


I remember my favourite JK1 easter egg being the 3d Max with the pistol that was inside that locked house. I lured him out into the near by square/villa thing and he shot up all the bad guys for me hehehe (he shot at me and chased me there)

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This is entirely from memory so I could be wrong in places.


The level starts you off at the side of a circular pool of water. You then walk out to a man-made river/channel and follow it undercover. Soon apon leaving the channel if your quick enough you can enter this house as a woman leaves. Inside is Max the rabbit (the guy in my avatar). I think the woman eventually comes back if your too late to get in the first time. Max is in there and if you shoot him enough he will start shooting back.

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Jedi Outcast wasn't strictly speaking a LucasArts game anyway. It was developed by Raven, LucasArts just own the franchise and control the distribution.


As to Sam 'n' Max, I think the characters were the work of an artist that did them as comics who also happened to work at LucasArts (Steve Purcell?) and they were liked so much they kept giving them little cameos in their games, eventually going on to give them their one. They were appearing in LucasArts games long before their own (for instance, they're in the 'Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade' graphic adventure as a totem pole in Indy's office). 3D Max in Jedi Knight was great though. The method to get him above is correct, but not only does he shoot back he's indestrucitable and can go on a wild killing spree.

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I hope there are some easter eggs in the game. I haven't found any yet, and believe me, I've been looking. If there aren't any it must say that sitting behind a computer screen 40+ hours a week force drains your sense of humor, Raven. If it's offical that there are no eggs, the Raven, you are dried up shrews. (But still make good games.)

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