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swrpg: player characters (pc's)

Wraith 5

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Name: Zel Nihok

Class: Scoundral

Species: human

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Height: 1.6 M

Character Level: 1

Class Level: 1

Eyes: One Green, One Blue

Hair: Dirty Blonde

Skin: Butt White


Strength: 13

Dexterity: 13

Constitution: 14

Intelligence: 14

Wisdom: 11

Charisma: 18


Vitality: 8

Wounds: 14

Defense: 15


Speed: 10 m

Initiative: +1

Rep: 1

Force Points: 1

fort: +2

Ref: +3

will: +0

melee attack: +1

ranged attack: +1



Computer Use 7

Hide 5

Escape Artist 5

Pilot 5

Gather Info 5

Demolitions 6

Repair 5

Spot 3

Tumble 3

Forgery 6





Weapon Pro. (blaster pistol)

Weapon Pro. (simple weapons)



Language: Huttese, Basic, Shyriiwook



Blaster Pistol

Damage: 3d6


Range Inc.: 10 meters

Weight:1 kg

Stun Damage/Fort DC: 1d6/15


Type Energy

Group:Blaster Pistol

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That is why someone i don't know is posting in the gameing thread without asking me first.....


Did anyone tell him that i have told about 4 other people that i am not letting anyone else into this game????


But would love to have them in the next one???

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Originally posted by Wraith 5



That is why someone i don't know is posting in the gameing thread without asking me first.....


Did anyone tell him that i have told about 4 other people that i am not letting anyone else into this game????


But would love to have them in the next one???

The Character I posted is for Clefo.

Wriath when you are able to get on AIM, we need to talk.

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Originally posted by Wraith 5

Hey kvan have you and scipio ( i think there is someone else with the name hannibal) finsh his pc yet???


And if not do you know what his repair mod will be

Nope, not yet..I was just going to ask him if he wanted to do his character but he just left AIM :(
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I'm posting my completed stats here.

Name: Vulcanis

Class: Fringer

Species: Adult Male Sakiyan

Age: Adult

Height:1.6 Meters

Weight: 190

Character Level:1

Class Level:1

Hair: N/A

Eyes: Green

Skin: Black


Str 13

Dex 15

Con 15

Int 17

Wis 16

Cha 10


Initi. +2 Defense 15 Spd 10m; VP/WP 10/15; Atk +1 melee (1d3+1, punch), +2 or -2/-2 ranged (3d6, Blaster [Pistol]); SQ Darkvision; SV Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +3; SZ M; FP: 5; Rep: +1;


Equipment: Blaster [Pistol], Tool kit (+2 on appropriate Craft checks.)


Skills: Climb +2

Computer Use +7

Diplomacy +1

Handle Animal +1

Hide +4

Knowledge (TF Tactics) +6

Listen +6

Move Silently +3

Pilot +5

Profession (Droid Repair) +4

Read/Write Sakiyan

Repair +9

Ride +4

Search +5

Spot +6

Survival +6





Weapons Group Proficiency (blaster pistols, simple weapons)


Languages: Speak Aqualish, Speak Basic, Speak Huttese, Speak Sakiyan, Speak Shyriiwook


Here is his Pet Snake;

Name: Puhr

Species: Golden Tail Spineback Snake

Scavenger level 2

Init. +6

Defense 14

Vitality: 4

Wound: 5

Attack +3 Melee(1d6+2 Bite) or (1d6+3; Spine Needles)

SQ: +2 to listen Checks and +2 to Survial checks in Forest Envi.

Fort +3

Ref +2

will -2

Size: tiny

Rep: 0

Str: 5

Dex: 15

Con: 10

Int: 2

Wis: 7

Cha: 1

Skills: Hide +7, Move Silently +5

Feat: Improved Init.


*The Spineback Snake has needles that it can retract from its back. Much like a Porchupine.

If a needle is broken off it will grow back.

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Guest Tie Guy

Hmm, a pet snake eh?


Anyways, you've ogt huge repair and computer use skills, that will really come in handy.


Oh, and you can probably pilot one of those starfighters with your +5 to piloting.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest DaRk_EwoK

I have a question


is there an ewok class-Specie in this RPG????

i would love to be one:ewok: :ewok:


btw: they are dangerous when armed with a wood stick and some stones ;)

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Sure...Just pm Wraith 5 and he will find one don't worry...

They found me a Jawa...you can even have them make you an RPG species...they don't mind...but to get in the next game you might want to head on over to the new game thread that has the heading (TIE Defender, etc.) They are rounding up players for the next game that will start shortly...

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